Club Penguin: My Penguin App (Android) (2013)

Here the legend so you know all the categories on this page:

1) Introduction
2) Features
3) Bugs and Glitches.
4) Trivia

1) Introduction

The Club Penguin App (formerly known as My Penguin) was a free mobile application for Club Penguin, fully released on May 9, 2013 for Apple devices and December 18, 2014 for Android devices. The app was compatible with any of the aforementioned brands with operating systems of either iOS 7 or Android 4.0.3 and above. In addition to being released for iPads on May 9, 2013, the app was available to download for iPhone and iPod on April 16, 2014.

Users of the app could choose to play in several different languages: English, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, and Russian, most of which are available in the regular version for Club Penguin as well.

As informed by a parents update email, the app was removed from the App Store and Google Play on February 27, 2017, a month and two days preceding the discontinuation of the desktop version of Club Penguin.

Any users who had the app downloaded can still launch it, but the game will not work and it essentially just takes up storage. However, users will still receive notifications such as "Happy April Fools" or "Happy Independence Day" since the app is coded to give notifications on holidays even if the game is shut down..

"Logo of the app"

2) Features

  1. Edit Penguin: Can edit your penguin's clothing.
  2. Buddy List: Brings up your Buddy List, and allows you to throw a snowball at your friends. You can also accept or deny friend requests through the app.
  3. Penguin Style: Can buy clothes from a Penguin Style catalog, including mobile exclusive items.
  4. Blog: Can read the latest posts from the What's New Blog.
  5. Videos: Can watch the latest videos from Club Penguin's YouTube channel. Was removed in version 1.2.
  6. Games: Can play Club Penguin minigames such as Puffle Rescue, Puffle Roundup, Ice Fishing, Pufflescape, Sushi Drop, Card-Jitsu Snow, Jetpack Boost, Bean Counters, Pizzatron 3000, and Smoothie Smash.
  7. 3D artwork: A new type of penguin sprite was shown in WaddleOn Episode 6, and in the corner a small print stated "My Penguin footage shown." This sprite is seen when waddling around in igloos. It took the team one year to make every single item in 3D.
  8. Igloos: Can edit and visit other igloos.
  9. Rooms: Can visit rooms on the island such as the Town Center, Coffee Shop, Dance Club, Clothes Shop, Dock, Beach, Lighthouse, Beacon, Snow Forts, Pizza Parlor, Skatepark, and Mine Shack.
  10. Jump to Friend: Can Jump to Friends by clicking on their player card and then clicking on a little curvy white arrow.

3) Bugs and Glitches

In this app the following bugs and glitches have been detected:

  • To some players, when they entered they left part of the Club Penguin logo and a piece of sushi.
  • When entering any room and having the penguin walk anywhere, I would return you to the main menu, this happened a lot in the center.
  • There was a bug in the Star Wars Rebels party: The Invasion that when entering the application the screen went blank, this error was fixed.
  • Sometimes when entering a room, the penguins were all of a single color, this error was also solved.

4) Trivia

  • When you played a game, you could earn coins, which were synced with your penguin.
  • If you had a friend playing this app, they would appear online in your friends list as "Mobile" on the desktop version of the game.
  • It was confirmed by Spike Hike that it would be only for the iPad at first, but it would be available for other smartphones soon.
  • Playing games would grant the player a sushi for a turn in the game, Sushi Drop. The player could collect coins depending on where the sushi ends up, and rarely, an item.
  • The app reached very high spots on the app charts reaching #1 in Canada, #2 in the UK and USA.
  • Unused files were found inside the app's code, including code for "Gift Cards", "Messages", a "News Feed", and even a color. Many different unused languages were also found.
  • Oddly, you could remove mascots you became friends with on your Buddy List from this app.
  • The person behind the hit apps Where's My Water? and Where's My Perry? is the head of the mobile team who created this app.
  • The new penguin model used in this app was first shown in WaddleOn Episode 6.
  • This was confirmed in a blog post by Spike Hike on August 19, 2013.
  • The song Party In My Iggy was released for the 1.2 update.
  • Server Jumping was launched on an update for this app, confirmed by Spike Hike, though it is called Jump to Friend, because the app does not have servers.
  • Puffles were first added in the version 1.4 update.
  • If you threw a snowball in a room where the snowball changes to something else, such as a water balloon or food, the snowball will not change.
  • The Android version did not have Card-Jitsu Snow.
  • This app was in development since December 2012.
  • On December 25, 2014 at 3pm PST, there were more players online on the app than the website for the first time ever.
  • Its servers went offline on March 30, 2017, along with the desktop version.

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