Club Penguin: Game Day! (Wii) - Maximum Guide (2010)

Here the legend so you know all the categories on this page:

1) Introduction.
2) Release Dates.
3) History.
4) Gameplay.
4.1: Minigames.
4.2: Characters.
4.3: Stamps.
4.4: Zone Challenges
5) History Mode.
6) Tournament Mode.
7) Quick Play Mode.
8) Curiosities and Extra Content.

1) Introduction

Club Penguin: Game Day! is a Club Penguin game for the Nintendo Wii. The game can be played by up to 4 people at a time. The game was put on the ESRB site in April 2010  and officially announced on June 10, 2010. You compete in 12 new events. This is the third overall Club Penguin video game and the first Wii video game. You get a code along with the game to get 4 free backgrounds of the teams and 2,500 coins.

As of May 20, 2014, stamps for Game Day! can no longer be earned in Club Penguin due to the closure of Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection servers.

"Cover Page"

2) Release Dates

September 17, 2010 - Australia, New Zealand
September 21, 2010 - North America, Latin America
September 24, 2010 - UK

3) History

ESRB Rating
The game and its rating were first found on the ESRB site on April 2010, but it was taken down before May since the game was not announced at that time. The description was put up again on July 2010.


“Club Penguin has always maintained a really strong emphasis on social, family fun and the value of working together. Moving onto the Wii platform lets us offer parents a great opportunity to connect with their kids in the comfort of their own living room around an active game that’s participatory, cooperative and a lot of fun for everyone, and that’s something we’re really excited about[3]

— Billybob

“As the Club Penguin phenomenon continues to grow, it makes sense to bring the brand to Wii. Club Penguin Game Day! combines the distinct look and feel of the Club Penguin virtual world with competitive games that are easy to pick up and play using the Wii Remote.[3]
— Craig, Disney Interactive Studios

Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Shutdown
On May 20th, 2014, Nintendo shut down wi-fi connection for both the Nintendo DS and Nintendo Wii. After the shutdown, players could no longer sync their penguin to the game, and therefore could no longer transfer items and stamps from the game.

4) Gameplay

In the game, players create and customize their own penguin and compete in a variety of challenges. Challenges include Java Jump, Bean Balance, Fast Freeze, Sled & Slide, and Sumo Smash. Each time players beat a challenge, they conquer some territory on the island. The ultimate goal for players is to conquer as much territory as possible. You can also earn 14 stamps. (Red Win, Blue Win, Green Win, Yellow Win, Remote Upload, White Puffle, Conquer the Island, Puffle Paddle, Bean Balance, Collector, 2 vs. 2, Sumo Smash, 2 vs. 2 Max, and Goalie)

There are four teams in the game: the Yellow Team, the Green Team, the Blue Team, and the Red Team. Characters like Gary, Cadence, Aunt Arctic, Rory, and Rookie make a cameo in the game. Prior to 2014, it was possible to transfer your coins, items, and stamps to your online account.

"Game Screen"

"Game Screen 2"

"Creating your penguin"

There are 3 game modes which are.
1) Story Mode: Conquer the island with your favorite team.
2) Tournament Mode: In this mode choose a team and compete in 4 mini-games with the aim of having the maximum score at the end and thus win in this mode with your favorite team.

3) Quick Play: Here you can choose any minigame you like to start playing. You can practice or just have fun with friends in this mode.
In each game mode you can choose between easy, medium or hard difficulty.

In addition there are different options.
1) Transfer Penguin (No available): From here we could find our original penguin Club Penguin on PC synchronizing it with the wii.
2) Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection (No available): From here you can transfer all the items and stamps that you won from the game to your penguin in Club Penguin by wifi connection.
3) High Scores: You can see all the maximum scores of the mini-games.
4) Delete Penguin: Well, you'll know what that is about lol. Maybe the option that is never used.
And of course there are the credits that are never missing in a game.

4.1 Minigames:

1) Java Jump: Players will have to use the Wii remote to control and jump in their sacks. They will race against three other penguins and must be the first to cross the finish line in order to win. In the game, you can activate some power-ups that will greatly affect the outcome of the race.

Obstacles: There are some obstacles on the course, which must be jumped over to proceed:

  • Trunks - Fallen Tree Trunks will cover the width of the track.
  • Fences - Higher than trunks, but often have coins behind.

Power Ups: Power-ups are gained by jumping into a special curtain. After a short time the player jumps out with the power-up equipped. After a short time the effect disappears. A list of power-ups can be found below:

  • Anvil - The player is strapped to an anvil, decreasing their speed but allowing them to smash thorugh fences.
  • Jet Pack - The player equips a Jet Pack, which auto-drives them around about half the course.
  • Hole in sack - The players's sack splits at the bottom, allowing the player to "run", whilst increasing speed.

These are the testers that appear in your way. In them you can obtain the powers to inclement your speed in the game. But be careful, because they make you lose time and you may not always get what you want.

2) Bean Balance: First players will have to shake the Wii remote for the amount of Java Beans they want to carry (a lot is harder but more rewarding).

After that they would then have to move from start to finish while balancing them. Sometimes the beans will sway (or an item in the air could land on top of them) which requires you to tilt the Wii remote in the opposite direction in order to balance them out. You could also get extra bean bags from items.

After the time limit is up the team with the most bean bags is the winner.

3) Fast Freeze: All players start on the starting line and go when Jeff the Ref blows his whistle. The penguins move forward by shaking the Wii remote whenever the computer-controlled penguin at the end has his/her back turned. When the penguin turns around, the players have to stop and freeze using the A button. If a penguin gets caught moving, that player gets sent back to the start. The first person to reach the finish line wins.

4) Sled & Slide : All players start on the starting line and go when Jeff the Ref blows his whistle. The penguins move forward by shaking the Wii remote whenever the computer-controlled penguin at the end has his/her back turned. When the penguin turns around, the players have to stop and freeze using the A button. If a penguin gets caught moving, that player gets sent back to the start. The first person to reach the finish line wins.

5) Sumo smash : Players will have to knock opposing penguins of the iceberg by hitting them off. You can do this by hitting them (charging). You can also fall off yourself if you charge off or are charged off yourself. The goal is to win as many points as possible by throwing your rivals off the ice. Also as time goes by, the ice breaks up making the situation more complicated or easier depending on the difficulty and your experience in the game.

6) Snowball Battle: In this game you throw snowballs at other teams in order to win. Hitting a player with a snowball awards 100 points. You can throw snowballs at snowmen, giving you 30 points and revealing either a coin or a white puffle. You are also able to throw snowballs at pieces of wood which are destroyed and give you 30 points when hit 3 times.

White puffles provide you with unlimited snowballs and the ability to throw them faster until they run away or you are knocked down. You can use snow walls as shields and pieces of wood for temporary defence. When you successfully hit a player 3 times in a row, or once with a huge snowball, they will fall over and lose their white puffle. You then receive 200 points.

Giant snowballs hit players within a large radius, but carrying one whilst being hit with a snowball will cause you to fall instantly. You cannot dash, dodge, perform a quick turn, or make more snowballs while carrying a giant snowball. You move slower when carrying one.

7) Dance Off!: In the game, there are four penguins from each respective team including the player(s). Each penguin has to copy the dance moves shown with their Wii Remote. The more accurate the move, the more points earned. Once the time is finished, the penguin with the most points is declared the winner.

8) Puffle Paddle!: In the game, four players simultaneously try to keep their puffles in the air using their color-coded paddle. Players can focus on their own puffle, simultaneously bounce other colored puffles, or push away other player's puffles. In addition, player can grab power-ups or coins. If the player's puffle falls, their paddle will flash for a short time, during which it cannot make contact with anything.

Power UpsPower-Ups are concealed inside a bubble that pops upon hitting any paddle. The power-up must hit the paddle again to be usable.

List of Power Ups:

  • Larger Paddle - enlarges the player's paddle
  • Smaller Paddle - shrinks the player's paddle
  • Anvil - The player's paddle will flash for a short time, during which it cannot make contact with anything.
  • Coin - gives the player five coins.

In addition each puffle gives you points in different amounts. For which we have to:
Blue Puffle: +1
Red Puffle: +1
Green Puffle: +1
Yellow Puffle: +1
Black Puffle: +5
Pink Puffle: +10
Purple Puffle: +12

9) Feed-A-Puffle: The objective of the game is to feed as many Puffles with 100 Puffle-O's. Each Puffle has their own way of moving.

  • The Blue Puffle just pops out of its hole. +2
  • The Red Puffle pops out of its hole and sticks its tongue out for one second. +4
  • The Black Puffle pops out of its hole and sticks out its tongue repeatedly. +6
  • The Pink Puffle pops out of its hole a little, then jumps up quickly back in. +8
  • The Green Puffle pops out of its hole and spins around counter clockwise. +10
  • The Purple Puffle pops out of its hole and blows a bubble. You need to burst the bubble first before feeding this one. +12

10) Rollin' Riot: This game is well known to use Snowballs. The Club Penguin Team needed something using Snowballs in it, as a result they added this in Club Penguin: Game Day!. No games with snowballs were used in the regular Club Penguin games. In this game we have to move our snowball around the playing field to make it as big as possible. The goal is to have the biggest snowball when the time in the game is over. You can hit the other rivals to reduce the size of their snowballs or knock them down by taking time out.

11) Goal!: During the game, you may sprint, hit the puck, or hit a snowball, which upon hitting a player will cause them to be inactive for a couple of seconds. A machine is in the centre, varying with the difficulty you choose. This will direct the puck into different directions, often changing a game outcome completely. This is my favorite game and here you must have many reflections if you do not want to get so many goals. In the end, the one who has scored the most goals wins. You can also hit the opponents to prevent them from reaching their target. In addition the hockey disc changes colors to know who the goal is and as time goes by the game adds another hockey puck to make the situation more crazy. Depending on the difficulty.

12) Jackhammer!: In the game, four penguins use jackhammers to etch an image into the ice. Players can also hit others with their jackhammer, and send them off course, which decreases their image quality, or drop ice to hinder the other players. The objective of the game is to trace as fast as possible a drawing on the ice with your drill. For which you will have to be fast and precise.

Power-ups: Power-ups are concealed inside a crate. When the player passes though the crate, a random power-up will be collected. Players press the 1 button on their Wii Remote to active the power-up, with the exception of coins, which are used automatically.

List of power-ups

  • Yellow Puffle - will make the player draw a perfect line for a short time.
  • Ice - will drop ice behind the player to hinder others, which can be destroyed with jackhammers
  • Coin - gives the player five coins
  • Anvil - will drop an anvil behind the player to stop others (can't be destroyed by a jackhammer). This forces the player to go around the obstacle.

4.2 Characters

There are several Club Penguin characters in the game, so we can meet them in the course of the story. These are:

1) Rookie

2) Gary

3) Cadence

4) Aunt Arctic
5) Rory ( Image no available)

4.3 Stamps

In the game we won a series of stamps which we could transfer to our game account in Club Penguin (PC) if we had already connected our account in Club Penguin Game Day (This could be done through a pendrive which we put in the Wii with our saved account)

However, this option was eliminated in 2014 when they closed the "Nintendo Wifi Connections servers" option.

The stamps are the following:

"Remote Upload"
Description: Upload another penguin to your Wii remote

"Green Win"
Description:  Conquer the island as Team Green.

"Yellow Win"
Description: Conquer the island as Team Yellow.

"White Puffle"
Description: Feed a white puffle in Feed a Puffle.

"Blue Team"
Description: Conquer the island as Team Blue.

"Red Team"
Description: Conquer the island as Team Red.
"Bean Balance"
Description: Balance 30 bags in a 4-player game.

"Conquer the island"
Description: Conquer the island as each team.

"Puffle Paddle"
Description: Play 4-player mode without dropping any puffles.

Description: Collect all the items.

"2 Vs. 2 Max"
Description: Win all 2 vs. 2 matches against the Wii at hard level.

"2 Vs. 2"
Description: Come 1st in all 2 vs. 2 matches

"Sumo Smash"
Description: Win a 4-player game without being knocked out.

Description: Win a game without letting a puck in your net.

4.4 Zone Challenge

These are different challenges which you must do if you want to conquer a territory. These are the following:

  • Recolor Sign (Blue, Red, Yellow, Green, Dock).
  • Funny Faces (Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Town).
  • Snowball Fight (Blue, Yellow, Green, Snow Forts).
  • Ice Sculpture (Red, Blue, Green, Beach).
  • Finding Funny Things (Green, Ski Village).
  • Target Shooting (Blue, Ski Village).
  • Snowman Head (Red, Ski Village).
  • Copy Jeff The Ref (Yellow, Ski Village).
  • The Dancing Party (Green, Yellow, Ski Hill).
  • Making a Giant Snow Cone (Red, Ski Hill).
  • Giant Balloon Challenge (Blue, Ski Hill).

5) History Mode

The story mode is the clear impulse of this game. Well the story is great in part and very fun for anyone. Let's take a look:

"The beginning of an adventure"

The game starts with a small intro and then you must choose your team. Remember that if you choose a team you can not go back. 

Regardless of which team you choose you will have to conquer fifth areas of the game.
The only thing that must be highlighted is that you must start at the Town in order to conquer the other zones (this only if you are not from the green team)
In addition you should sometimes be careful because they try to take away your zones in a certain time.

Step 1: To start you must talk to the penguin with referee shirt that is in the certain area.

Step 2: Each zone has four different mini-games. And a different objective. To conquer each zone you must play these four mini-games and always try to be the first in the classification and achieve the goal they ask you.

Step 3: Also after you finish this series of mini-games, They are going to challenge you to a final challenge to see who once stays with the room.. There are different challenges for each zone.
These mini-games are called "Zone Challenges"

Step 4: When you complete all this you will conquer the zone and you will win a considerable amount of coins. So you do with each room until the end to conquer the entire island.

List of Zones:
1) Snow Forts. (Initial area of the red team).
2) Town. (Initial area of the green team).
3) Ski Hill. (The last area to conquer).
4) The Dock. (Initial area of the blue team).
5) Ski Village.
6) The Beach. Initial area of the yellow team).

Step 5: When you conquer all the basic areas you have to go to the mountain to do the last challenge that is just to inflate as much as you can a balloon.

When you complete the game they give you a trophy and then you will celebrate with your teammates in the area where you started from the beginning.

Besides, that's not all. If you complete the game with the four teams you will unlock a special scene.

And they will give you a referee shirt and they will build your own statue.

6) Tournament Mode

In this mode you participate in four different games with your favorite team. You have to try to add a lot of points and get first in each event to win the tournament.
There are two game modes:
1) Free for all.
2) 2 vs. 2

At the end when you win you will see a trophy with your name on it!

7) Quick Play Mode

In this mode you can choose any game to start having fun with friends or CPU. This mode is for more fun and entertainment, as it has no objective except to play your favorite mini-games.

8) Curiosities and extra content

Extra content 1: At The Town when you enter the gift shop you will notice that a catalog is available. Here you can buy the clothes of all the equipment, colors for your penguin and personalized backgrounds, which you could previously transfer to your original penguiin club account on the PC.
To buy these items you need obvious coins which can be won in mini-games and challenges.

Curiosity 1: In each room you can interact with the penguins that are there. And even some will talk to you.

Extra Content 2: As in Club Penguin you have your own inventory to change your clothes. But not only that, you can also change your style of eyes and peak by adding a genius to this game.

Extra Content 3If you have already finished the story mode, remember that you can try to break the records of each minigame. Well, each one has a classification table with the best scores.

Curiosity 2: Before the game had its own site in miniclip but it was closed.

And that's it, I hope this guide helps you in your journey in the game. If you already have the game well! If you still do not have it then what do you expect to buy it? I imagine they would still sell it in one or another store.Without a doubt this was a game that I enjoyed a lot and one of the best games I've ever tried because of the amount of fun it gave me. 

I hope this guide serves you a lot!

!Comment, Share and Enjoy!

!See you in the next post!


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