- Plot: One day, while at sea, Rockhopper is studying his charts when a hankering for cream soda overshadows his concentration. When searching below deck to find a new barrel, he notices two flippers poking out of an old treasure chest. Rockhopper tells the penguin, who reveals himself as Bambadee, that he is going to be brought back to Club Penguin Island in the morning. When Rockhopper goes back to his quarters to do a bit of writing, Bambadee tries to trick Rockhopper into letting him stay by dressing as a ghost but his bracelet gave him away. He then explains to Rockhopper that other penguins were teasing Bambadee because of his bracelet and name. Rockhopper reassures him that he does have friends and to give it a second chance.
The Migrator pulls close to the Dock and they part ways. The next time Rockhopper comes to Club Penguin Island weeks later, Bambadee comes up to him and tells what he had been doing ever since. The book ends after Rockhopper narrates how brave Bambadee had been.

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