System Defender Guide 100%

I) Dates

  • Ubication: EPF Command Room.
  • Release Date in Club Penguin: January 14, 2011.
  • Release Date in Club Penguin Rewritten: February 12, 2017.

"Start Screen Of The Game"

"Screen when completing a level".

The first thing is that you play the tutorial before going to the game levels. If you still don't know how to play the tutorial it will help you a lot.

II) What is it about?

It is a game in which we will have to defend the EPF Computer from the virus. In this case they are robots which we can destroy with cannons that we are building.

You must place cannons in the spaces that are free. Also it is always good to vary the type of cannon, since if orange or purple bots come you will need canyons of these colors. In this game everything is based on strategy. If you memorize the levels it is easier. You must have patience, strategy and be fast.
You lose if the computer is destroyed.

We will always get notifications from our allies or enemies on the screen so that we can guide us about what happens in the game.

III) Objets, Cannons and Enemies


 Gears: You can win them when you kill big enemies. These are used to improve.
You must click and then enter it in the cannon you want to improve.

Energy bars: The enemies release them. These give you more points when clicked so you can build new cannons.


  • Red Cannon: The red cannon shoots fast but has low damage. It costs 50 energy and is best used for the beginning of all levels.
  • Orange Cannon: The orange cannon has a long range but only moderate damage and firing speed. It costs 125 energy and is best used in places where red and purple cannons would not be able to hit bots.
  • Purple Cannon: The purple cannon does a considerable amount of damage, but fires slowly. It deals a fatal blow to each bot it hits. It costs 200 energy and is best used against Purple and Boss bots.


Red bot


They attack in large groups and have normal speed. They are the ones that cause less damage. They also have little resistance.
Best suited cannon to destroy it: Red.

Yellow bots


They are the fastest bots and cause considerable damage. They have a little more resistance than red bots.
Best suited cannon to destroy it: Yellow.

Purple bot


They are very slow and cause great harm. They also have great resistance. It is like a purple tank.
Best suited cannon to destroy it: Purple.

There are also the boss bot. They are the big versions of these bots. They have more resistance than each of those already mentioned.

1) Challenge 38/100: Enemy bots are attacking the EPF mainframe computer. But who is responsible?.
2) Challenge 47/100: Herbert P. Bear is back to destroy the EPF. Can you stop him in time?.
3) Challenge 54/100: The EPF faces one of its toughest challenges when it is attacked by... Klutzy?.
4) Challenge 73/100: The Test Robots are attacking all at once. Can you outsmart all three? .
5) Challenge 96/100: RED ALERT! The Ultimate Protobot is attacking the EPF mainframe. Battle Stations!.
6) Challenge 100/100: TRACK HERBERT!!! Herbert is back with more tricks up his sleeve. Can you face him?.
Different strategies are used at each level.

IV) Tips

    • Use the 200 energy at the start to place 4 red cannons, except for the "Tracking Herbert" level, where you should put up 1 purple cannon on a corner.
    • U-turns and corners are the best places to put red cannons.
    • Once most of the U-turns and corners are filled with red cannons, build orange cannons separated evenly by each other.
    • Build multiple groups of orange cannons clustered in groups of 2-6. Orange cannons are extremely good at protecting against huge waves of bots.
    • Build purple cannons when the bosses start appearing in huge groups. They are the perfect anti-boss weapons.
    • When upgrading, upgrade one cannon fully before upgrading the next.
    • Try to completely upgrade each cannon.
    • In this game you will only use the mouse cursor.

    V) Stamps

    Now that you know everything about this game it's time to play!. 

    I hope this guide has helped you and do not forget to keep visiting all the other guides that are on the blog!

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