Ice Fishing Guide 100%

I) Dates

  • Ubication: Ski Lodge.
  • Release Date in Club Penguin: March 10, 2006.
  • Release Date in CPRewritten: February 12, 2017.

"HomeScreen of the game"


II) What is it about?

It is a minigame in which we will go fishing and our main objective will be to fish 62/64 fish and then the big mullet. And if we are lucky we will see the legendary Gray Mullet.

You should basically catch as many fish as possible before the game is over.

In addition you will see obstacles such as sharks, jellyfish, crabs and barrels which take away lives (4 lives per game).


III) Game Modes

Normal Mode: Here you will only catch as many fish as you can in order to finally capture the big mullet.
Tip: When you reach the 60 fish you will see the mullet approaching in the distance. After this, three more fish will appear. Capture the first two and the last you must use it as bait to catch the big mullet.

Time Trail Mode: You must capture as many fish in the shortest possible time.
They will give you 1:30 and you can also win a stamp if you manage to capture 20 fish.

IV) Objets

  • Fluffy the Fish
The most common fish that players try to catch.
  • Can Of Worms
These give the player one extra worm.
  • Pink Puffle
Pink Puffles with a mask and snorkel swim past occasionally with a banner. The banner often warns the player of something to come. The reason it is a pink one is because Pink Puffles can swim very well. It used to be a Blue Puffle, until the Flashing Lure Fishing Rod came out.
  • Mullet
The Mullet is the big, red, fish at the end of the game. You can see a stuffed version of it hanging on the wall in the Ski Lodge. You can catch it by getting a smaller fish and when it goes across the screen have the fish. It will try to eat it. You will get a 100 coin bonus if it is caught.
  • Barrel
Barrels knock fish off the hook.
  • Boot
Boots knock fish off the hook.
  • Jellyfish
Jellyfish can shock the line and take a worm away. They also take away a fish if there is one on the hook.
  • Shark
Sharks can bite both the worm and fish off the hook.
  • Crab
Crabs can crawl along on the underside of the ice and cut the player's line.
  • Gray Fish
Gray Fish are another version of Fluffy the Fish. They can only be caught by Members with the Flashing Lure Fishing Rod, which is bought in the Game Upgrades Catalog. They must be holding it when they enter the game. They aren't very easy to catch, because they quickly dart away from the bait, but as a result they earn you double the coins than yellow fish.

  • Gray Mullet
This is the weirdest creature in the game. To capture it you must do the same procedure you do when you capture a mullet and you must be lucky. It can take a long time and even a whole day to try to capture this fish, although everything depends on how lucky you are. Also it says that in the server Sleet you have the capture more faster.

FluffyIFMójolNatación de peces grisesLata de gusanosSalmonete grisBotaCrema de pesca de hielo sodaUna medusaTiburónCangrejo de pesca en hielo

V) Game Upgrades

Also in the game catalog you can buy the silver fishing rod which will allow you to fish gray fish in the game!

VI) Tips

  • This game is very simple to play. There is no specific tip and I can only tell you that the game measures your speed with the mouse. Winning all the stamps is easy. Except the Gray Mullet that will take you a great time.
  • This game is one that takes more time. Since for each normal game lasts at least 3/4 minutes.
  • If you want to capture the Gray Mullet go to the Sleet server and try your luck. Sometimes you can get it at the first attempt and other times at 20 or can take you a whole day.

VII) Stamps (Click in the Image)

Now that you know everything about this game it's time to play!. 

I hope this guide has helped you and do not forget to keep visiting all the other guides that are on the blog!

Comment, Share and Enjoy!


1 comment:

  1. Are you want to go on boat tour with your kids then you can go with fishing tours charleston sc. They are the best Fishing charter company in the USA. If you go with them you will get a beautiful experience that you always want to get.


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