TOP 5: The Most Hardest Stamps in the History of Club Penguin

Winning stamps was one of the most remembered activities in the years of life that Club Penguin had. Since they first came out on July 26, 2010. Prehistoric Fire Emote

Many began with the goal of completing their album winning stamps of all kinds and completing challenges in all games or parties. There were many events in order to win stamps, and how not to forget how epic it felt to win a stamp that cost us too much. Clapper

Many of us were stamp seekers. Maybe some of them sometimes went through discomfort and disappointment when trying to win stamps so that in the end they could do it by doing an activity that teaches you that with effort, dedication and patience you can achieve everything you set your mind to. Emoticon musica

This little Top is dedicated to the most expensive and extreme stamps in the history of Club Penguin.  Futurepartystaremote

Let's take a look:

5) Puffle Plus Stamp - Jet Pack Adventure

Resultado de imagen para 450 coins jet pack adventure
Description: Your Green Puffle Collect 450 coins. Pow Emotee
You may say that this stamp is not so difficult because it is not an expert stamp. It is surprising to see her in this TOP.
However, it is one of the most annoying stamps of the game. It requires too much patience and need to know in which paths there are more currencies, and to know where all the fuels and lives are. Also another point to take into account is that your green puffle is not going to make it so easy. Sometimes it will disappear from nowhere and you will have to wait a few seconds. Collecting 450 coins is easy, but if you wait for your green puffle to collect 450 coins at once this time wrong. Maybe many got upset trying to win this stamp. It requires several attempts, and of course you will have to have too much patience and explore all levels in search of coins.
Without a doubt the hardest blue seal in the game. 
Emoticon Fiesta de Navidad 1

Resultado de imagen para jet pack adventure green puffle club penguin

4) Light Speed Launch - Puffle Launch

Description: Complete all 36 levels in under 18 minutes. Pow Emotee
This is one of the stamps that takes much longer. You need to pass as quickly as possible all levels in addition to memorizing the best ways to finish fast.
For this stamp you must have patience. First you must complete all levels of the game at 100% to worry about passing them fast. It simply requires intelligence. In addition your progress will be saved so do not worry about trying to get this stamp at once. It will take you a while.
So take your time! 
King Emote

3) 30 Sea Levels - Puffle Rescue

Description: Reach 30 sea levels with 5 full lives. Pow Emotee
Who did not cost this stamp in his time. Each time you completed 3 levels of water they became much faster and faster than normal. Many of us before winning this seal were electrocuted many times by those annoying squid that laughed at us. No doubt there was a slight headache. And much more if your computer suffered from lag. 
A challenge certainly great but at the same time expensive to complete.  CopaClubPenguin-EmoticonDedoDeGomaAzul

Resultado de imagen para puffle rescue club penguin

2) Survivor - Catchin' Waves

Description: Complete the Survival Mode.Pow Emotee 
Without doubt one of the most loved challenges by the community. You had to spend between 8 and 10 minutes surfing in a storm, dodging all the icebergs lining that didn't stop appearing and of course test your speed with the mouse cursor. This challenge proved all your agility and patience in addition to everything you had learned in this surfing game. Also when the storm was over a shark appeared that did not come to receive us in such a friendly way. A crazy, extreme and fun challenge that undoubtedly put everyone to the test. And let's not forget the fast wave that seemed to want to eat you. All obstacles combined in a very attractive game mode even if it is half repetitive but at the same time so annoying for some  
Good times.  Beach Jam 2013 Emoticons Surfboard

Resultado de imagen para survival mode catchin waves club penguin

1) Desert Chef - Pizzatron 3000

Description: Make 40 candy pizzas without mistakes. Pow Emotee
Without doubt the most expert seal of all unless you have a touch screen computer.
This was undoubtedly the most difficult challenge for many. The conveyor belt became faster and faster and our hearts accelerated more and more as we increased the number of pizzas.
You make a mistake and goodbye stamp. He became very repetitive and tired. Maybe many also got pain in the wrist trying for many days this seal. 

It is the biggest challenge of all. Pizza Emote

Resultado de imagen para pizzatron candy club penguin

These are the 5 most expert stamps in the history of Club Penguin. Camara flazhing

However you can comment on your own which is your TOP 5 of the stamps that cost you the most in all the years in which you played this legendary game.  Falalalala

I hope you liked this TOP! Heart Emoticon



  1. There were 2 very hard System Defender stamps that were either never released or deleted on the same day when they were released

    1. Oh sure!, In fact there was even a third new stamp that was going to be placed but in the end it was erased. Those 3 stamps of having been taken without a doubt that they were going to be a great and complete challenge!, unfortunately that in the end they were erased


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