Penguin Chat 3 (2005)

1) Introduction

Penguin Chat 3 was the last version to reach the legendary game that is Club Penguin, also here was when the myth (already fulfilled) of the ninjas in Club Penguin was developed. !We start!

2) Characteristics

Construction worker

You could have been a construction worker. You would have had to click on the hook of the crane in the sky (the crane was behind a fence in the background) in the snowfields that were right of the Town to get the hard hat (players did not have player cards back then, so players did not really get a hard hat permanently, you just wore one). If you danced, you would be drilling the ground and if you went into the middle snow fields, you would be driving a Snow Cat, a special form of transportation forever immortalized when it was once shown on the wall of the Pizza Parlor, and is a Club Penguin pop culture top subject, but was only available on Penguin Chat 3. By the looks of the photos, when you became a construction penguin, you became Old Blue and you became a larger penguin similar to the Club Penguin penguin.

Toolbar / Chat bar

The toolbar or "chat bar", had one more button than the Penguin Chat and current Club Penguin toolbar. The buttons included: Sit Down, Snowball, Tell Joke, Dance, Smilies, Send Chat, More, Resolution, Credits, and Settings (the wrench icon).

The Penguin Chat 3 toolbar was larger in size, compared to the Club Penguin toolbar. It was divided into two halves (chat entry field, which was located at the top of the toolbar, and buttons, at the bottom of the toolbar). At the top of the toolbar, its was a leather toolbar button. What basically minimize the entire toolbar, so it only shows the chat input field.

Like Club Penguin, you could make an account in Penguin Chat 3, but you did not have to activate it.

 Differences with Club Penguin

  • There was not Snow Fortress.
  • There were no clothes.
  • There were no memberships.
  • Before starting you could put a Nickname and not your password, but nevertheless that was changed almost at the end of Penguin Chat.
  • You could put bad words.

A penguin in Penguin Chat.


Because Penguin Chat 3 was simply a chatworld, items and membership weren't available. There would not have been a point to membership because it was only to test the Club Penguin servers. Furthermore, membership wouldn't have had any benefit to any Penguin in the game, the reason being the game lacked the fundamentals to provide membership privileges anyway (but membership could have been used to get exclusive penguins like the ninja penguin).


Some music from Penguin Chat 3 is currently being reused in Club Penguin. The reggae music from the Club Penguin Coffee Shop was originally in the PC3 Coffee Shop and in the Night Club, it would play a random song. At one point, the I've Been Delayed song that played in the Night Club of Penguin Chat 3 was available as igloo music in June 2013.

3) Trivia

  • Penguin Chat 3 was created with Macromedia Flash 8.
  • DJ Maxx appeared in Penguin Chat 3.
  • Many things from Penguin Chat 3 are in Club Penguin, as it was its predecessor.
  • Penguin Chat 3 was created to test the Club Penguin servers because the old Club Penguin servers ran on PHP.
  • Happy77 was seen as a snail in Penguin Chat 3.
  • According to a blog post made by Rsnail in RocketSnail Games, Penguin Chat 3 will not return.
  • At one point in the game's history, the original Penguin Band played at the Night Club. They played I've Been Delayed by the real-life band TAS 1000.
  • Penguin Chat 3 was officially closed on October 28, 2005, 4 days after Club Penguin was released and could not be played again forever.
  • The Gift Shop could not be accessed. It was only for players to order real-life T-shirts with real money.
  • Penguin Chat 3 did not have moderators.

Happy77 in the game.

Penguin Chat 3 Colors.

DJ Maxx in the game.

Here the rumors of the existence of the ninjas in the game began.

4) Rooms

List of rooms:
1) The Town. (Had one update)
2) The Boiler Room.
3) The Snow Area.
4) The Construction Site (Had two updates)
5) Coffe Shop.
6) Dance Club (Had one update)

5) Igloos

In Penguin Chat 3 the penguins did not have their own igloo, but there was an igloo open to the public.

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