Puffles are popular pets for penguins. Every penguin is able to adopt them for 800 coins in the Adopt A Puffle catalog in the Pet Shop.
Certain Puffles can also be taken into games, for example, Red Puffles can be taken into Catchin' Waves.

All Puffles Currently:
Blue Puffle
They are known for being the most friendly and loyal type of puffle, and they are very easy to be taken care of.

Attitude: Loyal, content and a team player.
Favorite toys: Beach ball and Ball with Stars
Elite Puffle Items: Beanie, Snowballs.
Special facts: Easy to care for.
Favorite game: Unknown.
Play: Bounces a beach ball up and down.
Play: Rolls the ball with stars in a line.
Bath: Washes itself with a sponge and then gets out and shakes itself dry.
Favorite Food: Pretzels.
Gum: Blows a bubble then puts it back in its mouth. Shows you the bubble inside its mouth.
Dance: Bounces up and down.
Postcard: It is on a beach ball and is holding a bag on a stick.
Brush: Gives the Blue Puffle a hair style similar to George Washington's.
Red Puffle
The Red Puffle is a species of puffle in Club Penguin Rewritten that originate from Rockhopper Island.
They are described as "adventurous" and "enthusiastic", and some describe them as great for pirates due to their pirate-like lifestyle at Rockhopper Island. Now adapted to penguin lifestyle, one can now adopt a red puffle at the Pet Shop. One highly notable red puffle is Yarr, Rockhopper's first mate.

Attitude: Adventurous, extreme, courageous.
Favorite toys: Bowling Pins and a Cannon.
Elite Puffle Items: Star Cannon, Helmet.
Special facts: Originally from Rockhopper Island.
Favorite game: Catchin' Waves, Puffle Launch
Play: Acts as a bowling ball and knocks over 2 pins. It blows down the 3rd.
Play: Shoots itself out of a cannon and then safely parachutes back to the ground.
Bath: Gets out its surfboard and catches some waves in the bath.
Favorite Food: Stinky Cheese
Gum: Blows a bubble and swallows the air inside it. It then floats around like a balloon, quickly deflating.
Dance: Bounces up and down.
Postcard: Come and see my red puffle!
Brush: Gives the Red Puffle a temporary mowhawk.
Sleep: Sleeps normally.
Pink Puffle
They are known for their sportiness. They are also depicted as cheerful. They can play Aqua Grabber with you at the Iceberg.

Favorite toys: Skipping rope, trampoline.
Elite Puffle Items: Lasso and cowboy hat.
Special facts: Loves to exercise and swim.
Favorite game: Aqua Grabber.
Play: Skips on its skipping rope.
Play: Bounces on its trampoline.
Bath: Swims around in its snorkel.
Favorite Food: Watermelon
Gum: Blows a big bubble, and floats up.
Dance: First move of the Purple Puffle.
Postcard: Swimming away with a hobostick.
Brush: Gives the Pink Puffle a temporary hairstyle.
Sleep: Sleeps like other puffles but more peaceful. The ZZZs are in a curly font.
Black Puffle
They are known for their reluctance and shadowiness. However, they have a wild side; they love to skateboard and they are known to catch on fire when they are feeling happy and strong. They rarely smile, but they will smile when pleased. They can play Cart Surfer with you.
Favorite toys: Skateboard, catching on fire.
Elite Puffle Items: Welding mask and blue fire from his mouth.
Special facts: Always burps after eating cookies.
Favorite game: Cart Surfer.
Play: Does jump tricks while playing with a skateboard.
Play: Catches on fire and flies across the room.
Bath: Jumps in, heats up the tub with its flame while smiling, relaxes in it like a hot tub, a thunder cloud comes and rains on the puffle, then the Black Puffle becomes black and unhappy again.
Favorite Food: Fish Burger
Gum: Blows a bubble. Then the bubble pops on his face.
Dance: Acts like a tornado.
Postcard: Skates out of igloo causing flames in the igloo and melting part of the ice walls.
Brush: Gives the Black Puffle a temporary hair style.
Green Puffle
They are very energetic and silly. They are also the fastest puffles. They are much like clowns, and are usually seen with a propeller cap or a unicycle. The most famous green puffle is the Keeper of the Boiler Room, which sits on top of a speaker in the Dance Club. They can play Jet Pack Adventure with you.Attitude: These puffles were always going-going-going. They were very playful as well. They were very energetic and exuberant and are always up to juvenile shenanigans and childish antics. They had an innate sense of humor and are always laughing and giggling. Their nature was simply hilarious itself. They are fun-loving, whimsical, wise-cracking, ironic, prankish, and frisky in behavior. Their zippy attitude was never ending and sometimes they get impatient and bored if they are not doing something constantly. Besides that, they enjoyed making up games, playing pretend, and interacting with toys.

Favorite toys: Red Propeller Cap, 3 red balls and a unicycle.
Elite Puffle Items: Red Propeller Cap
Special facts: Laughs an average of 14.7 times a day.
Favorite game: Jet Pack Adventure.
Play: Rides around on its unicycle.
Play: Flies around with propeller cap.
Bath: Takes a bath, and a hairdryer dries it off.
Favorite Food: Tacos
Gum: Blows a bubble then makes a dog like design with it.
Dance: Hovers with propeller cap.
Postcard: Green Puffle riding the unicycle.
Brush: Gives the Green Puffle a temporary hair style.
Purple Puffle
They love to dance, be picky eaters and are often portrayed as divas. They can blow incredibly large bubbles using their bubble wand. This puffle is perfect for Cadence, as she has one named Lolz. Purple puffles can play Dance Contest with you.
Favorite toys: Bubble wand with bubble mixture and disco ball.
Elite Puffle Items: Bubble Wand, Star Glasses.
Special facts: Has a sleep mask.
Favorite game: Dance Contest
Play: Makes some bubble shapes.
Play: A disco ball appears and the puffle dances.
Bath: Jumps in the bath then jumps out. Shakes itself and gets a different hair style every time.
Favorite Food: Hummus & Pita
Gum: Blows a bubble. Then blows a second bubble inside of it. It floats up in the air like a bubble.
Dance: Bounces, flips and acts like a tornado.
Postcard: Is flying away in a bubble.
Yellow Puffle
They are very creative and artistic, and are known to sculpt and paint perfect pieces of art. They love anything that has got to do with the arts, be it art, design, plays or music. There is also a yellow puffle named the Keeper of the Stage, which will appear when you pull the yellow lever on the Switchbox 3000. 
Favorite toys: Easel, Paint Pad, others.
Elite Puffle Items: Powerful flute, Blue Artist's hat.
Special facts: It puts a beret on before it paints.
Favorite game: DJ3K (formerly)
Play: Paints a Jet Pack or cannon with its paint.
Play: Closes a slate and starts directing a movie.
Bath: Adds paint into the water while bathing. Later turns to a rainbow Puffle.
Gum: Blows a bubble then draws a face on a bubble.
Dance: Singing.
Postcard: Is in a picture carrying a hobo stick.
Brush: Gives the Yellow Puffle a temporary hair style.
White Puffle
They are the smallest of all puffles, which fits their shy and quiet personalities. They are also known for their ability to turn anything in to ice, or create slopes of ice from thin air. They are connected back to ninjas quite often, especially since the first white puffles were spotted at the Dojo. This puffle seems perfect for Sensei.
Favorite toys: Ice Skates, Frozen Wave, Snowcloud.
Elite Puffle Items: Blue Earmuffs, Ice Breath.
Special facts: Slightly smaller than other species.
Favorite game: Pufflescape
Play: Makes a snowcloud.
Play: Makes an ice rink and wears a single skating shoe and skates quickly.
Bath: Jumps in bath and freezes it. Gets out of the bath half frozen in ice and jumps up and down until ice shatters.
Favorite Food: Yogurt Parfait.
Gum: Blows a bubble which freezes and shatters into ice.
Dance: Bounces up and down with a snowcloud above it.
Postcard: Feels shy with a group of puffles.
Brush: Gives the white puffle a temporary hair style.
Orange Puffle
Orange puffles have been depicted as goofy and zany, somewhat like green puffles. They are native to the Box Dimension, which was where they were first spotted. Their prominent buck teeth and long tongues make them stand out among other puffles.
Favorite toys: Box and Wagon.
Elite Puffle Items: None.
Special facts: Sleeps very deeply, eats almost everything and only puffle from different dimension.
Favorite game: None.
Play: Spins a green hula hoop.
Play: Goes into a wagon and its wheels break. Then it pumps the wagon's wheels with air and the wagon turns into a monster truck and the puffle rides it.
Bath: Jumps on a diving board 3 times before the board snapping and the puffle falling in.
Favorite Food: Socks
Gum: Blows a big bubble then it swallows it, floats then blows away.
Dance: Spins a green hula hoop.
Postcard: Rides away on a wagon.
Brush: Gives the orange puffle a temporary hair style.
Brown Puffle
Brown Puffles are the most intelligent puffles, as the Brown Puffle Cave where they were discovered is full of complex machinery. They play with rocket ships and dream of equations, complete with a graph paper background. They always wear safety goggles whenever they perform experiments.
Favorite toys: Beakers, Rocket, Plasma Ball, Helmet, Parachute, Safety Glasses, and Gear Hat.
Elite Puffle Items: None.
Special facts: Afraid of balloons.
Favorite game: Puffle Launch (As said in Club Penguin Magazine Secret Agent Special)
Play: The Brown Puffle lays out a plasma ball. Then it jumps over it and hugs it. The static in the plasma ball makes the puffle's hair stick out. The puffle smiles, shakes it off and returns to normal
Play: The Brown Puffle lays out a rocket it builds and then jumps inside. The rocket takes off and goes haywire as it loops while the Brown Puffle falls off, dizzy. Its parachute finally opens up but is then too late. The Brown Puffle shakes off its dizziness and goes back to normal.
Bath: A big pool appears with atom signs on the side of it, and the Puffle puts on his goggles and dives in the big pool. In the pool a submarine then floats to the top of the water, the pool vanishes revealing the Brown Puffle.
Favorite Food: Astronaut Ice Cream
Gum: Blows a bubble but it pops. It uses the windshield wipers built in its spy goggles to get the gum off.
Dance: Goggles suddenly appear and puffle sways.
Postcard: The puffle is in its airplane and then flies off from your igloo with all of its equipment in the back of the plane.
Brush: Gives the Brown Puffle a temporary mohawk.
Sleep: The Brown Puffle lays a pillow out, puts on its goggles; then has a dream about difficult math problems but later finds the answer and awakens.
Gray Puffle
The Grey Puffle is a species of puffle in Club Penguin Rewritten. After being teased several times it was revealed in Issue #103 of the Club Penguin Times that they would be released alongside the Puffle Party 2019 on April 26, 2019.It is currently unknown how, but at one point grey puffles were cursed to turn to stone. Grey puffles were trapped as statues for many years, and eventually freed and returned to normal when the sakura trees began to bloom.

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