Games - First Part: Jet Pack Adventure, Agua Grabber, Astro Barrier, Cart Surfer, Ice Fishing, Pizzatron 3000, Catchin' Waves, Thin Ice and Card Jitsu

This first part has the games: Jet Pack Adventure, Agua Grabber, Astro Barrier, Cart-Surfer, Ice Fishing, Pizzatron 3000, Catchin' Waves, Thin Ice and Card-Jitsu! 

To earn the Jet-Pack (18) Adventure Stamps , you must do the following:

1-To earn the stamp of : Lift Off!

Start the game, take off, and land again.

Tip: Do it on the first level.

2-To earn the stamp of: Fuel Rank Stamp

Collect all fuel cans in level 1.

Tip: Go to the stamp 13 "Fuel Command"

3-To earn the stamp of: Puffle Pilot

Bring a green puffle to the game.

Tip: The Puffles cost 800 coins and are bought at the Pet Shop.

4-To earn the stamp of: Jet Pack 5
Complete 5 levels (the whole game)

5-To earn the stamp of: Crash!

Collide and appear in the forest.

Tip: The forest is the trees on the right side of the square. Crash there.
Note: This is in the level 2.

6-To earn the stamp of: Fuel Rank 2

Get all level 2 fuel tanks.

Tip: Go to the stamp 13 "Fuel Command"

7-To earn the stamp of: Fuel Rank 3

Get all level 3 fuel tanks.

Tip: Go to the stamp 13 "Fuel Command"

8-To earn the stamp of: Fuel Rank 4

Get all level 4 fuel tanks.

Tip: Go to the stamp 13 "Fuel Command"

9-To earn the stamp of: Fuel Rank 5

Get all level 5 fuel tanks.

Tip: Go to the stamp 13 "Fuel Command"

10-To earn the stamp of: 1-up leader

Get 2 extra lives.

Tip: There are extra lives on all levels except the first. At level 2, it is at the top. At level 3 it is at the end near the entrance of the cave, at the top between the windmill.

11-To earn the stamp of: Puffle Bonus

Have your puffle get you 200 coins.

Tip: Be patient and try to grab all possible fuels. And try to get your puffle to get as many coins as possible per level. Levels 4 and 5 are the ones with the most coins.

12-To earn the stamp of: Kerching!

Collect 650 coins in one game (Win the "Ace Pilot" stamp to get this too)

Tip: To win the stamp easier you have to pass the game without collecting a single coin. So you get 1000 coins and two stamps at a time.

13-To earn the stamp of: Fuel Command

Pick up all fuel tanks in the game. Here the video:

14-To earn the stamp of: Fuel Wings

Grab a fuel tank while you fall.

Tip: This is easy to win, just fly over a fuel tank and spend your gasoline (do not crash with anything).

15-To earn the stamp of: 1-up Captain 

Catch all the extra lives of a game.

Tip: There are extra lives on all levels except the first. At level 2, it is at the top. At level 3 it is at the end near the entrance of the cave, at the top between the windmill. In level 4 is at the end, instead of going to the end continues down. In level 5 is in the third deviation, this one has a sign of care.

16-To earn the stamp of: Puffle Plus

Have your puffle get you 450 coins.

Tip: Be patient and try to grab all possible fuels. And try to get your puffle to get as many coins as possible per level. Levels 4 and 5 are the ones with the most coins.

17-To earn the stamp of:  Ace Pilot!

Do not catch a single coin in a game and finish it.

Tip: Do not carry your puffle. When you reach the end of the level you spend all your gasoline so you do not get coins bonus.

18-To earn the stamp of: Puffle Boost

Have your puffle catch you a fuel tank when you run out.

Tip: Just fly with your puffle and get close to a fuel tank. Fly over the tank and wait for the fuel to run out. Remember not to be right on top, because when you are falling in a nosedive  it you would catch the tank. If you are lucky, when you are falling, the puffle catches the tank.

To earn the Aqua Grabber (20) Stamps , you must do the following:

1-To win the stamp of : Squid Spotter

Discover the giant squid.

Tip: This squid only comes out in the clam waters level, just inside. It does not always appear. However here is a trick for you to have a better chance of finding it:

Tip: At the start screen of the game, stay for a while waiting. After about 10 seconds on your radar will emerge a flashing point like that of the image. That's the squid, now enter in the "Clam waters" and maybe appear on the first attempt.
However if you do not appear you must try many times until you find it. That depending on your luck.

2-To win the stamp of : Aqua Puffle

Bring your pink puffle to the game.

Tip: Puffles cost 800 coins and are purchased at the Puffle Shop.

3-To earn the stamp of : Soda Success
Pass all levels of Soda Seas.

4-To earn the stamp of : Clam Success

Complete Clam Waters levels

5-To win the stamp of : Soda Master

Complete the levels of  Soda Seas without losing lives.

Tip: You must complete all levels without ever leaving the game. Otherwise your progress will be lost.

6-To earn the stamp of : Clam Masters

Complete Clam Waters levels without losing lives.

Tip: You must complete all levels without ever leaving the game. Otherwise your progress will be lost.

7-To win the stamp of : Get Fluffy

Catch Fluffy and bring him to the net.

Tip: This can only be done in Soda Seas. To catch the fish first you have to catch the worm and use it bait. The worm is where the last barrel is. To make it out you must hit against where it takes air there.

Before catching the worm, the fluffy and the mullet you must collect 5 barrels which are scattered around the world. And you must find them in the following order. The truth is that it is easy to know the order, because while you are collecting them, you are unlocking new areas in the level.

8-To win the stamp of : Get the Worm

Catch the worm and bring it to the net.

Tip: This can only be done in Soda Seas. The worm find it where the last barrel is. To make it out you must hit against where it takes air there.

9-To earn the stamp of : Bubble Catch

Catch a bubble that blows your puffle.

Tip: Just swin with your puffle and spend your air. Then get on top of it. Just enter the game with your puffle and try to fill as much water as possible with your aqua graber. When this happens the puffle will release a bubble so you must place yourself on top of it so that the bubble reaches you. And ready, stamp won!

10-To earn you the stamp of : Pearl Capture

Grab all the little pearls in the Clam Waters Levels.

Tip: They are 5 pearls. Explore the level to find the five clams.

11-To win the stamp of : Clam Treasure

Grab the black pearl in the Clam Waters Levels.

Tip: The black pearl is not always in the same place. You will find it among one of the 5 small oysters.

12-To win the stamp of : Soda Treasure

Grab the rare treasure in the Soda Seas Levels.

Tip: To get it you must first go to the Soda Seas, take all the barrels, take the worm, use it bait and catch the fish, use it bait and catch the mullet, release the mullet, enter where the mullet was, leave Let the crab pick up all the coins, and take the treasure when the crab will give it to you.

13-To earn you the stamp of : Clam Compress

Complete the Clam waters in Compressed Air mode. Note: In this mode our submarine will be faster, but very weak, so try not to hit anything. Because only a small impact and you will lose a life

14-To earn the stamp of : Soda Compress

Complete the Soda Seas in Compressed Air mode. 

15-To earn the stamp of : Clam Pressure

Complete Clam Waters in Compressed Air mode without losing any life.

16-To earn the stamp of : Soda Pressure

Complete the Soda Seas in Compressed Air mode without losing a single life.

17-To earn the stamp of : Clam Timer

Complete the Clam Waters time trial.

18-To win the stamp of : Soda Timer

Complete the Soda Seas time trial.

19-To earn you the stamp of : Crab's Treasure

Grab the whole treasure of the crab.

Tip: To get it you must first go to the sea of ​​sweet, take all the barrels, take the worm, use it bait and catch the fish, use it bait and catch the mullet, release the mullet, enter where the mullet was, and Collect treasure as fast as you can before the crab catches it. If the crab catch it you have to take it out before you take it to the cave, to do it, you have to get over it and try to get the coin in your hand.

20-To win the stamp of : Mullet Capture

Grab the Mullet and bring it to the net


Tip: To take the mullet you must do the following: first go to the Soda Seas, take all the barrels, take the worm, use it bait and catch the fish, and use it bait to catch the mullet. Be careful, because the mullet can make you crash into the walls.

To earn the Astro Barrier (12) Stamps , you must do the following:

1-To earn the stamp of: Astro5
You must complete the first 5 levels of the game.

2-To earn the stamp of: Astro5 Max

You must complete 5 levels of the game without mistake, that is without wasting bullets.

Tip: Do not waste your bullets, shoot them slowly

3-To earn the stamp of: Astro40

You must complete the 40 levels of the game, do not go to the secret levels or the experts.

4-To win the stamp of: Ship Blast

You must use a super shot and shoot a blue ship, exactly that you will achieve after the level 30.

Tip: Wait 25 seconds and the blue ship will appear, do not shoot the tower.

5-To earn the stamp of: 1up - Blast

You must use a Tower to shoot a Target of Lives.

6-To earn the stamp of: Astro Secret
You will have to wait after level 10 to appear a blue ship and you will shoot, it will take you to the secret levels. The secret levels are Yellow.

7-To earn the stamp of: Astro10 Max
You must complete the first 10 levels of the game without making a mistake.

8-To earn you the stamp of: Astro20 Max

You must complete the first 20 levels of the game without mistaking it once.

9-To earn the stamp of: Astro Expert
You will have to complete all levels of experts, this you will achieve after level 30 and you shoot to the blue ship. When you reach the end of Expert levels, you will find 500 points at the top. The expert levels are blue, so say Secret levels.

10-To earn the stamp of: Astro30 Max

You must complete all 30 levels and not miss a single mistake.

11-To earn you the stamp of: Astro 1-up

You'll have to shoot at 8 targets to find in the game.

12-To earn you the stamp of: Astro Master

You must complete 25 levels of the game, also the Secret Levels and the Expert Levels.

To earn Surfer Cart stamps (16), you must do the following:

1-To win the stamp of : Great Balance.

It recovers the balanze after being on the point of falling.

2-To win the stamp of : Cart Pro

Get 150 coins in one game.

Tip: To have more time before the tunnel is finished, deliberately choke.

3-To earn the stamp of : Mine Marvel

Do 10 different tricks.

Tip: Here is a list of tricks you can use:

  1. ↑, →
  2. ↓, →
  3. SPACE, →
  4. ↓, SPACE
  5. SPACE, ↑
  6. ↑, ↓
  7. ↑, SPACE
  8. SPACE, ↓
  9. SPACE

4-To earn the stamp of : Mine Mission

Do 10 tricks out of the cart.

Tip: In this if you can repeat tricks. I advise you to do this: ↑↑

5-To earn the stamp of : Trick Master

Do 14 DIFFERENT tricks in one game.

Tip: Here is a list of 14 different tricks you can use:
  1. ↑, →
  2. ↓, →
  3. SPACE, →
  4. ↓, SPACE
  5. SPACE, ↑
  6. ↑, ↓
  7. ↑, SPACE
  8. SPACE, ↓
  9. SPACE
  10. SPACE, ←
  11. ↑, ←
  12. ↓, ←

6-To earn the stamp of : Puffe Power

Enter in the game with your Black Puffle and regain balance when you are about to fall.

7-To earn the stamp of : Cart Expert

Grab 250 coins in 1 single game.

Tip: You have to hit several times, without losing the game so you have more time to do tricks.

8-To win the stamp of : Mine Grind

Skid on 8 straight corners.

TipTo skid, you must press the following: ↓, →. You do that at least 1 or 2 seconds before a turn. Remember that it can vary, if the curve turns to the left would be: ↓. ←.

9-To earn the stamp of : Surf's up

Surf for 8 turns.

Tip: When they say surfing they just want to say that you are standing in the cart as you turn.

10-To win the stamp of : Flip Mania

Make 20 perfect turns, in a row, in the same game.

Tip: You can only make twists and turns. You can not do other tricks other than those or else you will not get the stamp. To make a gito you must sprinkle: ↓ (release the key), SPACE.

11-To win the stamp of : Ultimate Duo.

Do 20 tricks with your puffle.

Tip: Here you can repeat tricks. I advise you to do the: ↑, ↑

12-To earn the stamp of : Cart Master

Grab 350 coins

Tip: In all the game Collide at least 3 times, and just try to do these two tricks and fast:
1) ↓, SPACE2) SPACE, ←

13-To earn the stamp of : Surfing Pro

You must reach 5000 points in the "Hardcore mode"

Tip: In this mode you only have one life.

14-To earn the stamp of: Minecart Master 

You must reach 10.000 points in the "Hardcore mode"

Tip: In this mode you only have one life.
Tip 2: You have to have patience to reach that amount of points.

Tip 3: Just use two tricks to make it faster: 1) ↓, SPACE2) SPACE, ←

15-To earn the stamp of: Hardcore Hero

You must reach 15.000 points in the "Hardcore mode"

Tip: In this mode you only have one life.
Tip 2: You have to have patience to reach that amount of points.

Tip 3: Just use two tricks to make it faster: 1) ↓, SPACE2) SPACE, ←

16-To earn the stamp of: Unbeatable

You must reach 25.000 points in the "Hardcore mode"

Tip: In this mode you only have one life.
Tip 2: You have to have patience to reach that amount of points.

Tip 3: : Just use two tricks to make it faster: 1) ↓, SPACE2) SPACE, ←

To earn the Ice Fishing (13) Stamps , you must do the following:

1-To earn the stamp of: Snack Attack

Feed the shark with a fish.
Tip: Sharks appear at level 3

2-To earn the stamp of: Shock King.

Get 3 shocks from jellyfish and finish the game.
Tip: When you lose one life, there will be an opportunity to grab another in the water.

Tip 2: The JellyFish appears in the level 2

3-To earn the stamp of: Fishtastic

Catch 15 fish without any mistakes.
Tip: You must not lose one life. And you can not let a fish escape.

4-To earn the stamp of: Fishing Frenzy

Capture 10 fish in "Time Trial mode"
Tip: You must be fast and try to avoid that you escape at least 2 fish.
Tip 2: You can only win in the "Time Trial Mode"

5-To earn the stamp of: Worm Win

Complete the game without losing a life.

6-To earn the stamp of: Crab Cuts

Have 3 crabs cut your line and finish the game.
Tip: When you lose one life, there will be an opportunity to grab another in the water.

Tip 2: The crabs appears in the level 4.

7-To earn the stamp of: Afishionado

Catch 25 fish without any mistakes.
Tip: You must not lose one life. And you can not let a fish escape.

8-To earn the stamp of: Gray Goodies

Catch 15 gray fish.
Tip: To do that you must use the gray fishing rod that is in the refuge catalog.

9-To earn the stamp of: Prize Mullet

Capture Mullet.
Tip: At the end of the game when you have 62/63 fish, to catch the mullet you must give him a fish like bait

10-To earn the stamp of: Fly Fisher

Catch 63 fish in under 5 minutes.
Tip: In part you must be fast catching fish. With practice you will see that it is an easy game.

11-To earn the stamp of: Trail Master

Capture 20 fish in "Time Trial mode"
Tip: You must be fast and try to avoid that you escape at least 2 fish.

Tip 2: You can only win in the "Time Trial Mode"

12-To earn the stamp of: Ace Angler

You must capture 15 gray fish along with the mullet in a single game, without losing a life.
Tip: To do that you must use the gray fishing rod that is in the refuge catalog.

13-To earn the stamp of: Rare Mullet

Catch the Rare Mullet.
Tip: This is a stamp too difficult. Since to catch it you must play at least 2 hours in a row this game. Since there is a possibility of 1/100 that you appear the gray mullet. So, !Good luck!

Tip 2: Also people says that in the server "Sleet" you have the capture more faster.

To earn the Pizzatron 3000 (10) Stamps , you must do the following:

1-To earn the stamp of: Just Dessert

You must discover the sweet mode.

2-To earn the stamp of: Food Fiasco

You must make at least 3 failed pizzas.
Tip: Simply on the 3 pizzas, throw the ingredients everywhere of form crazy.

3-To earn the stamp of: Spice Sea

Make 3 pizzas with five shrimp and hot sauce in one game.
Tip: In part you must play several games. Since the order goes randomly.
Second Tip: If you can make 30 pizzas you have more opportunities to win it.

4-To earn the stamp of: Chef Hat

Make 20 pizzas in one game without any mistakes
Tip: You must be fast and agile.
Second Tip: Reduce the size of the browser window you use, that will make the game easier.
Third Tip: Put the cheese before the sauce.

5-To earn the stamp of: Coco Beans

Make 3 Pizzas with Five jellybeans and chocolate in one game. (Sweet Mode)
Tip: In part you must play several games. Since the order goes randomly.
Second Tip: If you can make 40 pizzas you have more opportunities to win it.

6-To earn the stamp of: Fiery Squids

Make 3 Pizzas with five Squids and Hot Sauce in one game.
Tip: In part you must play several games. Since the order goes randomly.
Second Tip: If you can make 40 pizzas you have more opportunities to win it.

7-To earn the stamp of:
 Candy Land

Make 3 Pizzas with five Marshmallows and Pink Sauce in one game. (Sweet Mode)
Tip: In part you must play several games. Since the order goes randomly.
Second Tip: If you can make 40 pizzas you have more opportunities to win it.

8-To earn the stamp of: Pizza Chef

Make 30 pizzas in one game without any mistakes
Tip: You must be fast and agile.
Second Tip: Reduce the size of the browser window you use, that will make the game easier.
Third Tip: Put the cheese before the sauce.

9-To earn the stamp of: Pizza Master

Make 40 pizzas in one game without any mistakes
Tip: You must be fast and agile.
Second Tip: Reduce the size of the browser window you use, that will make the game easier.
Third Tip: Put the cheese before the sauce.

10-To earn the stamp of: Dessert Master

Make 40 sweet pizzas in one game without any mistakes (Sweet Mode)
Tip: You must be fast and agile.
Second Tip: Reduce the size of the browser window you use, that will make the game easier.

To earn the Catchin' Waves (22) Stamps , you must do the following:

1-To win the stamp of: First Trick

You must master your first trick on the board.

Tip: While moving the mouse, press several arrows and you will get a trick.

2-To win the stamp of: Puffle  Surfin'

You should take your Red Puffle to play with you

Tip: Puffles cost 800 coins and are purchased at the Puffle Shop.

3-To earn the stamp of: Easy Flip

You should do a Flip. To do this, remember to take the learning course.

Tip: To make a flip you must turn the cursor in circles quickly.
Tip 2: A trick is that when you are spinning right click to regain balance and make a perfect fall.

4-To earn the stamp of: Easy Tube

You will have to get inside the Wave without getting too much or getting out of it. When you complete 100 points you will earn the stamp.

Tip: Take the learning course, so you will learn how to do it well.
Tip 2: To make a tube you should keep as close as possible to the wave and keep that distance.

5-To earn you the stamp of: Easy Grind

You must make 100 points using Floater's trick

Tip: Remember to learn the surf lesson.
Tip 2: To make a "Grind" you must first jump and then when you are going to fall keep pressing the right button of your mouse. Then you must hold down the right button until you see that the tip of the wave reaches you. When this happens, release the button and you're done. Try to do tricks during the jump so that the "Grind" can reach more points possible.

6-To earn the stamp of: Graduate

You must complete the level of Surf Class, to complete it you have to do the tricks fast and make them the best possible.

7-To earn the stamp of: Easy Spin

You must make 3 turns in your table for that, you must take impulse and press the arrow of down and the arrows of the sides.

Tip: Try as many times as you can.
Tip 2: To make turns you must use the left or right arrows of your PC keyboard. Just keep them pressed and you're done.

8-To earn the stamp of: Trick Star

You must perform at least 13 tricks on the surfboard

Tip: Use the arrows and the mouse to help.
11 tricks.
1) →
2) ←
3) ↑
4) ↓
5) ↑ and →
6) ↑ and  
7) ↑ and ↓
8) ↓ and →
9) ↓ and ←
10) ← and →
11) Flip

9-To win the stamp of: Podium Puffle

You should stay in 1, 2 or 3 places in a competition with your puffle.

Tip: It pleases all judges, but it pleases more with the one that best suits you.

10-To earn the stamp of: Flip Star

You must make three flips in the same play.

  • Tip: Take a lot of momentum and then do the Flips technique.
  • Tip 2:  To make a flip you must turn the cursor in circles quickly.
  • Tip 3: A trick is that when you are spinning right click to regain balance and make a perfect fall.

11-To win the stamp of: Easy Jump

Jump the height of 8 penguins.

Tip: Use your Silver Surfboard (if you have one).

12-To earn the stamp of: Super Tube

Make a combo of 1000 points in a single tube.

Tip: Use your Silver Surfboard, do tricks, and from time to time go up and down the wave so it does not reach you.

Tip 2: To make a tube you should keep as close as possible to the wave and keep that distance.

13-To earn you the stamp of: Super Spin

Make 7 turns.

Tip: Use your Silver Surfboard (if you have one) and take a lot of momentum from below to jump higher and be able to do more turns. Also before jumping up and down the wave to avoid reaching you when you are up.

14-To win the stamp of: Super Grind

Make a combo of 700 points with a floater.

  • Tip 1: To make a "Grind" you must first jump and then when you are going to fall keep pressing the right button of your mouse. Then you must hold down the right button until you see that the tip of the wave reaches you. When this happens, release the button and you're done. Try to do tricks during the jump so that the "Grind" can reach more points possible.
  • Tip 2: During the jump you can make combos of flips and turns so that when you land you have more points in your grind.
  • Tip 3: Use the gray table to make it easier.

15-To win the stamp of: Max Grind

Make a combo of 1200 points with a Floater.

  • Tip 1: To make a "Grind" you must first jump and then when you are going to fall keep pressing the right button of your mouse. Then you must hold down the right button until you see that the tip of the wave reaches you. When this happens, release the button and you're done. Try to do tricks during the jump so that the "Grind" can reach more points possible.
  • Tip 2: During the jump you can make combos of flips and turns so that when you land you have more points in your grind.
  • Tip 3: Use the gray table to make it easier.

16-To earn the stamp of: First Place

It is first in the Competition mode.

  • Tip: Pleases all judges and survives until hello is finished. If you manage to finish the wave you will get another and other judges. Repeat this 3 times.

  • Tip 2: Try to combine the tricks asked by the jury in jumps, so you can see that you can score points easier.

  • Tip 3: Try to get at least "9" in each of the three rounds to ensure your victory.

17-To win the stamp of: Max Flips

Make 10 flips in a row.

  • Tip: Use your Silver Surfboard (if you have one) and take a lot of momentum from below to jump higher and be able to do more turns. Also before jumping up and down the wave to avoid reaching you when you are up.
  • Tip 2: To make a flip you must turn the cursor in circles quickly.
  • Tip 3: A trick is that when you are spinning right click to regain balance and make a perfect fall.

18-To win the stamp of: High jump

It jumps the height of 20 penguins.

Tip: Use your Silver Surfboard, and then it picks up a lot of momentum.

19-To earn you the stamp of: Max tube

Make a combo of 5000 points with a single tube.

  • Tip: Use your Silver Surfboard, do tricks, and from time to time go up and down the wave so it does not reach you.
  • Tip 2: Do this in "Freestyle" mode, from the beginning make the tube and press the S + D keys as fast as you can without stopping until the wave is over.

  • Tip 3: To make a tube you should keep as close as possible to the wave and keep that distance.

20-To earn you the stamp of: Max Spin

Make 10 spins.

  • Tip 1: Do this with the silver table.
  • Tip 2: Try as many times as you can.
  • Tip 3: To make turns you must use the left or right arrows of your PC keyboard. Just keep them pressed and you're done. 

21-To win the stamp of: Shark!

Find the Tiburon in Survival mode.

  • Tip: To find it you have to reach the 20000 points in Survival mode. If you want to, you should use your Silver Surfboard.
  • Tip 2You must have patience and try not to do tricks.

22-To earn the stamp of: Survivor

Finish a wave in survival mode.

  • Tip: Use your silver surfboard and when there are no icebergs do tricks. If you are about to fall off the table click to retrieve the balance.
  • Tip 2: You must be patient and do not use tricks because although you add points to reach the "20,000" do not influence this mode.
  • Tip 3: It takes 8/10 minutes to complete this mode.
  • Here a tutorial with many tips and explanation of the whole survival mode that will help you a lot:

Here a video of how to win all the stamps in a single game:

To earn the Card-Jitsu (10) Stamps , you must do the following:

1- To earn the stamp of:  Grasshopper

You must play at least 5 full games of Card-Jitsu (Do not count if your opponent leaves the game)

2- To earn the stamp of:  Elemental Win

You must win a game with the three different elements (Fire, Water and Snow)

3- To earn the stamp of:  Fine Student

You are already halfway!. You must play at least 40 full games. (This number becomes smaller if most of the games end with victory in your favor)

4 - To earn the stamp of:  Flawless Victory

You must beat your opponent without him winning a single round.

5 - To earn the stamp of:  One Element

You must win a game with 3 cards of the same element.

6 - To earn the stamp of:  True Ninja

You must play at least 88 games. (This number becomes smaller if most of the games end with victory in your favor)

7 - To earn the stamp of:  Ninja Master

You must defeat the Sensei (You can only do this when you have your black belt) and become a real ninja!

8 - To earn the stamp of:  Match Master

You must win at least 25 games!

9- To earn the stamp of:  Sensei Card

When you face the Sensei you will have to be lucky to get your powerful card.

(The powerful letter of the sensei is one of snow with value 12 of power) (You will easily recognize it since in the letter the same Sensei appears)

10 - To earn the stamp of:  Full Dojo

You must beat your opponent with at least 9 cards.

  • Tip: To win the stamp you must bear in mind that you can not have 3 cards of the same element with different colors. Also you can not have 3 cards of the three elements with different colors.

  • Tip 2: This stamp It is almost impossible to obtain. So it is recommended that you do it with the help of a friend, which will make it much easier for you!

Click on the image to see the second part, which has the games: Puffle Rescue, System Defender, Puffle Launch, Dance Contest and Treasure Hunt.

Click on the signs to see other section!

1 comment:

  1. This post helped me so much when playing Catchin' Waves and Pizzatron!! Thank you soo much!


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