All Parties and Events in Club Penguin Rewritten 2018

Here you will find all the parties that happened in 2018!
This section will be updated as time goes by!


1. Winter Fiesta (January 17 - Februaly 24)

We celebrated the Midwestern style for a few days !, in which we spent our maracas to create melodies throughout the island or simply relax with our mini hats waiting for the visit of the "Penguin Band" to the Town!

"All Decorated Rooms"

List of free items:
1) Festive Maracas.
2) Mini Sombrero.

2. The EPF and PSA Rebuild (January 24 - February 20, 2019)

We started to reconstruct the EPF and the PSA as a consequence of the damage that Herbert caused in the "Operation Blackout". Currently it is not ready yet, so it is not known when our agency will return to normal.

Rooms under construction:
1)  EPF Command Room.
2) Everyday Phoning Facility.
3) HQ.
4) Ski Village.

3. Winter Party 2018 (January 31 - Februaly 4)

We had a great time in the cold of the island taking a hot cocoa or entering a new adventure crossing a labyrinth to reach the mythical cave of the Yeti!

"Al Decorated Rooms"

List Of Items:
1) Yeti Costume.
2) Blue Pompom Toque.

"Image of the Party"

4. 1st Anniversary Party (Februaly 11 - Februaly 13)

We celebrate the first year since the game was created !, we blow out the candles on the cake and we meet many characters to celebrate all the moments we spent in our first year of life!

"All Decorated Rooms"

List of free items:
1) 1st Anniversary Hat.
2)  1st Anniversary Cake Pin.
3) Ice Cream Apron.
4) Sensei's Autograph.
5) Gary Background.
6) Cadence's Autograph.
7) Glowing Grid Jacket

"Photo of the Party"

5. Penguin Play Awards (Februaly 14 - Februaly 28)

We prepare for the red carpet and celebrate the first edition of the "Penguin Play Awards" on the island!

We voted for our favorite plays and then meet the winners. Or we simply act on them and have fun with our friends!

"All Decorated Rooms"

List of Free items:
1) Press Hat.
2) Penguin Play Award.
3) Aunt Arctic Awards Giveaway.
4) Penguin Band Awards Giveaway.
5) Video Camera.

"Photo of the party"

6. 50th Newspaper Event (Februaly 20 - Februaly 28)

We celebrated in the "Boiler Room" the 50th newspaper in the history of the game with a mini-event!

List of Free items:
1) Aunt Arctic Awards Giveaway.
2) 50th Newspaper Pin

"Image of the Party"

7. WaddleOn Party (Februaly 28 - March 4)

We get ready for what was supposed to be the end of the game. In this event we visited all the famous people, we had fun walking and contemplating the decoration of all the rooms and of course we met with the entire community to dismiss the game in a huge party.

Until in April the team gave the surprise saying that CPRewritten was going to reopen its doors!

"All Decorated Rooms"

List of Free items:
1) Alumni Jacket.
2) Boombox.
3) Aunt Arctic Awards Giveaway.
4) Cadence's Autograph.
5) Dot's Giveaway.
6) Gary Background.
7) Party Hat.
8) Penguin Band Awards Giveaway.
9) Rockhopper New Background.
10) Rory's Waddle On Giveaway.
11) Herbert's Giveaway Background.
12) Rookie's Giveaway.
13) Jet Pack Guy's Player Card.
14) Sensei's Autograph.
15) PH Giveaway Background.
16) DJ Maxx Background.

"Photo of the Party"

8. Earth Day Party 2018 (April 26 - April 27)

We celebrate the day of the earth in which we pay tribute to our planet taking care of all the nature and fauna that is in it!

List of Free items:
1) African Painted Dog Costume.
2) Snow Leopard Costume.
3) Outback Exploring Hat.
4) Sensei's Autograph

"All Decorated Rooms"

9. Puffle Party 2018  (May 9 - May 16)

We celebrated the second "Puffle Party" on the island !, We took our puffles to walk and have fun in an event dedicated to them and we met with PH to give us advice on how to take care of them and keep them as our best friends!

"All Decorated Rooms"

List of Free Items:
1) Blue Puffle Hat.
2) Striped Puffle Jacket.
3) PH'S Puffle Party Giveaway.

"Photo Of the Party"

10. Medieval Festival 2018  (May 23 - May 30)

We dressed as in the medieval era of great knights and fought against Scorn to defeat him and thus free the island of evil in addition to completing the searches in our second medieval festival on the island

"All Decorated Rooms"

List of Free Items:
1) Noble Helmet.
2) Squire Outfit

11. 101 Days of Fun  (June 12 - September 21) 

We take advantage of these 101 days to do a different activity in each one and thus have the possibility of earning 1001 coins each day. There are many fun events that remain to be done!

"Image of the event!

12. Music Jam 2018  (June 22 - July 5) 

We got up to speed and we rocked with our friends to pass it on the stage of the second music jam in the history of cprewritten. The party was crazy for the amount of decorated rooms, good music and one or another custom-made item

"All Decorated Rooms"

List of free items:
1) Music Jam T-Shirt.
2) Penguin Band's Autograph.
3) Music Jam Cap.
4) DJ Maxx Background.
5) Boombox.
6) Cadence's Background.
7) Music Swirl Tee

"Photo of the Party"

13. Record Scavenger Hunt 2018 (June 22 - July 5) 

During this year's Music Jam we started looking for all the albums that Cadence had lost so that in the end we would be successful in the mission and they would give us an mp3 as a prize for our help!

"Photo of the mini event"

14. Island Adventure Party: Rockhopper's Quest (July 27 - August 9) 

We had fun in our adventure with Rockhopper and visited 3 islands ("Swashbuckler Trading Post""Dinosaur Island" and the "Shipwreck Island"with the aim of helping the captain build a lighthouse. We dress like real buccaneers, we play treasure hunts, we explore rooms and new lands, we fight for fun and of course we live life as a real pirate would!

"All Decorated Rooms" (Without taking into account the islands!)

15. Summer Luau (August 23 - August 28)

The team surprised us with a special and personalized mini event of the game itself. We had fun telling stories at the campfire or selling drinks in the forest!

16. Penguin Games 2018 (September 2 - September 15)

We put on sports mode, we chose between the red or blue team, we did a marathon for the whole island and we competed like crazy and without stopping in the sled races to score points in our team. The first Penguin Games were great, we had a wonderful time with our friends.

In addition, the blue team won those penguin games!

"Decorated rooms!"

17. The Fair 2018 (September 28 - October 6)

The second fair in the history of the island arrived. We had fun playing all the mini-games and exchanging the prizes that were in the game. It was a very good fair this year, good memories!.

"Decorated Rooms" 

18. Island Eclipse ( October 18 - October 25)

Another exclusive event of the game surprised us all. This time the island became very dark because of the eclipse that occurred. We enjoyed the beautiful sky that was there at the time, it was the first time that we contemplated the night at its maximum sensibility in CPRewritten.

"Decorated Rooms"

19. Club Penguin 13th Anniversary Party ( October 21 - October 25)

We celebrated 13 years of club penguin with a party, also the coffee shop was very well decorated, the cake was giant and of course we could get an anniversary hat to enjoy even more of the meeting!

20. Halloween Party 2018 ( October 25 - November 1)

It was the second night of witches on the island. This time we visited the enchanted mansion of Garywald VII and became ghosts and monsters throughout this Party!

"Decorated Rooms"

21. Sensei's Fire Scavenger Hunt (November 8 - November 15)

The Sensei asked us to look for objects to help him build the fire dojo. During this event the sky turned a great orange color and we were excited that it was not long before the Fire Card-Jitsu arrived on the island.

22. Lighthouse Donation (November 14 - December 5)

We made donations to the lighthouse to repair it after it was struck by lightning at the Halloween Party.

In addition you could win a shirt for donating coins!

23. Celebration of Fire (December 6 - December 20)

We celebrate the opening of the fire dojo and play for the first time the Fire Card-Jitsu knowing the new element on the island!

Fire ninjas already exist!


24. Lighthouse Party (December 6 - December 14)

After fixing the lighthouse we held a party to celebrate that achievement!

The Penguin Band performed inside the lighthouse playing music while above we could get a free Red Sailor's Cap!.

File:Lighthouse Party Beacon.png

25. Coins for Change 2018 (December 14 - December 27)

We started to donate our coins so we could win T-shirts and help with three different causes to which they would be given real money, thus contributing to an opportunity to help those most in need.

This event was before and during the Christmas Party on the island and 192,150,800 coins were donated by the end of the event, more than double compared to the previous year. "Protect the Earth" was donated the most coins. The coin division for each cause were as follows:

Build homes for children: 55,723,732 coins.
Protect the Earth: 71,095,796 coins.
Provide medical help: 65,331,272 coins.

26. Christmas Party 2018 (December 20 - January 3)

We celebrated the second Christmas party in the history of the island. We donate coins, we receive gifts and we get together with our virtual friends at the best time of the year.

27. New Year's Day 2019 (December 28 - January 3)

We celebrate the arrival of the new year with fireworks and the island illuminated on that night. The new year 2019 has arrived!

Resultado de imagen para new year day club penguin rewritten 2018

"Click on the hat".
2nd Anniversary Party Hat

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