1) Herbert P. Bear
Herbert Percival Bear, Esquire (in-game known as Herbert P. Bear, Darth Herbert during the Star Wars Takeover; or just Herbert) is a polar bear and the main antagonist of Club Penguin (since his first appearance in mission 5). He is also one of the few main characters who isn't a penguin.Unlike real-life polar bears, Herbert hates cold weather, cannot swim and is a vegetarian. Since his first appearance, Herbert has been trying to take over the Club Penguin Island and turn it into a warm island paradise.

2) Klutzy
Klutzy is a villainous crab in Club Penguin who saved Herbert P. Bear from drowning when he first arrived on Club Penguin Island after traveling from the North Pole on an iceberg. Since then, he has been involved in a lot of Secret Missions as Herbert's sidekick. As revealed in The F.I.S.H., Klutzy is male and is probably Herbert's best friend.

3) Test Robots
The Test Robots are mechanical, penguin-like machines invented by Gary the Gadget Guy. They were originally intended to help Gary test his more dangerous inventions but they ended up going haywire and escaping into the Mine Tunnels. A test robot has appeared in the Gadget Room for quite a few missions, but they didn't make a big appearance until the game Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force was released. The Test Bots, along with the Ultimate Proto-Bot 10000, serve as the game's main antagonists. There are 3 Test Bots: Wheel Bot, Snow Bot, and Jet Bot.

4) Ultimate Proto-Bot 10000
The Ultimate Proto-Bot 10000 (aka UP10K or Protobot for short) is a gigantic robot, and a major antagonist in Club Penguin.It was originally created by the Test Bots using drawings from Gary's notebook of blueprints and items around the Island such as the Stage's Ticket Booth, the inner tubes from the Dock and Ski Village, the Aqua Grabber 3000 cockpit bubble and red tubes, a mine cart, the Boiler Room boiler, and two Night Club speakers. Later, he became made out of more advanced parts from elsewhere.
Protobot is evil, and wants to rule Club Penguin Island. "It" is more cruel, wicked, and arrogant than Herbert P. Bear.

5) Hydra Bot
The Hydra Bot is an altered version of the Hydra. It was reconstructed by Herbert. The Hydras' attacks are the same as in the Medieval Party, with the exceptions that they now shoot more lasers at a time, shoot slightly faster, and take slightly less damage when hit. Both Herbert and Klutzy switch bots throughout the battle.

6) Scorn the Dragon King
Scorn the Dragon King (also called the Dragon King or Scorn) was a dragon who once ruled over the Sky Kingdom, and Club Penguin Island long ago, who returned years later and was later destroyed by a group of brave knights. He tried to overthrow the kingdom of Club Penguin in 2012. Gary (who was aware of the Dragon King's presence) made knight armor that could withstand the dragons' attacks. He flew over Club Penguin waiting to strike for revenge. His lair was the Mountain of Misery. He was defeated along with his statues, so it is unknown whether this dragon will return.He flew over the island every 15 minutes during construction of the Medieval Party 2012 at the Town, the Cove, and the Dock.

7) Destructobot
Destructobot was a robot created by Ultimate Proto-Bot 10000. It was meant to destroy the Club Penguin Island during the Marvel Super Hero Takeover 2012. However, it was defeated on the Downtown Showdown by the Super Heroes and the Elite Penguin Force.

8) Robot Villains
The Robot Villains are an army of robots that are lead by Protobot at the Marvel Super Hero Takeover 2013. Super Villains and Ultimate Proto-Bot 10000 control them and lead them to the destruction of Penguintropolis (Club Penguin Island). They are known to be powered by the Power Crystals. The Robot Villains were created in the Villain HQ. The Doom Drones are Robot Villains that attacked Club Penguin. However, they were not created in the Villain HQ.

9) Tusk
Tusk, also known as the Master of Snow, is a walrus and the primary antagonist at the Card-Jitsu Party 2013, the true antagonist behind Card-Jitsu Snow, and the leader of the Snow Minions. He is the one who sent Scrap, Sly, and Tank out to defeat Sensei and destroy the Dojo. Tusk seems to have hatred for Sensei and his Ninjas, and is from his childhood, being his former best friend, who used to train in the ways of the elements together, but Tusk turned on Sensei out of jealousy. You can battle in his lair after receiving the Snow Gem.
Favorite snack: Swordfish Steak (rare)
Favorite game: Card-Jitsu Snow
Why you should meet him: To defeat him in battle and bring balance to the elements.
Where you might find him: Ninjas who wish to help defeat Tusk must first speak to Sensei at the Dojo and learn the ways of the ninja.
Random facts:
- To defeat Sensei, he has built Snow Minions and sends them into battle against the ninjas.
- Tusk weighs more than a two ton truck.
- Sensei uses his missing tusk as a walking stick.

10) Scrap
Scrap is a Snow Minion in Card-Jitsu Snow. He is a thin snowman with a green headband and a black belt tied around his "waist." He has long twig-like arms and tall-thin build; because of this he moves extremely fast in Card-Jitsu Snow.
- Favorite Food: Athlete energy gels.
- Favorite Dance Move: Playing air guitar with his racquet.
- Quirk: Can do 50 push-ups in a row. And will show anyone who will watch..
- Quote: "I'll get you! Get you so fast it'll make your head spin!"
- Health: 45
- Attack: 8 (on direct target), 4 on adjacent tiles.
- Range: 2
- Move: 2
- Ability: His attacks have a splash effect, enabling him to hit multiple targets, but the tiles involved in the splash effect take half the damage he deals compared to his initial target.

11) Tank
Tank is one of the Snow Minions in Card-Jitsu Snow. Tank is large, strong, but not very smart. He wields a snow flail, and used sleds as armor and shields.
- Health: 60
- Attack: 10
- Range: 1
- Moving Distance: 1
- Ability: Its attack deals damage 3 tiles in a straight line, but only if it can hit a target directly.

12) Sly
Sly is one of the antagonists in the game, Card-Jitsu Snow. He is a Snowman wearing a Ninja Mask, a Blue Polo Shirt and a pair of gloves. He has a Black Ninja Belt tied around his "waist" which shows that he is a Ninja (or at least a relation to them).
- Favorite Drink: Cola in a can.
- Favorite Food: Chicken wings with blue cheese dip.
- Quirk: Obsessively polishes his bowling ball while scheming.
- Quote: "Oh yah, we'll get 'em. Ooooh Yah."
- Health: 30
- Attack: 3-5
- Range: 3
- Moving Distance: 3
- Ability: The farther Sly is from its target, the more damage he will deal.

13) Constantine
Constantine is an antagonist of The Muppets and the world's greatest criminal who bares a resemblance to Kermit the Frog (other than the black mole on his cheek), and makes an appearance at the Muppets World Tour. Members were able to buy his costume at the party.

Constantine is the World's Most Dangerous Frog. He has been seen being very rude to Kermit the Frog, Miss Piggy and the rest of The Muppet gang. He has a Russian accent. He's also been seen blowing up things and stealing very famous and expensive jewels. When he wants something, Constantine will pretend to be something he is not. Constantine treats his partner in crime Dominic Badguy like a servant, aka "Number Two", with him being "Number One".
14) Skip

Skip was shown to be cunning, manipulative and resourceful during his time haunting the Puffle Hotel. His motives were to induce fear and sorrow to all around him; this is evident in his capture of Gariwald VIII and later him stating he wished to "haunt" the island. His ambition lead to him getting extremely angry or frustrated when people attempted to intervene (an example of this would be him blocking your path on the 13th floor).
15) Klepto
Klepto is a crab that is the antagonist in the game Puffle Launch, who tries to steal Puffle O's with an Aqua Grabber-like machine which he also stole. He appears in every sixth level in the game. In levels 6, 18, and 30, defeating him is optional. In levels 12, 24, and 36, he is required to be defeated in battle to progress. He also makes a cameo in Jetpack Boost in both Club Penguin App and Club Penguin Island.
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