Games - Second Part: Puffle Rescue, System Defender, Puffle Launch, Dance Contest, Treasure Hunt, Card-Jitsu Fire and Pufflescape

The Second Part has the games: Puffle Rescue, System Defender, Puffle Launch, Dance Contest Treasure Hunt, Card Jitsu Fire and Pufflescape!

To earn the Puffle Rescue (27) Adventure Stamps , you must do the following:

1-To earn the stamp of: 1 Coin bag

You must break all the ice of level 7 in the Snow Levels!

2-To earn the stamp of: Quick Catch

You must catch the coin pouch of level 2 of the mine levels.
Tip: You must catch them before the gas in the pipe knocks them down.

3-To earn the stamp of: Rapid Rescue

Complete the first 5 water levels in less than 30 seconds each level.
Tip: You must pass the levels as fast as you can.

4-To earn the stamp of: 1 Coin Bubble

To earn this stamp you must get the coins that are in level 7 water. You must go to the fan on the right that is at the bottom of the level and go to the right. You will see floating some coins in a bubble.
Tip: You must wait a while for it to appear but not much or the bag can be passed. If you can not achieve it, do the same at level 10, 13, 16 etc.

5-To earn the stamp of: SOS 30

You must rescue 30 blue puffles in the snow levels, this is achieved by finishing level 13.

6-To earn the stamp of: 2 Coins bag

They must first get the level 7 (See Stamp 1) and at level 8 push the balloon with a key attached to the place where the 3rd puffle is to open a chest.

7-To earn the stamp of: Snow Student

They must complete the first 3 levels of snow in less than 70 moves. This is achieved by making the levels as simple as possible.

Tip: Do not use the arrows on the sides, do not return until you have had all the puffles and do not make unnecessary moves or simply count the moves.

8-To earn stamp of:  Cave Coins

You must get the secret coins from the first level of the cave. When you start this level, stand on the arrow behind the goal square.

They must make the following movements:
2 ↓
3 ←
2 ↓
3 →
2 ↓
Upon arrival you will see this.
Tip: You do not have to return, after grabbing the coins go to the next box that will teleport them back to the beginning.

9-To earn the stamp of: Cave Coins Plus

You must find secret coins in level 4 of the cave. When recapping the second puffle, stop on the arrow like this.

They must make the following movements:
5 →
6 ↑
5 ←

Upon arrival you will see this.
Tip: You do not have to return, after grabbing the coins go to the next box that will teleport them back to the beginning.

10-To earn the stamp of: Super Catch

They must catch the coins of level 2 (See Stamp 2) and those of level 5 that are in the bridge of boxes after rescuing the first puffle. They must catch them before the gas in the pipe knocks them down.

11-To earn the stamp of: Easy Cannon

They must destroy all the level 3 cannons in the levels of the cave.
Tip: Wait for two cannons that are one in front of the other to aim and secure at the same time. Then get out there and let them destroy each other.

12-To earn the stamp of: Close Call

They must dodge the giant level 9 snowball of the cave.

Right after rescuing the last puffle of the level, the snowball will start chasing them. They should run as fast as possible. After they reach where they rescued the second puffle the snowball will collapse and they will have won the stamp.

13-To earn the stamp of: Express Rescue

They must complete the first 10 water levels in less than 30 seconds each. (Actually you only have to pass 10 water levels, but not necessarily have to be 10 consecutively.

14- To earn the stamp of: 10 Sea Levels

They must complete the first 10 water levels and finish the tenth with 5 lives. 

15- To earn the stamp of: 2 Coin bubble stamps.

You must also earn the Coin Bubbles of level 7 (See Stamp 4) to win those of level 8. You must reach a ventilator that is at the bottom, rise and swim more towards the bottom, you will find a bubble in the form of an arrow, burst it and let I raised and nothing in the direction indicated by the arrow, you will continue doing this until you reach the Coin Bubble!

Tip: If you get to lose you can try again at levels 11, 14, 17 etc.

16- To earn the stamp of: SOS 60

You must rescue 60 blue puffles in the snow levels, this is achieved by finishing at level 23

17- To earn the stamp of: 3 Coin Bags

You must first get the coins of level 7 (See Stamps 1) and those of level 8 (See Stamps 6) of snow. Then get the coins of level 9. For that they must keep on all the green balloons of level 9 completing the level as quickly as possible (In total they are 3 balloons)

18- To earn the stamp of: Snow Master

They must complete the first 6 levels of snow in less than 160 moves. This is achieved by making the levels as simple as possible.

Tip: Do not use the arrows on the sides, do not return until you have had all the puffles and do not make unnecessary moves or simply count the moves.

19-To earn the stamp of: Cave Coins Max

You must get the secret coins of level 7 of the cave. Just start the level put on the arrow like that.

They must make the following movements
10 ↓
4 →
3 ↓
5 ←
2 ↓
3 →
5 ↓
When you arrive, you will see this:

Tip: You do not have to return, after grabbing the coins go to the next box that will teleport them back to the beginning.

20- To earn the stampf of: Expert Catch

They must get apart from the coins of level 2 (See Stamp 2) and level 5 (See Stamp 10) you must catch those of Level 8 before the gas knocks them down. Before rescuing the last puffle you will see this and you just have to take the coins.

Tip: Complete the level as quickly as possible.

21- To earn the stamp of: Super cannon

You must destroy all 12 cannons of level 6 of the cave.
Tip: Wait for two cannons that are one in front of the other to aim and secure at the same time. Then get out there and let them destroy each other.

22- To earn the stampf of: Extreme rescue

You must complete the first 20 water levels in less than 30 seconds each.
Tip: There are not necessarily 20 consecutive water levels or they have to be the first 20. You only have to pass 20 levels in total in less than 30 seconds each

23-To earn the stamp of: 20 Sea Levels

They must reach level 20 of water with 5 lives.

24-To earn the stamp of: 3 Coin Bubbles

You must get the coins of level 7 (See stamp 4) and 8 (See stamp 15) of water, the bubble coins of level 9. Just start the level, swim as fast as possible forward without worrying about the puffles, until you reach a ventilator. Raise up, you will see a bubble, burst it and let it raise you. Swim as fast as possible forward and they will be on top of a giant bubble that will make them bounce.

Go to the bottom of the bubble and it will send them forward, swim as fast as possible and reach to the coin bag!

25-To earn the stamp of: Snow Hero

They must complete the first 9 snow levels in less than 270 moves. This is achieved by making the levels as simple as possible.

Tip: Do not use the arrows on the sides, do not return until you have had all the puffles and do not make unnecessary moves or simply count the moves.

26- To earn the stamp of: Extreme cannon

You must destroy all 15 cannons of Level 9 of the Cave.
Tip: Wait for two cannons that are one in front of the other to aim and secure at the same time. Then get out there and let them destroy each other.

27-To earn the stamp of: 30 Sea Levels
You must reach level 30 of water with 5 lives.

To earn the System Defender (13)  Stamps , you must do the following:

1-To earn the stamp of : Garbage Disposal

Destroy 100 enemies in a single game.
Tip: Do it at the advanced level of the tutorial.

2-To win the stamp of : Bug Overload

Protects the main server of the EPF from the Malignant Robots.

3-To win the stamp of : Strategic Success

Destroy 100 enemies without upgrading your cannons.

Tip: Do it at the advanced level of the tutorial.

4-To win the stamp of : Mono mechanic

Complete a game with only one cannon class.
  • Tip 1: Do it at the advanced level of the tutorial and do it with the red cannon.
  • Tip 2: You win easily by playing the first level.

5-To win the stamp of : Tactical Pro

Destroy 100 enemies without causing any damage.

Tip: Do it in the advanced mode of the Tutorial.

6-To win the stamp of : Master Mechanic

Fill all the empty holes with a cannon.
Do it at "Herbert's Attacks" level.

7-To win the stamp of : Herbert Attacks

Protects the EPF system from Herbert's attack.
Tip: Use too many yellow cannons and use only 2 or 3 purple and only one or 2 reds.

8- To win the stamp of : Klutzy Attack.

Protects the EPF system from Klutzy attack.
Tip: Use mostly orange cannons

9-To win the stamp of : Strategic Master

Destroy 250 enemies without making improvements.

Rabbit: Do it at "Herbert's Attack" level.

10-To win the stamp of : Tactical Ace

Destroy 250 enemies without causing them damage.

Rabbit: Do it at "Herbert's Attack" level

11-To win the stamp of : Test Bot Trio

Protects the EPF system from the test robots.

Tip: Put the guns in the way they are indicated in the image below. The plugs enclosed with red means that there you must put red cannons, the ones enclosed with yellow indicate that there you must put yellow cannons and the ones enclosed with purple indicates that you must put purple cannons there. Remember to put the reds you can first, then the purples at the end before the giant yellow robots arrive, and then the rest.

12-To win the stamp of : Protobot Attack

Protects the main server of the Protobot EPF.

13-To win the stamp of : Track Herbert

Complete the Level "Track Herbert"
Tip: Use mostly red cannons, and only 3 orange cannons, and 3 purple cannons.

To earn The Puffle Launch (12) Stamps , you must do the following:

1-To win the stamp of : Begin Build

Collect your first piece.
You must collect 269 Puffle-Os.

Tip: You must collect all the "Puffles-Os" from level 1 to 5 of the world "Blue Sky"

2- To win the stamp of : Launch Ready

Build a Cannon.
You must collect 1029 Puffle-Os.

Tip: You must collect all the "Puffle-O's" of the world "Blue Sky"

3- To win the stamp of : Crab Attack

Defeat a crab boss once.

Tip: The first boss is in level 6 of the world "Blue Sky"

4- To win the stamp of : Quick Launch

Complete all 36 levels in under 35 minutes.

"Example image" (Except that the bar clock appears in blue color)

  • Tip 1: You must unlock the time trial mode, which appears when you collect all the "Puffle O's" of the game.
  • Tip 2: After that you will pass the levels as fast as you can, finding different forms or strategies. Also they do not necessarily have to be consecutive, because your progress is saved the same in this mode.
  • Tip 3: To know how long you have accumulated simply move the cursor over the bar.

5- To win the stamp of : Turbo Time

Complete a level in turbo mode.

  • Tip: To unlock the "Turbo Mode" you must complete all levels in less than 18 minutes completing the time trial mode.
  • Tip 2: After this you must pass your cursor over the bar to activate this mode.
  • Tip 3: In turbo mode our Puffle moves much faster than normal.

6- To win the stamp of : Epic Cannon

You must get 4366 "Puffle-Os". To do this you must pass all the levels and get all the "Puffle-Os" of each level.
Be patient and explore each place of all levels.

7- To win the stamp of : Crab Crash

Defeat 3 crab bosses in a single play session.

  • Tip: Crabs Bosses are found in levels 6,12,18,24,30 and 36.
  • Tip 2: Remember that you have to defeat everyone in a single game.
  • Tip 3: Go through this stamp when you have completed all levels of the game.

8- To win the stamp of : Crab Attack

Defeat 6 crab bosses in a single play session.

  • Tip: Crabs Bosses are found in levels 6,12,18,24,30 and 36.
  • Tip 2: Remember that you have to defeat everyone in a single game.
  • Tip 3: Go through this stamp when you have completed all levels of the game.

9- To win the stamp of : Supersonic Launch

Complete all 36 levels in under 25 minutes.

"Example image"

  • Tip 1: You must unlock the time trial mode, which appears when you collect all the "Puffle O's" of the game.
  • Tip 2: After that you will pass the levels as fast as you can, finding different forms or strategies. Also they do not necessarily have to be consecutive, because your progress is saved the same in this mode.
  • Tip 3: To know how long you have accumulated simply move the cursor over the bar.

10- To win the stamp of : Turbo Battle

Defeat the crab in turbo mode.

  • TipTo unlock the "Turbo Mode" you must complete all levels in less than 18 minutes completing the time trial mode.
  • Tip 2After this you must pass your cursor over the bar to activate this mode.
    Tip 3: In turbo mode our Puffle moves much faster than normal.

11- To win the stamp of : Light Speed Launch

Complete all 36 levels in under 18 minutes.

"Example image" (Except that the bar clock appears in golden color)

  • Tip 1: You must unlock the time trial mode, which appears when you collect all the "Puffle O's" of the game.
  • Tip 2: After that you will pass the levels as fast as you can, finding different forms or strategies. Also they do not necessarily have to be consecutive, because your progress is saved the same in this mode.
  • Tip 3: To know how long you have accumulated simply move the cursor over the bar.

12- To win the stamp of : Turbo Master.

Complete all 36 levels in turbo mode.

  • Tip: To unlock the "Turbo Mode" you must complete all levels in less than 18 minutes completing the time trial mode.
  • Tip 2: After this you must pass your cursor over the bar to activate this mode.

    • Tip 3: In turbo mode our Puffle moves much faster than normal.

To earn The Dance Contest (9) Stamps , you must do the following:

 1- To win the stamp of : Bust a move

Get a combo of 50.

Tip: You can earn this stamp in easy mode. You just do not have to have mistakes until you get 50 consecutive notes. When that happens you will get a notification as in the image.

 2- To win the stamp of : Starting Out

Dance to One Song.

 Tip: You just have to dance a complete song in the game to win the stamp.

 3- To win the stamp of : Starting Puffle

Bring yout puffle to the dance floor.

Tip: You must take your purple puffle to the game. If you do not have one you will have to buy it for  800 coins.

 4- To win the stamp of : Raise The Roof

Get a Combo 100.

Tip: You can earn this stamp in medium mode. You just do not have to have mistakes until you get 100 consecutive notes. When that happens you will get a notification as in the image.

 5- To win the stamp of : A Perfect Run

Get and "A" on medium Difficulty

To get an "A" you must have many "Perfect" and "Great" dance steps. And since you should never get an "Almost", "Boo" or "Miss" since only one of those will automatically lower the rating to "B"
It must be in the medium difficulty.

 6- To win the stamp of : Disco Throwdown

Dance to Three Songs in a row

You must dance 3 different songs in a row without leaving the game.

 7- To win the stamp of : Don't Stop Movin'

Get an "A" on Hard Difficulty

To get an "A" you must have many "Perfect" and "Great" dance steps. And since you should never get an "Almost""Boo" or "Miss" since only one of those will automatically lower the rating to "B"
It must be in the Hard Difficulty.

Tip 2: The easiest song to win the stamp is "The Party Starts Now"

 8- To win the stamp of : Dancing Machine

Dance to five songs in a row

You must dance 3 different songs in a row without leaving the game.

 9- To win the stamp of : Pure Ice!

Get An a On Extreme Difficulty.

To get an "A" you must have many "Perfect" and "Great" dance steps. And since you should never get an "Almost""Boo" or "Miss" since only one of those will automatically lower the rating to "B"
It must be in the Extreme Difficulty..

Tip 1: To access the extreme difficulty you must click on Cadence.

Tip 2: The easiest song to win the stamp is "The Party Starts Now"

To earn The Treasure Hunt (5) Stamps , you must do the following:

1- To win the stamp of : Gem Skills 

Uncover 2 games in a single game.
Tip: The only thing to know is that you must work as a team with your playmate to make the stamp easier for you. And of course this is to try it several times.

 2- To win the stamp of : Collector 

Collect 8 Coins in a single game.
Tip: The only thing to know is that you must work as a team with your playmate to make the stamp easier for you. And of course this is to try it several times.
Tip 2: You rarely get a game in which this number of coins comes out so you'll have to have some luck.

 3- To win the stamp of : In the Rough! 

Find a rare treasure.

Tip: You must find an emerald in the game. Get out very few times so you should try this stamp many times and get lucky.

 4- To win the stamp of : Gem Expert

Uncover a Gem in only 3 moves.

To win the stamp you or your partner must discover the piece of a gem when the game starts (On the first move)

 5- To win the stamp of : Gem Pro 

Find 2 gems in only 7 moves.

Tip: You must discover or 2 gems. Or a gem and an emerald in less than 7 movements. So it will be good to play many times to get this stamp

To earn The Card-Jitsu: Fire (8) Stamps , you must do the following:

1- To win the stamp of : Win 10 fire matches

Warm up stamp
Win 10 Fire Matches

Tip: You just have to be victorious in 10 games. Easy, right?

2- To win the stamp of : Score fire

Score fire stamp
Win 1 energy point in a match

Tip: To gain energy you must win a card jitsu battle. For that you have to fall on the same stone as your opponent or fall on a stone card Jitsu which has the icon of cards.

3- To win the stamp of : Fire Midway

Fire midway stamp
Earn the coat. Finish 50% of your Fire Ninja Journey.

Tip: You simply have to win game after game so that you can quickly reach your goal. From time to time take a look at your progress by clicking on the icon of the letters on your right. When you get the coat the sensei will warn you.

4- To win the stamp of : Strong Defence.

Strong Defence stamp
Win a match without losing any energy.

Tip 1: You must be lucky and patient if you want to win this stamp. Always choose the elements with which you have higher cards and see if your opponent chooses elements that are advantageous for you. Good Luck!
Tip 2
To make it easier to tell a friend to help you with this stamp.

5- To win the stamp of : Fire Suit.

Fire Suit stamp
Complete your fire suit.

TipWin game after game. If you lose the same, your progress goes up. You must have a lot of patience. When you get the shoes, the coat, the mask and the helmet you will have completed your ninja costume. Congratulations!

6- To win the stamp of : Fire Ninja.

Fire Ninja stamp
Defeat Sensei and become a fire Ninja.

Tip: When you have obtained your complete ninja costume you can now face the Sensei. Make your best effort to obtain victory.

Tip 2: When you get the victory Congratulations. You are already a fire ninja and you will get the fire gem in your ninja amulet!

7- To win the stamp of : Max Energy.

Max Energy Stamp ingame
Win 3 energy points in a match.

Tip 1: To win this stamp you must reach the "9" energy number without losing any life. To do this the most likely thing is that you have to play against two other rivals. This stamp is very difficult and you must be very lucky to be able to achieve it. Always in your turns try to look for the battle of card jitsu and then you must take into account that the opponents choose elements in which you have high cards.
Tip 2: 
Tell 1 or 2 friends to help you with this stamp and so all choose card jitsu battles always taking into account that your friends let themselves win.

8- To win the stamp of : Fire Expert.

Fire Expert stamp
Win 50 matches.

Tip: Winning 50 games will not be easy. Taking into account that each game will take you 5 minutes minimum. You will have to have a lot of patience to be able to win this great achievement.

To earn The Pufflescape (11) Stamps , you must do the following:

1-To earn the stamp of : Bonus Snack.

Tip: Puffle OS bonuses simply come in groups of 3. In the first you will have the opportunity to get one.

Tip 2: You just have to use the wooden ramp to get to it.

2-To earn the stamp of : On a Roll.

3-To earn the stamp of : Puzzle Pro

4-To earn the stamp of : Puffle of Feast

Tip: The easiest way is to get all the Regular Puffle'Os from the first set of levels. In other words, you will have to complete 8 levels at 100%.
Remember that you don't need to take the Puffle'Os Bonus.

5-To earn the stamp of : Bite a Time

Tip: You can do this in the time trial levels. To unlock the time trial mode of a certain level you must simply collect the Puffle O's Bonus of the level.  In this way we must be much faster. When you take the first Puffle'Os you will have already won the stamp.

6-To earn the stamp of : Extreme Puzzler

7-To earn the stamp of : Master Roller

8-To earn the stamp of : Quick Snack

Tip: You can do this in the time trial levels. To unlock the time trial mode of a certain level you must simply collect the Puffle O's Bonus of the level.  In this way we must be much faster. 

9-To earn the stamp of : Fast Food

Tip: You can do this in the time trial levels. To unlock the time trial mode of a certain level you must simply collect the Puffle O's Bonus of the level. The easiest way to win this stamp is to simply collect all the Puffle'Os in the time trial mode of the first set of levels.

10-To earn the stamp of : Epic Roller

11-To earn the stamp of : Ice Master

Tip: Like all stamps to complete levels, it is not necessary to collect all Puffle'Os, as long as you collect the key and reach the final door. If you have completed level 23 of the game, congratulations, you are an expert in pufflescape!

Here a video in which the user passes all levels, I hope it will guide you:

I hope this guide has helped you a lot to win all the stamps! Mention in a comment how many stamps you currently have ;)

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