The After Club Penguin Island? - Analysis #2

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

I know that in this blog we talked about CPRewritten but the truth since the news of the closure of Club Penguin Island happened I wanted to post about this game and things about this shocking news.

Well, in this second post of Club Penguin Island i want to give my analysis about what will happen after the game closes (if that happens). First of all i share the reactions that the founders of this great game publised on twitter. Let's take a look:

Puffle hats will never be added??

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which then I bring you a little news about future updates on the island. But this time we talked about what will not happen or at least not yet planned.

Surely you will know the hats for puffles in club penguin. They were a very fun option that gave that special detail to our pets and there were large amounts of hats to choose from. Dressing our puffles was epic.

Reviewed By You #16: Fair Games

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring you a new update on the official blog of CPRewritten!

The subject is about ....

The section in which you can share your opinion on a specific topic and win 5000 coins if you are selected as a Featured answer for the next episode.

About October: Mascots, Parties and more things

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which he informed them that today the Club Penguin Rewritten team made a Livestream in which they revealed important information about what is coming in the future. (Thanks to Torres126 for the information)

Let's take a look:

1) About Rockhopper

It has been confirmed that only Rockhopper will be the character of this party and will have a new background available.

New Pin - Milkshake

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

And today I inform you that the new pin has come out on the island together with the "The Fair 2018!

Let's take a look!:

This pin of course has the theme of one of the most delicious and preferred drinks by us. Let's see the data:

The Fair 2018 - Maximum Guide

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring you everything you should know about this year's fair. The party is practically the same as last year except that with some new details.

Remember that the progress of your tickets is saved automatically. So you can accumulate tickets when you want every day and so do not complicate much.

"Logo of the Party"

The Fair 2018 - Sneak Peeks

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which then I only come to bring you a few advances that gave some members of the team for the 2018 fair that unfortunately was delayed and may be available today or tomorrow. As you have known for a long time that we are conditioned to these constant delays, but to compensate for our wait the team always gives us one or another advance to calm our cravings. Well, they do a lot of work for us. In short, the spoilers are the following:

First Image: Joee he gave us this image of the prize booth. However, there is probably exclusive and personalized content so at this fair we will have prizes that we have never seen before.

Club Penguin Island is Shutting Down?? - Analysis

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring you something unrelated to Club Penguin Rewritten, but I think many of you will care. And it is that today on the Club Penguin Island blog it was reported that the sad news that Club Penguin Island closed later this year ... (The exact date is unknown)

This in the first place is a shocking news for millions of people who surely had many memories and happiness in this game that marked our childhood. The truth is that I do not believe it ... but apparently everything points out that it is true because of the following facts....

New Newspaper - Issue #73

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring you the new newspaper that arrived today on the island.

Among the things highlighted in this newspaper we have:

1) The fair start tomorrow!
2) The new pin will arrive tomorrow!
3) On October 4 a New Penguin Style Catalog, postcards and a new play will arrive which is "Night of the Living Sled"

Devcast - Ask Questions #1 / Analysis: Cart Jitsu Fire, Revamps, Stamps, Improvements and more things (Mega Post)

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which as you know the first podcast or devcast as you want to call it was done yesterday. The truth is that too many things were revealed to take into account so I will try to summarize it as much as possible. That podcast if it was long, hard more than two hours. So to summarize, we have these topics:

Podcast this weekend - Information and data

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which as you know a few days ago that the CPRewritten team announced a great idea to make a Podcast to give the opportunity to the community that participates and thus interact with it.

The summary information of the program is the following:

Ask us questions about CP Rewritten, see behind the scenes, earn some rewards for joining in, and more. - Stu

Better Igloos Catalog Cheats - September 2018 / Igloo Upgrades Catalog

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring you two updates that arrived yesterday at the island.

Let's take a look:

1) New Better Igloos Catalog

"Cover Page" 

Reviewed By You #15: A Fair Surprise

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring you a new update on the official blog of CPRewritten!

The subject is about ....

The section in which you can share your opinion on a specific topic and win 5000 coins if you are selected as a Featured answer for the next episode.

New Newspaper - Issue #72

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring you the new newspaper that arrived today on the island.

Among the things highlighted in this newspaper we have:

1) The fair has been confirmed for this month and will start on September 27.
2) The catalogs of: Better Igloos and Igloo Upgrades arrive today or tomorrow to the island.
3) New postcards arrive today or tomorrow to the island.

Let's take a look:

(Click on the images to see them bigger and thus be able to read the text that is in them)

Hydro Hopper Stamps available in the future ??

!Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
!In a new post today!

In which I bring a little news that came to the island, and is that Joee responded to a comment about the "Hydro Hopper". Hydro Hopper is a traditional game that is on the dock, and is practically the first minigame in the history of club penguin since it was from the existence of Rockeitsnail games.

The game used to be called "Ballistic Biscuit" before the existence of Club Penguin.

Penguin Style Catalog Cheats - September 2018

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring all the tricks of the new catalog of "Penguin Style" this month.

Let's take a look:

"Cover Page"

New Pin - 101 Days of Fun + New Work: The Twelfth Fish

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which he informed them that several updates have arrived to the island a short time ago. In this post I bring you two of them.

Le'ts take a look:

1) New Pin

The new pin has arrived, and is in honor of 101 days of summer fun that are about to end. Let's look at the data...

Penguin Style Catalog Sneak Peek - September 2018

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

As you know, the Penguin Style Catalog this month was delayed (It should have been available 2 days ago) since there are delays in several updates lately. However, the CPRewritten team plans to return to its normal work schedule so as not to delay the new content.

The important thing about this is that today may come the new catalog, and that the administrator himself Joee published a preview of an item in this new updated.

You have to take a look:

"Image of the item"
What will it be ?, a new hair style ?, a personalized garment? that is what we do not know for now, however this secret leaves us with more desire to see the new catalog on the island.

Reviewed By You #14: 101 Days of Summer

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring you a new update on the official blog of CPRewritten!

The subject is about ....

The section in which you can share your opinion on a specific topic and win 5000 coins if you are selected as a Featured answer for the next episode!

Tutorials (Episode 3) - How to earn coins quickly | Top 5 ways

!Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
!In a new post today!

In which I bring to the blog a new episode of  "Tutorials" after so much time.

This time it clarifies a normal doubt in the community and is how to earn coins for your account quickly. Well many of you may wonder what is the best way. So I will give you the best five ways to earn money quickly in the game.

Let's start:

1st way: Drilling in the mine

This is undoubtedly the best way to earn coins preferred by most. You just have to go to the "Cave Mine" and start drilling in the middle area of this cave to earn a lot of money quickly. You must always change the zone in which you drill every 10 seconds or when you stop earning coins. You gain approximately between 400 - 600 coins per minute depending on your speed.
Also you do not have to make much effort, you just have to have your mining helmet and ready.

2nd way: Cart Surfer

The Cart Surfer is one of the easiest and most basic games on the island. You can also earn coins easily in this game. That depends on how good you are in the mine.
I recommend you first try to win all the stamps of the game because if you do this you will double the coins you earn per game. Click here for the guide of the stamps of Cart Surfer. 

Anyway, if you do not have all of them you can still earn 200 - 400 coins per minute. If you have all the stamps and you are very good at the game you could win between 600 - 800 coins per minute.
You could also try the Hardcore mode to try to reach the leaderboard top 1 and win lots of coins. That to your decision.

3rd way: Agua Grabber - Soda Seas Level

It's a weird method you'll say. But the truth is that this is one of the games that can make us win a few coins easily. You just have to always play the level of the sweet sea and collect the 5 barrels that are in the level, leave the level and re-enter it to go back to collect 5 barrels and so on. Well, you earn about 250 coins per game with this method.

Also if you have all the stamps of this game. You win about 1000 coins for every two games in which you perform the method correctly!
If you do not have them all then I hope this helps you. Click here

4th way: Sweet Pizzatron 3000 

Pizzatron 3000 is perhaps one of the most fun games you can see on the island. Well you can also win many coins in the game. Just go to sweet mode (tap the lever on the Pizzatron 300 start screen) and then make 10 pizzas per game.
You will win at least 165 coins for each game.

That's a total of 1300 coins for every 10 games. Also if you have all the winning stamps at least 260 coins per game (More coins if you do not have errors) which would be a gain of 165/260 coins for every 3 minutes.
It is a profitable and good method if you think about it.

5th way: Astro Barrier 

The Astro Barrier is one of the most basic and retro video games on the island. Did you know that for every 10 levels you complete you earn 79 coins ?. The best way to do this is to play the first 10 levels, get out of the game and play another game again. So you will get at least 79 coins for every 2/3 minutes which indicates that you earn 4740 coins per hour. It's not the best way, that's why it's last in this top.

However if you already have all the stamps of the game you will win 158 coins for every 2 minutes, and that would be a total of 9480 coins per hour depending on how fast you are.If you do not have them all then I hope this helps you. Click here

Extra way: Book Codes

This is a quick way to earn coins that only applies to those who have not yet unlocked books. Well, there are currently 7 books that can be unlocked. That would be about 7,000 coins for your account quickly. To unlock the books, click here

I hope all these forms help you get many coins in the game. I really enjoy doing this post, and of course if you have doubts or your own methods to earn coins easily and quickly do not hesitate to comment on the publication.

!Comment, Share and Enjoy!

!See you in the next post!


Featured Fashions #2

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring you a new update on the official blog of CPRewritten!

This is the second edition of the section called "Featured Fashions"!

Featured Fashions is A series of the blog in which they publish three penguins at random with the best and most crazy looks on the island, so you better go around with a great combination of clothes if a mod decides to put you on the blog. Try your luck...
Also if you are one of the selected you will win about 5000 coins!

The three penguins chosen this time were:

1) MysteryCoco: "Showing his dragon form with a top hat and some very Rookie-like sunglasses, I love the look overall and I’m enjoying the top tier clothing to go with it!" - Stu


2) Onadon: Who is showing that you need a map for every occasion with a pirate themed outfit in September, what’s a little September action without a few pirates lying around from our past Adventure Party, right? I’m loving the look, it’s a fine look indeed matey! - Stu


3) Reminmo I’m sure we can all agree that this is the most relatable outfit there is. I’m enjoying the relax vibe you have going on, and just looking at your wardrobe currently is making me sleepy in comfort, it’s perfect for the colder weather coming up, and I love that it fits in with the team you’ve chosen! - Stu


Remember that if you are one of the chosen ones next week then you will win 5000 coins and of course your mention in the official blog of CPRewritten!

To have more chances to be chosen you must wear a good flashy outfit and go around the island, so everyone will notice you!

To see the post on the cprewritten blog click  here

!Comment, Share and Enjoy!

!See you in the next post!


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