- Using the Snow Shovel in the Cave Mine does not yield any coins.
- In the stamp book, a rare glitch may occur in which stamps from the previous page will end up on the page you are currently on.
- A very rare glitch may occur in which the flooring of an igloo begins to shake. This does not affect any furniture.
- You cannot receive coins from DJ3K.
- During Puffle Party 2020, brown puffles going into the Relax-tron became grey puffles until they got out.
- In Bean Counters, if the player clicks the X in the right-hand corner while the words "Try Again" are on the screen, but doesn't go any further (clicking the X on the coins earned screen), they'll still be able to move their penguin.
- Occasionally, Puffle Rescue only gives 1/10th of the coins you should receive from a game.
- Aqua Grabber occasionally gives out unlimited coins.
- Usernames will disappear if you teleport using your EPF Phone immediately after clicking "Edit Igloo."
- Rarely, in various games such as Cart Surfer, System Defender and Sled Racing, you will receive a negative amount of coins, reducing your coin amount.
- Playing the Acid Guitar! does not trigger electric guitar noises in the lighthouse.
- Sometimes when trying to input a code, the game will tell you to do it later.
- In every mini-game except Card-Jitsu and Sled Racing, pressing ("T") will cause the snowball cursor to appear.
- In Ice Fishing, there is a rare bug where if the line is broken at the same time as hooking a fish, the fish will freeze in place and stay there for the rest of the game.
- If you leave the Club Penguin Rewritten tab open for a long time when you try to log on and do the captcha, the game will say your password is wrong, but log you in. You will have a blank screen with all the GUI items (Moderation, Club Penguin Times, etc.)
- This also occurs if you log in and spawn in a full room.
- If you and a friend challenge the Sensei at the same time in Card-Jitsu, exit, and practice at the same mat, one player will appear as Sensei.
- In Soda Seas in Aqua Grabber, grab the bait, and be near Fluffy. If the Fluffy swims down the right corridor, go down the center, but make it so that the bait is under the camera and hits the floor. If you did it correctly, when the camera comes back to you, you will be holding nothing, but the Fluffy can still be caught with the invisible bait.
- When you play an instrument, click the newspaper, and then leave the newspaper, you will not be dancing, but the instrument will still be playing. This also occurs when you wave or throw a snowball.
- If the ship explodes in Aqua Grabber while obtaining a pearl, coin or blue gem the item will stick to the bottom of the sub and disable the claw.
- Cart Surfer has a graphical bug on the main menu where clicking on the leaderboard button and then clicking return will display a Black Puffle beside your penguin in the cart whether you brought one or not, however, this does not carry over into the main game unless you already have a Black Puffle present.
- In Dance Contest multiplayer sometimes when you finish a game you will be placed into another running game and won't be able to do anything when the game is supposed to end, forcing you to quit meaning you won't earn any coins.
- Clicking 'Retry' if your game successfully completes will soft lock the game, forcing you to quit. A workaround is to click the menu button instead and re-select your difficulty.
- In PSA Mission 6: Questions for a Crab, if you go to the map and teleport to the Ski Village while you're falling with the Klutzy, you'll be able to skip the wilderness part of the mission.
- Sometimes if you click on two names in your Buddy List, one buddy will be wearing parts of the other buddy you clicked.
- A rare bug can occur in Ice Fishing making the final earned coins quadruplated instead of doubled.
- Certain mini games will randomly make you lose connection. This has been confirmed by Stu to be a glitch and not client sided.
- There is a bug with the Brown Bed and Black Bed making them change to orange when a puffle sleeps in them.
- A similar bug also happens with the Black Puffle House, however, it changes to purple instead.
- DJ3K mixes do not appear properly in the igloo music, only appearing after hovering over the blank music options.
- If you do manage to set a saved mix it will not stay after you leave and rejoin your igloo.
- Card-Jitsu power cards do not enact rule changes as intended (e.g., removing an opponent's tile of a particular color).
- The Snow Igloo is unavailable to be purchased since the release of Igloo Upgrades Jul'19 catalog. If you try to do so you will be prompted to buy the Split Level Snow Igloo instead.
- After the release of the Penguin Style Aug'19 catalog some items on older pages became unavailable, showing undefined or a prompting a different item than what was displayed, mainly affecting items from the previous catalog.
- If you try to send a postcard to a penguin with their mailbox full you will not be able use any keyboard shortcuts in game. For example, pressing "t" to throw a snowball.
List of CPRewritten Bugs
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