TOP 5: Best Parties in the History of Club Penguin

Parties were island-wide events that happened every month or so on Club Penguin. Every party celebrated something different with a specific theme, i.e. pirates, sports, etc., or even a celebration of a holiday. During parties, a large portion of the island was usually decorated, rooms had special party music, and free items and special quests were common. Mascots could also be met during some of the parties, and parties occasionally had special stamps for completing activities during them. Emoticons Soup Card Jitsu Party 2013

In Club Penguin's first few years, parties usually lasted 3 to 10 days. This gave players enough time to experience the party, and also gave them a relax time in normal Club Penguin while they waited for the next party. Beginning in 2011, some parties would last as long as 14 to 20 days, giving less down time between each party. Eventually, by 2016, each party would last over a month, and as soon as one ended, the next would begin. Starwars 2013 Emote Rebel Alliance
Parties were replaced with Events on Club Penguin Island. Oberry

In this TOP you will see the 5 best parties in the history of Club Penguin. Prehistoric 2014 Emoticons Clock

Let's take a look:

1) Operation Blackout 2012 (November 14 - December 6)

Who will not remember this party. A truly original and compelling central story, Herbert making the smartest and most evil plan of his life that ultimately turned out. New missions every day and an EPF that had been destroyed, the agents kidnapped and frozen and an island that became completely dark and over time was flooded with snow and more snow because of Herbert's ravages with his machine. Club Penguin was now Club Herbert. A video came out with Herbert dancing the Gangnam Style and the catalogs now all had his polar bear face. Who thinks of stealing the energy from the sun?, because this polar bear did it. But nevertheless in the end we stopped him and we were able to save the island, in addition to seeing some great cinematics and discovering the true identity of the director. A party full of decorated rooms, adventures and an excellent plot. Operation Puffle Emoticons EPF

That without mentioning that it was the party that brought more users. 1.8 million penguins were connected at once! That's Crazy! Operation Puffle Emoticons Paw

Resultado de imagen para operation blackout club penguin

2) Card Jitsu Party's (2011 and 2013)

The mystery of the ninjas some time ago had come true. The Card Jitsu Water, Fire and Normal had come out. But there was still a party to unite the three of them. Emoticons Teapot Card Jitsu Party 2013

That was when the Card-Jitsu Festival 2011 first emerged. A lot of decorated rooms, the island half fire, half water, the non-members had the opportunity to play all the Card - Jitsu for the first time, the ninja hideout was fully of penguins, Fire and water ninjas could control the weather if they joined. Sensei visited the island and without a doubt it was a of the most innovative parties created by the game. Curiously, it was the first party I was at when I created my account in 2011. Very curious. Emoticons Chopsticks Card Jitsu Party 2013

In that year there were rumors that the snow element was going to appear. But it was not until 2013. When the second Card Jitsu Party came out in the middle of the game's fall, Card Jitsu Snow took the game for the first time with great mechanics, for me one of the best games, also the ninja way this time was longer and there were much more items to win, not to mention that after being a snow ninja you had to face the great Tusk. The worst penguin enemy that may have been reincarnated as a master ninja. In addition to a sad story before the events with Sensei as the main protagonist. These two certainly deserve second place. Two great parties, at different times of the game. Frozen 2014 Emoticons Flake

Resultado de imagen para card jitsu party 2011 club penguin
Resultado de imagen para card jitsu party 2013 club penguin
Resultado de imagen para card jitsu party 2013 club penguin

3) Halloween Party 2012 (October 18 - November 1)

Halloween, a party that was repeated every year with the same plot or as the main objective of simply dressing up, visiting haunted mansions, ordering and looking for sweets, visiting the igloos. It was a lot of fun and like all traditions it was incredible. But in 2012 Club Penguin at its Halloween party added many things that radically changed this event. Halloween 2013 Emoticons Pumpkin

The appearance of a very interesting plot. Gary discovered that his lost great-uncle Garywald VIII's mansion had appeared in the woods. And of course he took us there. We hunt ghosts, we transform into ghosts (First time transformations emerged on Halloween), we visit a wide variety of rooms during the party. It was certainly an innovative party with an original plot that in the end is a mystery solved. One of the best parties I could live at Club Penguin. Halloween Party 2013 Bat emoticon

Resultado de imagen para HALLOWEEN PARTY 2012 club penguin

4) Puffle Party's 2012 and 2013

In 2012 the puffle party innovated with its transformations. To be able to become our own pets without a doubt was something incredible and surprising. Club Penguin was now Club Puffle. A lot of decorated rooms were present, for the first time we saw PH. Although there was no new puffle it was certainly impressive. Pizza Emoticon 2014 

Then a year later the one from 2013 arrived. The Rainbow Puffle that we so desired appeared for the first time in addition to the hotel for puffles and in terms of variety of rooms it was almost the same as the one in 2012 except for different aspects. Here is a tie, although 2012 was better because of how innovative it was in its time. Emoticons Rainbow Puffle

Resultado de imagen para club penguin puffle party 2012
Resultado de imagen para club penguin puffle party 2013

5) Medieval Party 2012 (May 17 - May 30)

For me the best medieval party in the history of the game. The island was put in medieval times as every time in this party. Except that this year the team included a bonus of what was being seen. The battle against Scorn. A huge black dragon that ruled the sky. Without a doubt, one of the community's most loved enemies. If Herbert's hydras seemed great to you then this great dragon even more. There were a lot of searches, a huge number of decorated rooms and a very good plot. Perhaps one of the largest festivals since it was a combination of several medieval festivals that ultimately resulted in a huge party. An experiment that was successful in the best year of Club Penguin. Of the parties that I enjoy the most. Clapper

Resultado de imagen para medieval party 2012 club penguin
Resultado de imagen para medieval party 2012 club penguin

However, this top is only my personal opinion. Since you probably have other parties in your top 5.Halloween Party 2015 Robot emoticon

I would like you to share them in a comment! Wilderness Expedition 2016 Hiding emoticon

To end here I leave you other parties that I really liked as a tribute that did not go in my top 5: 
  • April Fools Party 2012.
  • Marvel Superhero Takeover 2012.
  • Penguin Cup 2014.
  • Prehistoric Party 2013.
  • Music Jam 2012.
  • Christmas Party 2012. 
  • Hollywood Party 2013.
I hope and you enjoyed this top! Halloween Party 2016 Candy emoticon

¡Comment, Share and Enjoy! Finding Dory Party Music emoticon

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