How to become a EPF Agent

!Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!

And if you want to be an agent of the EPF you have reached the indicated page. Here are the steps you must take to become a secret agent. Let's take a look. Operation Puffle Emoticons EPF

First we must go to the town and say that we want to be agents of the EPF and if they can send us an invitation. The Town is the most populated room there is so you will get one without problem.

When we receive one we go to our mail which will have a number enclosed in an orange circle.

This is the invitation of the EPF. We click on "Go There" and it will take us to the EPF Command Room.

Step 1: Already in the EPF.
Click on the phone that is in the room.

Step 2: This will make you unlock the Test to be an agent. It is very easy and in the next video I show you how to pass it with perfect punctuation.

Step 3: And congratulations, you're already a secret agent!

Tip: Now you can use your spy phone which has different options which are:
A) Elite Gear: From here you can access the secret agent equipment. Each of these objects is purchased by the medals you earn by completing the APS missions or by completing mini-missions each week.
B) Field-Ops: From here you access the missions that they send every week. Currently not available.
C) TeleportHere you can teleport to the room you want.
D) Recruit: This option only gives you a warning that you can recruit other penguins by sending them a postcard so they can join the EPF.
E) Elite Puffle: Click on this option so you can get the Elite Puffle. For that you must first unlock the whistle of the elite puffle with a code which is "HIDDENPUFFLE"
F) EPF Command Room: Click on the arrow on your phone to automatically teleport to the EPF headquarters.

Tip 2: Once you are an agent of the elite penguin force you will have access to this room where you can play "System Defender" and win more stamps and coins!

And finally explore the APS that is on top of the EPF Command. I hope this guide has helped you and congratulations if you are already a secret agent!

I hope this guide has helped you!

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  1. k but when i press the phone nothing happens

  2. yeah, no blue screen appears for me either

  3. Send me a picture of the error by gmail to help you
    My gmail is:

  4. you can't just click on the phone

    1. A friend has to mail you (in game) the EPF

    2. actually you don't! is your account more than 30 years old?

  5. This is not working for me, please help.

  6. it wasn't working for me either, so i literally just typed out "I want to be an agent" and not even a second later, they sent me a letter about becoming a secret agent

  7. It still wont let me do missions because im not 30 days yet help

  8. Says I have to do a quiz and wait for a letter in the mail. Yet I haven't gotten the letter for acceptance.

  9. How do i access this? is their an invite or a code?

    1. Thanks for the observation, the guide has already been updated! At the beginning there is what you should know, Someone should send you a postcard inviting you to the EPF. You just have to ask them for an invitation for be a agent

  10. its not working for me and i have the invite, help

  11. I have the invite but when I go into the room, the phone doesn't ring, and clicking on it does nothing. Do you have to have played a set amount of time or something?


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