All Parties and Events in Club Penguin Rewritten 2017

Here you will find all the parties and events that have been made throughout the history of CPRewritten! This section will be updated!

Other years:


1. Open Beta Test Party (Februaly 12 - Februaly 13)


The beta opening party was the first party in all CPRewritten, in which only 500 penguins attended and lasted less than a day. The only room that was decorated was the town of the island.

Event photo,

2. Dig Out the Dojo ( Februaly 12  - March 8)


 It was the first mini-event of CPR, took place in the yard of the dojo where we found a penguin called "????" Trying to unearth the same the dojo, which later in the newspaper was announced that is called "Sensei", from there we helped and we could celebrate the great opening!

Besides that, it has 2 phases:

First phase: All dojo except one part, was under the snow.

Second phase: It happened on February 18, where we can see that much of the dojo has been released from the snow that left the avalanche.

In addition to that, a free item was obtained which was the "Miners helmet"

3. Puffle Party 2017 (Februaly 13 - Februaly 23)


In this party we celebrated the presence of our beloved puffles visiting the different rooms that had games and attractions with them, the whole island was decorated except the Stadium, the dojo, the mine and the mountain.

In this party we celebrated the presence of our beloved puffles visiting the different rooms that had games and attractions with them, the whole island was decorated except the Stadium, the dojo, the mine and the mountain

This party honors the "Puffle Party 2010" that took place in club penguin, using all the rooms and music that were in it.

Decorated rooms.

Besides that you could get 2 free articles:

1. "Puffle Hat"

2. "Puffle Jacket"

4. 2,000 Players Celebration Event (Februaly 19)

It was the first event organized by the players that later became an official event. Here we had fun on the disc for over an hour celebrating the 2000 players in CPR, in addition to famous characters connected at random like Aunt Arctic, Cadence and Gary being connected at the same time

In this party there was no free article.

"Snow Fort" 

"Night Club"

5. Mountain Expedition (Februaly 26 - March 10)


We climbed the highest mountain of all CPR, completing challenges so that, at the end, at the top, finding our reward.

This party honors the mountain expedition that occurred at Club Penguin in August 2010 for those who could not be at that event.

Focused on the ski center. All the decorated rooms came from the route we took to reach the great mountain.

"Decorated rooms"

At this party you could get up to 6 free articles:

"Chilly Trek Hat" 

"Red Flag"

"Infrared Tracker"

"Expedition key pin" 

"AC 3000 Pin"

"Top of the mountain background"

6. Dojo Gran Re- Opening ( March 8)

Here we celebrate the opening of the dojo and can enter it. However you still can not play the jicsu card, and the ninja hideout is still covered with snow. In addition, this is the party that has been on the island for the longest (still available today).

The decorated rooms are the courtyard of the dojo and the dojo.

·"Courtyard of the dojo"


In addition, we can obtain a free article, which are the "Geta Sandals"

7. St. Patrick's Day ( March 14 - March 21)


The island turned green and we celebrated with our friends elves and gold.

At this party he was honored to "St. Patrick's Day" which took place in club penguin using their rooms.

"Decorated rooms"

 Most rooms were decorated, and you could get up to 2 free items:
"Shamrock Hat"


8. 10,000 Players Celebration Event (March 14)

In this event we celebrate the achievement of CPR to get 10,000 users!

We organized a big party in which the "Sensei" and "Gary" connected to further uncontrol that day!


"Snow fort"

9. April Fools' Day Party (March 29 - April 12)


 Here we celebrate the first day of the fools, making jokes and mischief all over the island in addition to visiting the dimension box and all the rooms that had everywhere.

The dimensions we see were in the "April Fools' Party 2011" by Club Penguin.

Almost all rooms were decorated.

We could get up to 6 free articles:

"Red Propeller Cap" 

"Swirly Grasses"

"Box hat" 

"Box Costume"

"Box Feet"

"King Jester Hat"

10. 100K Penguins Celebration (April 5- April 5)

We celebrate the 100,000 penguins on the island. The coffe shop was decorated with a banner with the colors of the beta hat.

11. Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt (April 12 - April 21)

We dedicated ourselves to the hunting of eggs, which were very well hidden and already at the end of our search it was time to obtain our prize. This event only lasted one day as it was when CPR hacked it. However, after this, the CPR team decided to flood the party.

"Poscard of the event"

At the end of the search we expected a free article, in this case are the "Pink bunny ears"

12. Earth Day Party ( April 20 - April 26)

We are dedicated to helping the planet earth, watering the plants in the mine and searching 8 recyclable objects to win a prize and the entrance on arrival "Recycling Plant"

Free objects:

"Straw Gardening Hat" 

"Recycle Pin"

13. Medieval Party 2017 (May 10 - May 24)


At this party we dress up as knights and princesses, and we begin to fight with the hydras and solve riddles typical of a noble knight. ¡Gary visited us on the island this time!

The island became of the middle ages, there were decorations of gentlemen everywhere. In short there was a whole world to explore.

This party honors the medieval party of 2011 in Club Penguin.

All rooms decorated.

List of free items:
1- White Noble Horse.
2- Dragon's Gold.
3- White Knight Armor.
4- Golden Knight's Helmet.
5- King's Crown Pin.
6- Purple Wizard Hat.
7- Golden Shield.
8- Toothbrush Pin.
9- Gold Staff and Shield.
10- Golden Knight's Armor.
11. White Knight Helmet.

14. Battle of Down (May 24 - May 29)


¡A small event where we faced Helbert who had encountered the hydras, so we had to stop him. In the end they gave us medals for our bravery!

15. Cove Anniversary Party ( May 25 - May 28)


At this party we put our floats, took our marshmallows and went to the bonfire of the cove, to celebrate his 10 years (In Club Penguin).

The only room decorated was the cove and the forest.

Besides that you could get 2 free articles:

1. Life Ring.

2. Whistle

16. Instrument Hunt (June 7 - June 14)

The penguin band lost its instruments.¡We had to find them so that they would later reward us with their autographed background!

This search honors the search for instruments in Club Penguin, which was in July 2006.

Search Menu.

Award: Band Background.

17. Music Jam 2017 (June 14 - June 25)

The island began to rock. All the rooms were great and there were penguins everywhere forming bands and playing everywhere.

DJ Maxx, Cadence and the Penguin Band visited us giving us their autographed background 

This party was centered on the Music Jam 2009 in Club Penguin.

List of free items:
1- Boombox.
2- Music Jam Shirt.
3- Maracas.

All the decorated rooms

18. Color vote 2017 (June 18 - July 5)

We meet at the dock and started voting for the color we wanted to see on the island. There were three options: 1. Lavender 2. Dark Red and 3. Maroon.

In the end it gained the lavender color, for which it was introduced in the catalog of August to enjoy it.

"The Dock" (Single voting room).

"Voting menu".

19. Water Party 2017 (July 19 - August 2)

¡The island became a water park!. We all started having fun with the summer music and we took our inflatables to get in the water, or we just enjoyed telling stories in a campfire.

List of free items:
1- Umbrella Hat.
2- Shell Necklace.
3- Inflatable Duck.
4- Ice Cream Apron.

All rooms decorated

20. Festival of Flight 2017 (August 16 - August 23)

The island rose up to the sky with hot air balloons, jet packs and balloons filled super-helium thanks to Gary.

And then we take this opportunity to visit the highest mountain and enjoy the weather from another point of view

"All decorated rooms"

List of Free items:
1- Green Propeller Cap
2- Jet Pack 

21. Wirderness Expedition (August 30 - September 23)

We entered an expedition, and with the help of our skills went to a small island in which we discovered the great and intelligent brown puffle which we took home!

"All rooms decorated"

"Free items"

22. The Fair 2017 (September 26 - October 11)

The fair arrived on the island!

And of course we came a world of fun in which we played many games to win the prizes they gave back then. Was very fun for the whole family!

"All decorated rooms"

List of prizes:
1- Fair Background.
2- Circus Tent Pin
3- Teddy Bear.
4- Curly Mustache.
5- Teddy Bear Background.
6- Ring Master Hat.
7- Pink Cotton Candy.
8- Ice Cream Cone.
9- Candy Necklace.
10- Popcorn.
11- Ring Master Outfit.
12- Giant Sunglasses.
13- Lollipop.
14- Circus Tent.
15- Feathered Tiara.
16- Paddle Ball.
17- Squid Hug.

23. 1M Players Celebration Evnt (October 5 - October 8)

The game reached its first million users!

We celebrated it with a code that gave us a "Beta hat shirt" and an "Ocean Blue"

In addition to that we were visited by Aunt Arctic, Cadence, Rookie and Franky!

24. The Great Storm of 2017 (October 19 - November 5)

The storm arrived on the island. For this reason it was filled with water everywhere and because it made it hard for us to have fun, they gave us umbrellas to cover us from the heavy rain.

"All decorated rooms"

The only free object was a "Cosmic Umbrella"

25. Club Penguin 12th Anniversary Party (October 22 - October 24)

We celebrated the 12 years of Club Penguin from CP Rewritten. The cafeteria was decorated in which we could eat cake and get a hat. But besides that you could shoot down the iceberg just like in Club Penguin!

"All decorated rooms"

List of free items:
1- Blue Toque.
2- 12th Anniversary Hat.

26. Halloween Party 2017 (October 25 - November 5)

The island became dark to celebrate the classic Halloween.

We went to go igloo for igloo looking for sweets, besides entering the mansion tenebrosa, complete a maze and complete a search for sweets!

"All Decorated Rooms"

List of free items:
1- Pumpkin Basket.
2- Stom Lantern.
3- Gary Background.
4- DJ Maxx's Halloween Giveaway.
5- Halloween Scarf.
6-  Pile O' Candy.

27. Operation Blackout (November 15- December 6)

At the most critical moment Herbert captured all the leaders of the EPF, in addition to the fact that with the help of a solar laser I freeze the island and became the supreme leader of it.

But thanks to heaven we as big agents of the EPF infiltrated Herbert's fortress and destroyed it saving the island and in the end we discovered a great secret of the Director of the EPF.

"All decorated rooms"

List of free items:
1- Herbert Security Clearance Pin.
2- Klutzy Disguise.
3- Herbert Disguise.
4- Glappling Hook.
5-  Plasma Laser.
6- Deflection Vest.
7- Smoke Goggles.
8- Anti-Lava boots.
9- Dot's Giveaway.
10- Jet Pack Guy's Giveaway.
11- Herbert's Giveaway Background.

28. Dig Out the Island (December 6- December 20)

Once we defeated Herbert. We had to remove all the snow that had accumulated on the island during the "Operation Blackout" in order to receive the Christmas party without complications.

"All decorated rooms"

29. Christmas Party 2017 (December 20 - January 3)

The island becomes cheerful and very beautiful, taking advantage of the best time of the year. Christmas!

We received many gifts, we drove the santa sleigh, the captain Rockhopper visited us and of course we donated for the first time to Coins For Change from CPRewritten to help the needy all over the world!

"All decorated rooms" 

List of free items:
1- Bell.
2- Candy Cane Hat.
3- Reindeer Antlers.
4- Santa's Present Bag.
5- Rockhopper's Christmas Giveaway.
6- Band Autograph.

30.  New Year's Day 2018 (December 27 - January 3)

The end of the year arrived and the island was full of fireworks which we could see in some rooms. Start a new year with new goals both in our real life and in CPRewritten!

"All decorated rooms"

"Click on the hat"


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