
In the category of Events there are 2 subcategories that are Characters and Party:

To earn the character stamps you must share a room with at least one of them.

Tip: Every month there is a new party, and therefore a new character connects. I recommend that you log in as soon as the parties start and that is when the rooms are filled and the moderators and characters begin to connect.

You can read my tutorial on how to find characters easily: Click here

To earn the Party (18) Stamps , you must do the following:

1- To earn you the stamp of: Party Puffle

Take your puffle to the party room corresponding to its color. This can only be done at the puffles party which is held every year in the month of March.

2-To earn you the stamp of: Snack Shack

Serve snacks at a food stall with any emoticon. 
Tip: On some parties the rooms appear decorated with a snack stand attached to them. In these posts you must put the emoticon and you will get the stamp.

3-To earn you the stamp of: Celebration

Blow the candles on the Anniversary Cake.
Tip: This can only be done at the Club Penguin Rewritten Anniversary Party. To do this, just move the cursor over the cake. The anniversary is every February 11.

4-To earn you the stamp of: Construction

Drill into a construction of a party.
Tip: This can be done before all parties. You must have the miner's helmet which is in the cave of the mine. Then when you see the preparations for the party begin, place yourself in a construction zone, take off all the clothes and leave the helmet and then press the button to dance and ready. You will win the stamp when the party is already on the island

5-To earn you the stamp of: Volunteer Stamp

Volunteer Stamp

Donate to a Coins For Change cause.
Tip: This you can only do in December during the Christmas party. And to win it you should only donate any amount of coins

6-To earn you the stamp of: Out at sea

Leave the island in a boat.
Tip: This can only be done in the Winderness Expedition or in some parties where you can build your boat and be able to leave the island in a search.

7-To earn you the stamp of: Food fight.

Throw a snowball into the Ice Cream dimension.
Tip: This can only be done at the party on April 1st or at other parties where there are rooms where the snowballs you throw are food.

8-To earn you the stamp of: Go green 

Throw 10 snowballs that will then be trashed to the Recycling Plant machine. Note: This can be done even if there is no party in CPR.

9-To earn you the stamp of: Party Puzzle

Solve a riddle at a party.
Tip: This can only be done at parties such as medieval and expeditions.

10-To earn you the stamp of: Scavenger Hunt

Get all the sweets from the annual candy hunt.
Tip: This only works with the Halloween hunt. Or also with other parties where they look for candies like Easter.

11-To earn you the stamp of: Path Finder

Deciphering a maze at a Club Penguin Rewritten party
Tip: This only works on the Medieval Party, the Winderness Expedition, The Island Adventure and the Snow Maze.

12-To earn you the stamp of: Noble Knight

Wear a gentleman's outfit at the Medieval Party.
Tip: You can use any armor, but the ones you get in the Searches work the most.

13-To earn you the stamp of: Tree mob

Tree dressing along with 10 other penguins.
Tip: This can be done even if there is no party at Club Penguin. And the disguise of tree is found from time to time in the catalogs of  penguin style.

14-To earn you the stamp of: Trick-or-treat


Visit 10 iglús "Dulce or mischief" in the Night Party of Bruges (Halloween).
Tip: You should visit 10 equal igloos. That is to say that they have the model "Trick or Treat" you will know when you see the catalog of igloos in October. 
Tip 2: Add friends to all the penguins that you find so you can visit their igloos and then delete them from your friends list when you have finished. So you will earn the stamp faster

So you know what you are looking for here the image of the igloo "Trick or treat"

15-To earn you the stamp of: Top Volunteer Stamp

Top Volunteer Stamp

Give a 5,000 coin donation to Coins For Change
Tip: This you can only do in December during the Christmas party.

16-To earn you the stamp of: Stunt Penguin


Complete an obstacle course.
This can be done at some parties where these challenges are presented to you. Example: The Mountain Expedition

17-To earn you the stamp of: Mountaineer


Reach the top of a mountain. You must complete the expedition to the highest mountain. Starting from the ski village Tip: Can only be done on the Mountain Expedition.

18-To earn you the stamp of: Epic Volunteer Stamp

Epic Volunteer Stamp

Give a 10,000 coin donation to Coins For Change
Tip: This you can only do in December during the Christmas party.

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"Second Part"

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