Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!
I know that in this blog we talked about CPRewritten but the truth since the news of the closure of Club Penguin Island happened I wanted to post about this game and things about this shocking news.
Club Penguin was the best job I ever had. There was a period of a few golden years where even the stress was constructive and exciting, and I knew that I was part of something amazing. It's sad to hear it's shutting down for good.— Screenhog (@_screenhog) 27 de septiembre de 2018
Love you, CP.#OnceAPenguinAlwaysAPenguin
#1 - I have, and have always wanted to immortalize the @clubpenguin behind-the-scenes story. I plan to write a coffee table book with my partner, @emma_bullen, who will always be the true, real Aunt Arctic.— Chris Gliddon 🐯 (@chrisgliddon) September 27, 2018
#2 - I plan to create a documentary film about the history of CP. I started it with Johnny (Businesmoose) many years ago, and I intend to finish it. Even if it’s just a private gift for the co-founders as a thank you gift.— Chris Gliddon 🐯 (@chrisgliddon) September 27, 2018
#3 - I like to set huge, unrealistic goals. So now’s a good a time as ever to mention that I intend to make the next Club Penguin-like world. A virtual world to be made alongside my favourite former CP staffers and the former CP community. Spoiler alert: not about penguins 🐧😉— Chris Gliddon 🐯 (@chrisgliddon) September 27, 2018
#4 - please join me in wishing all the former Penguins the best and good luck with their future adventures. Never in my life did I imagine that I’d get to meet and work with such a talented group of people.— Chris Gliddon 🐯 (@chrisgliddon) September 27, 2018
#5 - I am so incredibly thankful for the Club Penguin player community, and for all the amazing people I got to meet there. I still consider @trinithompson one of the best bosses I've ever had - so brilliant, so creative, so talented, and so patient with me and my many fumbles.— Chris Gliddon 🐯 (@chrisgliddon) September 27, 2018
Sad news. #waddleon https://t.co/0SsQ0BLzBa— Lance Priebe (@lancepriebe) 28 de septiembre de 2018
For now these are the messages that I have been able to see of some of the mods on twitter, the rest because there are practically no signs of them. But the point is that we all wonder what will happen after CPIsland. Do you already have ideas of what is going to happen?
Well, it will be the following. I will divide this into some facts:
1) The division of the community
If it is already a fact that since the closure of Club Penguin, this whole community was broken into pieces, imagine what it would be like when CPIsland ends, it is certain that many will leave the game forever while others will only choose CPPS to have a good time in them. The truth is that this is very sad because on twitter we will see practically different groups everywhere, and of course there are some who hate some CPPS or CPPS who become rivals putting even more toxic to the community so to speak.
Of course it is clear that they are moving to the three most famous CPPS for now and best in my opinion which are: Club Penguin Rewritten, SuperCPPS and Club Penguin Online. And some of course may choose to move to the Rocketsnail Games game called "Epic Snails".
1.2) The community will not be the same
What we all know, which represents the end of a game with almost 13 years? Well, an awful news for everyone, it must be said that for many of the Club Penguin players, the game represents their childhood or their life, but for those who have been in this virtual world for 10 years. So it is to be expected that if CPIsland ends, the only thing we are going to see is a lot of people who are leaving but apart from that, as I said before, everything will be divided. It will no longer be the same community we saw before, now everyone in your CPPS, to the point where there may be fights or differences between users.
As you will notice, we already have this problem. But the closure of CPI will only make it worse.
2) Future projects
Since the closing of the game was announced, there is one other user that wants to revive the game so that it is not dead. At least not to the community. This we can notice first with Pup1one. A former blogger and youtuber of the game who said the following:
Now, we all know the obvious. CPI is shutting down. That helped glue this community together. But, what if we take matters into our own hands and create some sort of virtual platform TOGETHER. Something Disney can't mess with— Adam Hamilton (@Pup1one) September 27, 2018
The idea of creating a new game is simply epic, now we have many CPPS to move to them, but of course it is better to keep the community together creating a new virtual world in which we can all continue together. Many have already supported this idea, and are part of this project. If you want to enter then answer this tweet.
Also if you look at the tweets of Chris Gildon I talk about a documentary about the game. If you have an idea of what a documentary is like on YouTube, here is a video from Club Penguin itself:
And one day ago Chris Gliddon also published the following:
Should I start a community for former CP players?— Chris Gliddon 🐯 (@chrisgliddon) September 29, 2018
It will not be a kind of game but it creates as a forum for former members of Club Penguin and thus keep the community alive.
3) About Disney
About Disney, what do you think will happen? The only thing is that they are going to rain millions of critics if seriously it comes to close a game so lauded by the generations and it kills the dreams of millions of children or the childhood of millions of adults or adolescents who surely are still playing in this virtual world.
About Disney, what do you think will happen? The only thing is that they are going to rain millions of critics if seriously it comes to close a game so lauded by the generations and it kills the dreams of millions of children or the childhood of millions of adults or adolescents who surely are still playing in this virtual world.
But of course, he gets a lot of criticism for wanting to close CPIsland just because he does not want to invest more money in it. I mean, seriously? Having so much potential in the game and getting to do something like that is suddenly very criticizable. Not only for the dismissal of a large number of employees, but also for the users of the game. In addition, Disney himself allegedly said he had future plans for Club Penguin. I do not know how that will be, but honestly many of us do not agree with the decision taken by the company that of course earned a lot of money for the required membership in CPIsland. Many of us buy these memberships because in part if you are not a member you can not do much in this virtual world. I know that these types of companies do not close for these little things. But I know that I won a lot of hatred in my opinion, because it is a decision that will mark Disney at least in the memories of children.
3.1 A total waste
Why force a lot of workers to go look for another job? That is, one can not understand all this, because the only understandable for the game to close is that one day everyone gets tired of the game and they get bored work in You know, it's not that the game was so bad, it's actually a very good game for now.
Of course, these parties can not be done (1 month free of membership) but at least they had to find solutions or variants to be able to enjoy the game to all of us. There is also the fact that CPIsland is an application, that is, it requires downloads and it is not that everyone can access it since you need computers or phones of last generation so that the game works perfectly for you.
This problem did not happen in Club Penguin because apart from being an online server without the need for downloads, it also had a more comfortable, classic interface and therefore it was useful in any Windows for the fact that it was a game that was released in 2005
4) What remains?
It's time not to sit idly by. It is our game and we can dance it. Since the closure of CPIsland was announced, the community has expressed its sadness and has used the haghstag #SaveClubPenguinIsland and #SaveCPI
We must show Disney in the most loving way possible how much this game means to us. I know it is not very sure that the game will be saved, but at least we have to try and then not regret that we did not do anything. Of course you can support this great game just using those hagstag and try to become a trend on twitter.
In addition Chris Gliddon created a definitive survey about our experience in the game. Then complete it by clicking here
5) Conclusion

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!See you in the next post!

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