Club Penguin: Famous Characters

1) Rockhopper

Rockhopper (commonly abbreviated as RH, or referred to by his title, Captain Rockhopper) is a friendly pirate who docks at irregular intervals at Club Penguin Island, usually with gifts or knowledge.

Pirate Party 2014 crabfight dialogue Rockhopper

His ship is only docked at the Beach during special Club Penguin parties or events. He keeps a journal of his adventures, and sells rare items brought over from Rockhopper Island and other places. When he comes to Club Penguin Island, he gives away a free item and sells other items to member penguins in the Rockhopper's Rare Items catalog. The catalog includes items such as Pirate Hats like the Puffle Bandana, telescopes, backgrounds, furniture, and other wares.

List of places explored by Rockhopper.
LocationDescriptionExploration timeImage
Rockhopper IslandRockhopper Island is Rockhopper's very own island. He travels there multiple times a year. The activities that take place here and the island's location are unknown.April 5, 2005
Rockhopper Island Red Puffle Treasure
Cookie IslandLittle is known about Cookie Island, though Rockhopper found magical cookies which he gave to penguins at the Holiday Party 2012.Sometime in 2012
Frozen LandLike Cookie Island, not much is known about the Frozen Land. Frost Bites are known to inhabit the tundra that covers the area.December 2012
Rockhopper and Frost Bites
Swashbuckler Trading PostSwashbuckler Trading Post is a famous port on Swashbuckler island, which penguins visited with Rockhopper during Rockhopper's Quest. Rockhopper also visited the port with a group of Pirate Crabs before the latter followed him to Club Penguin Island.February 2012
Rockhopper's Quest Swashbuckler Trading Post
Dinosaur IslandAn island located near Club Penguin Island, Dinosaur Island was home to herds of Dinosaurs and a legendary red gem which Rockhopper used later to build a beacon on Shipwreck island.February 2012
Rockhopper's Quest Dinosaur Island
Shipwreck IslandAn apparent mountainous region full of jagged rocks and surrounded by vicious and unrelenting seas, Shipwreck Island was explored by Rockhopper and a group of penguins during Rockhopper's Quest with the intent of planting the legendary red gem (see above) to use as a beacon to guide him and his ship away from the deadly island.February 2012
Rockhopper's Quest Shipwreck Island
Innocent IslandHome allegedly to the Innocent Gang, Innocent Island is a home to many variants of fruit and other tropical vegetation. Before Rockhopper came and took it, the totem of Big-Big Kahuna resided on the island along with its volcano.August 2012
Innocent Island
Polar Bear IslandWhile there is little documentation of the island, Rockhopper stated that it is full of grumpy Polar Bears.Unknown
Merry Walrus IslandMerry Walrus Island is an island located behind the Crystal Curtain where Merry Walrus and the Blue Crystal Puffles live.December 2014MerryWalrusIsland

2) Gary
Gary the Gadget Guy, also known as Gary or G, is Club Penguin's local inventor and the former owner of the Sports Shop. He always appears in a white lab coat and his special curved spectacles. He is known to enjoy eating Fish pizza with extra cheese and anchovies, and is almost always seen drinking coffee while in the HQ. He used to be somewhat shy and potentially claustrophobic.

Gary has gone through large amounts of character development and personality changes. Throughout his history, he has been smart and very helpful to most penguins on the island. When he appeared in Mission 2, he is depicted as a somewhat slick and suave scientist who owns the Sport Shop. In later PSA missions, he morphs into more of a leader and technical personality.

When he made his debut at the Medieval Party, he appears quiet and imaginative. He is very easily frightened as shown by his scripts during the Halloween Parties. He becomes more partner-like than superior towards the last secret missions, and in the EPF (although he issues orders and missions), he appears as more of a team member like Jet Pack Guy and Rookie.


He recently has been given an English background via his speaking mannerisms in the Club Penguin Times. His inventions have also changed recently, having more realistic names and less EPF related purposes. Gary's role in the EPF seems to be secondary to his role being a mascot, shown particularly during Halloween Party 2012. Gary also tells the player fewer tidbits of information. It is also to be noted that Gary never once made any indication of the existence of the EPF during the PSA Era. Gary's friendship with Aunt Arctic, largely noted in previous times, has not been mentioned since the deterioration of the PSA.

He has not directly spoken to another mascot outside of interviews since Rockhopper's Quest. He had seemed to act more unusual and nervous since the beginning of 2013. But as of the My Penguin Release Party, he said he's not very shy anymore, and as of the Medieval Party 2013, he's definitely back to his old self again.

3) Aunt Arctic
Aunt Arctic, also known by her EPF codename and title, The Director, is a famous news reporter and the editor in chief of the Club Penguin Times. In addition to the informative roles that come with being a news reporter, Aunt Arctic offers her services to the Elite Penguin Force to organize and plan operations so that they, with their efforts combined, can protect the island from threats like Herbert P. Bear.

Aunt Arctic Main Pose 2015

4) Sensei
Sensei, or The Sensei (formerly known as ?????? during the Dig Out The Dojo project to conceal his identity) is a Ninja that first appeared digging out the Dojo in November 2008, when it got hit and damaged by lightning, claiming to have returned from "a long journey" in the wilderness of Club Penguin. He used to be seen at the Dojo Courtyard, but now he can be found inside the Dojo, sitting on the cushion next to the variable-color pot, and also in the Fire Dojo and Water Dojo. He wears the color gray, which is currently not available to players. He trains penguins in the ancient art of Card-Jitsu.

Sensei is an old penguin, and a master of all elements. He has a White Beard, thick white eyebrows, traditional Japanese straw hat and a walking stick. Sensei refers new ninjas or students as 'grasshoppers.' He is a master of Card-Jitsu, and is also a teacher of it. He has a childhood best-friend named Tusk (a walrus), who is his bitter rival. Sensei uses a broken tusk from this rival as his walking stick.

Sensei CPT issue 480

Sensei is the greatest Card-Jitsu master. He is also very old. He mostly speaks in the poem art of haiku. Because of this, it can sometimes be hard to understand his ninja ways and his true personality. He is also very wise, and many penguins turn to him for wisdom. He seems to be very smart, and knows most of Club Penguin's history. This is because he was on the island before most penguins, and he journeyed in the wilderness for so long.

Sensei is the oldest penguin on the island, and the only grey penguin. He is one of two penguins to have natural facial hair, the other being Rockhopper. He wears a traditional conical hat and carries a stick. His 2013 redesign appearance consists of the addition of a robe and geta sandals. In some Card-Jitsu Snow artwork, he wears a special snow robe, as well as a special snow hat with drapes off the sides. At the Celebration of Fire and Celebration of Water, he wore his special fire and water robes, respectively.

5) Cadence
Cadence is a DJ, a singer, dancer, and popular musical artist in Club Penguin. She first appeared in the Club Penguin Times when there was a tour about the Night Club. Her favorite phrase is, "It's time to dance!". She likes to call herself the "Dance Machine". She also owns a purple puffle named Lolz, who was first meetable during the Puffle Party 2011.

Like other mascots, she waddles around Club Penguin Island giving out free backgrounds. She has also made the game Dance Contest during the Dance-A-Thon. She shows up in the game and asks what difficulty you want, you can click on her to get to expert mode.

Cadence had an original look from 2009-2012 which had green headphones, two wristbands, a yellow and light pink scarf, and white and black shoes. In her design from 2013 onward, she wears a black shirt with a purple outline, and her scarf and shoes have darker colors.


Cadence has helped plan, and has appeared at, multiple Music Jams. In February 2012, Cadence revealed her love for fashion and clothes, in which she introduced the Fashion Show party at the Clothes Shop. She organized the Make Your Mark: Ultimate Jam with her friends Rocky and CeCe in July 2012. In February 2013, she was the party organizer for the Hollywood Party, and helped in filming Penguin High 3. On August 2013, during the Teen Beach Movie Summer Jam, she came as a mascot during the party, along with Brady and McKenzie, and received a new background and shirt. In July 2014, she brought a Music Cruise to the island and invited Cole Plante, Zendaya, Sabrina Carpenter, and Violetta to join the party.

Cadence is known to be a bit of a girly girl. She seems to act like an average teenager. She is a hip and cool penguin, and she uses slang and acronyms. She is also very friendly and usually becomes friends with penguins pretty easily. She has an extreme fashion sense and loves clothes. It is also known that she is obsessed with music. Her favorite activities are singing and dancing.

6) Rookie
Rookie is the Public Relations officer and Comm leader for the EPF and an intern Secret Agent. He is a dark green penguin always wearing a red propeller cap, and a pair of red sunglasses. Added later to his appearance is his red Hawaiian shirt patterned with white flowers. He appears in Secret Missions #3, #7, #10, and #11, and also Club Penguin.

Rookie made his first appearance on March 26, 2007. His first appearance was in the mission "Case of the Missing Coins" when he is examining the vault. Like most people who are rookies in real-life activities, Rookie makes mistakes that more experienced agents wouldn't. He is also an EPF Agent and former PSA Agent. Rookie was officially released as a mascot on Club Penguin as of March 26, 2011; exactly four years after his debut.

Rookie Waving

He hosted the April Fools' Party 2012, to find out where Orange Puffles come from. This opened up 2 new dimensions, the Zany Dimension, and the Orange Dimension. He also hosted the Halloween Party 2013. He is the organizer of The Fair 2012, The Fair 2014, the School & Skate Party, and The Fair 2015.

Rookie first appears in the PSA Missions as more of a nervous first-day agent (hint to his name) who makes small (but usually quite costly) mistakes. He has quickly evolved into a silly character whose intelligence is lackluster but is an overall nice guy. He is one of the first characters you associate with beyond Gary who is a PSA agent. His role in the EPF has stepped back as he is now a mascot for parties such as April Fools' Parties and The Fair. For some reason, even though he has never been in any sort of leadership role, he is captured during Operation: Blackout by Herbert P. Bear, along with the other class leads for the EPF. This hints at him coming back to fulfill his role as a main character in the EPF. He is known for being very irresponsible and clumsy.

7) Puffle Handler
Puffle Handler (more commonly known as PH, or her real name, Paige) is one of the agents in Elite Penguin Force who teaches your penguin to use Elite Puffles abilities. She also teaches you to feed, care, and play with your puffle.

PH's color is brown, even though in Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force she was pink and peach. She only talks to you about puffles.

Puffle Handler11

Puffle Handler became a mascot at the Puffle Party 2012 and was on Club Penguin Island when Australia Day was happening on Club Penguin. She was also a mascot for the Puffle Party 2012, Puffle Party 2013, Quest for the Gold Puffle, Operation: Puffle, Puffle Party 2014, Puffle Party 2015, 10th Anniversary Party, and Puffle Party 2016. Players can earn a stamp for meeting her.

When we first meet Puffle Handler, she is an Australian penguin who trains puffles for the Elite Penguin Force. Later, she is seen as more of a puffle lover and expert rather than an EPF character. She also is somewhat more of an explorer now.

8) Franky
Franky is one of the members of the Penguin Band. He plays the acoustic guitar, keyboards, and the banjo. He is the author of the book Franky's First Show, which you can find on the Book Shelf in the Book Room. He is not an original member of the Penguin Band, he worked in the Pet Shop before joining the Penguin Band. He was invited to play for the band as revealed in the book, Franky's First Show.

Franky Music Jam 2016 interface

9) Petey K
Petey K is a member of the Penguin Band. He currently plays the guitar, but has also played the piano, triangle, kazoo, ukulele, and accordion. He is classically trained.

For a while, Petey K and the rest of the Club Penguin Band were not able to be seen wandering on Club Penguin as a meetable character, until Music Jam 2008 where he signed backgrounds at the Back Stage. He is normally found with 1 or 2 other band members during parties and events. During 2013 he was first found playing an Electric Blue Guitar in Club Penguin's second music video for their second song, Anchors Aweigh.

Petey K Music Jam 2016 interface

10) G Billy
G Billy is one of the founding members of the Penguin Band. He usually plays the drums, piano and, occasionally, the flute. He is normally found with 1 or 2 other band members during parties and events.

G Billy Music Jam 2016 interface

11) Stompin' Bob
Stompin' Bob is one of the members of the Club Penguin Band. He's a self-taught musician who constantly practices. He plays a red electric bass in the Penguin Band. He is normally found with 1 or 2 other band members during parties.

Stompin' Bob Music Jam 2016 interface

12) Herbert P Bear
Herbert Percival Bear, Esquire (in-game known as Herbert P. Bear, Darth Herbert during the Star Wars Takeover; or just Herbert) is a polar bear and the main antagonist of Club Penguin (since his first appearance in mission 5). He is also one of the few main characters who isn't a penguin.

Unlike real-life polar bears, Herbert hates cold weather, cannot swim and is a vegetarian. Since his first appearance, Herbert has been trying to take over the Club Penguin Island and turn it into a warm island paradise.

Herbert Pose

13) Dot
Dot, known to the EPF as Dot the Disguise Gal or Agent D, also known by the civilian cover name Dot the Design Gal, is an essential character in both Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force and Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force: Herbert's Revenge, being introduced in the latter. In both titles, she trained, assisted, and worked with the player in the Elite Penguin Force. She was the first EPF agent to be introduced who was not previously seen to be an agent of the Penguin Secret Agency.

Though she briefly appeared in PSA Mission 11: The Veggie Villain, her affiliation has always been with the Elite Penguin Force. After the Everyday Phoning Facility opened and the EPF took over the island's secret agency operations online, she has made rare online appearances (though never as a meetable mascot). Her past online appearances include Operation: Blackout (though she was absent for future operations) and select field-ops. Her current online appearances include her cameo in Veggie Villain, EPF Spy Phone messages, System Defender, the Yearbook 2011-2012, and select issues of the Club Penguin Times (both conducting interviews and answering questions in "Ask Dot"). Additionally, she appeared as a cactus in an episode of #WaddleOn.

Dot 2015 CP

In July 2015, she began appearing in a login popup, advertising the then-new Penguin Style catalog. On July 23, she was given player IDs within the game, making it possible to officially meet her in game.

Dot made her first in-game appearance at the Fashion Festival. She announced in an EPF message on August 6, 2015 that her new civilian cover would be "Dot The Design Gal".

14) Merry Walrus
Merry Walrus is a walrus and a mascot in Club Penguin whose appearance, position and personality is heavily influenced by the Santa Claus character.

Merry Walrus Party Login Screen Merry Walrus

15) Sam the Sasquatch
Sam the Sasquatch (formerly referred to in-game as ??????), is a sasquatch living in the wilderness of Club Penguin. Little is known about him, except that he has been on the island for a very long time and has always been friends with puffles, although has not shown himself to penguins until mid-2014.


He played a prominent role at the Puffle Party 2015, where he was hungry, and ate the cake in the Ski Lodge, that was supposed to be for celebrating the Lodge's renovation. Players followed him into The Wilds, where it was discovered that Sam was just hungry, as O'Berries are not filling enough.

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