How to become a Fire Ninja

This guide will help you to become a fire ninja in CPRewritten!

It is the second Card Jitsu game available on the island based of the fire element.

Let's start:

1. Introduction

Are you ready?
A great adventure awaits you and you can try a new game for some and for others a return to their childhood at Club Penguin. The Card Jitsu fire certainly has always been one of the best games for the community and for the team. To start your adventure you must go to the ninja hideaway and keep in mind that you must be a ninja to be able to enter in this room.
Important:.Remember that you must first be a ninja. If you are not yet, then here is our guide to how to be a card jitsu ninja.

2) Content

Step 1: First of all you must buy the "Amulet Ninja" in the catalog of the room to start your way.

Step 2: Once you do this, we go to the fire dojo and then it will be your turn to speak with the great Sensei.

Note: To go to the fire dojo you must click on the fire box surrounded by the red circle and then walk to the door.

Step 3: After a short introduction you will receive a new deck of cards in addition to you can start playing once from here in the option "Earn your fire suit or from the cushions that surround the room.

Step 4: The game to explain in such a way can be from 2 to 4 players. Each one starts with 6 lives and in turn they must choose one of the tiles in the middle with numbers. The number of numbers represents the number of spaces that you can advance both left and right. Now, when this happens, the pictures will shine around you and you must choose the element that you have the most powerful card.
Here the different pictures:
FireWater and Snow: Typical battles in which you can only draw one card from an element. And the biggest one wins. In case of a tie, neither loses lives.

Two cards: Battle of the normal card jitsu between two players. If you choose this and there are 2 or more rivals in the game then you will have to choose one of them to perform the duel and the winner of the battle wins one more life. The loser loses a life.
Also if you jump to the same tile as your opponent, then a card jitsu battle will also happen.

3) Progress

Tip 1: As you win battles you will increase your progress to win objects and complete your fire suit which has shoes, coat, mask and helmet. To get each of them you will have to be patient and clear to apply your own strategies in the game.
Your progress only by clicking on the icon of the letters on the right.

Once you complete your fire suit you will have to face the Sensei and beat him to become a fire ninja!

Tip 2: Basically the game has the following instructions.

Tip 3: Here the legend of each element that you will unlock.

Tip 4: Each time you win an item you get a special message

"Complete suit"

4) General Things

How to beat the Sensei:
  • If Snow is an option and you have a Snow Card higher then 7 select it.
  • Try and pick a regular Card-Jitsu match and pick a 10+ Fire (if you have one), a 6+ Water and a low or high Snow Card.
  • He usually picks low Snow Cards and high Fire Cards.

General Stuff:
  • There are practice mats for 2, 3, and 4 players. You can play with friends there.
  • If you talk to Sensei, and you pick the “Earn your Fire Suit” option, he’ll set up a match. You get more experience points if you do this.
  • You can enter new offline trading card codes and you’ll get cards added to your online deck. You won’t see the animations in the Card-Jitsu Fire game but you can see them if you’re playing the original Card-Jitsu game.

5) Tips to win

  • Always choose the item that you have the most powerful card.
  • Sometimes when you're losing you could risk it if you have the chance to try your luck in a Card-Jitsu battle. It is all or nothing.
  • If your opponent chooses an item without thinking it most of the time is because he has a letter of at least 10 up. Then take out the second most powerful card you have of that element to avoid spending your powerful.
  • Always try to cheat your rival. If your opponent has chosen an element in his turn, you then choose that same element if you have a card of at least 5 or more.
  • That is a good strategy that has worked for me many times but is not always effective.
  • If by chance you have two card jitsu battles in the same game and your opponent has lost the first battle against you, in the second he chooses the same element as he probably thought you were going to draw a different one. Everything is a matter of strategy and luck in this game.

6) Awards

1)  When you beat the Sensei you will win your fire gem in your ninja amulet!.
Now go to the ninja hideaway to see how your element shines.

"Image of how the fire shines in the ninja hideaway"

2) Also with the full fire suit you can make two special movements just by clicking on the dance icon (Press the letter "D") and the icon to say hello

When you are ninja you will have won several stamps and you can continue playing to win the rest.

Since you know the Card's Jitsu fire guide, it's time to start your journey. Good luck!
I hope this guide will help you!

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