New Pin + Bugs of the Wilderness Expedition

!Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!

And in this post today I come to bring you two things:

1) New Pin

The pin had not posted yesterday as it is currently damaged, because when we get it, you get a sign that says "This item is not currentry available".

However here the data of the new pin: 

Name: Sleeping Bag Pin.
Ubication: Gift Shop.
Available from: August 30 to September 13.
!Find it now!

2) Bugs of the Party

1. Party Stamps Damaged

In addition there are two stamps that can not be obtained, please let this know to the team:

1) Out At Sea Stamp

2) Path Finder Stamp

2. You can not adopt the brown puffle

When adopting a brown puffle, is the bug that does not accept any name. At least I was able to adopt one yesterday at the third attempt. But today, it seems that they do not accept any name. Just in case. you clear your cache and try again

3. Not accesible Ski Village

Also the ski village does not load when trying to enter.

4. Connection problems in the maze and "Life Jacket" Impossible to buy.

Also when you are passing the labyrinth you may have connection problems.

And there are some that happens to them that they can not buy the item "Life Jacket", simply clean their cache and try again. If the problem persists then wait for the CPR team to fix the bugs.

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Wilderness Expedition - Maximun Guide + New Spy Phone Location (Mega Post)

!Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!

Today the new party has arrived on the island, so we have some rooms to explore, let's have a look:

1) Maximun Guide

Step 1: When you are in the center or in the Plaza click this signboard.

Step 2: Now click "Go There"

Step 3: You go to the dock, now follow this other singboard with an arrow.

Step 4: Now you will find the first free object "Expedition hat" and a note.

Step 5: Part of the note tells you to follow the path where objects like nuts or gears are found. To complete the labyrinth, let's see the path we must take:

"First Part"

"Second and Third Part"

" Fourth and Fifth part"

"Sixth and Seventh part"

Step 6: Now you are in this room, here a video to know everything you have to do:

Step 7: When you go down, you will see that there is a place with a catalog, besides that you will have to build the boat with the pieces that you see surrounded by a red circle. 

Step 8: Build the boat as it looks in the picture, and then put your life jacket. Now we are going to set sail.

Step 9: !Ready! You've already reached the brown puffles room. You will see that there is a free object "Brown Puffle House", and a note to which you must click to adopt a brown puffle.

!And you'll already have your brown puffle available in your igloo!

2) Home screens

There are also two new home screens when you enter CPRewritten:



3) New Spy Phone Location

Besides the old spy phone now we can see it inside our playercard, great!

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New newspaper - Issue #26

Hi everyone!

Club Penguin Rewritten has released a brand new newspaper! This is the 29th of August Edition and it brings us to a total of 26 published newspapers. This newspaper focuses on the Wilderness Expedition.

"Cover Page"

"Jokes, Riddles and Poetry"

"Art, Comics and Puzzle

" Last Page"

Here is the upcoming events:

  • The Wilderness Expedition will start Today and end September 6th
  • A new pin will be hidden Today until September 13th
  • There will be a new "Penguin Style" coming out September 6th along with a "Better Igloos" and updated "Music List".
  • PH is the confirmed mascot for The Wilderness Expedition.

!See you in the next post!

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Apoolo / Club Penguin Rewritten Cheats

My name is Apoolo - New Collaborator

Hi everyone

My name is Apoolo, i will be here with all of you playing and discovering all the adventures of Club Penguin Rewritten. Im very happy about this and also im very thankfull with Sn2ckers who give me this oportunity. 

See you soon and hope you like me.

Comment below your opinion about me and this comunity. 

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Snow and Sports Catalog - Secrets

!Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!

Today in this post we are going to see the four secrets that are in the catalog which I did not have foreseen, let's take a look:


"First Page"

"Secret Items"

"Third Page"

"Secret items"

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September Party (Winderness Expedition) - Spoilers

!Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!

Today in this post, as everyone knows already confirmed the party of September (Winderness Expedition) , which will be like the one there was at Club Penguin in 2011.

Here we will give you the possible rooms and free objects of the party:

If you do not want us to ruin the surprise then do not see the spoilers ;).

1) Decorated Rooms

!There will be seven decorated rooms!, !In addition to a maze!

2) Free Items

3) Party Stamps

Besides that during this party we can earn two stamps:

1. Out at Sea stamp.

2. Party Puzzle Stamp.

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!See you in the next post!


New Newspaper - Issue #25 + New Snow and Sports Catalog

!Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!

Today we have two new updates, let's take a look:

1. New Newspaper

"Cover Page": As you see from the front page announces that the flight festival is over today.

"Jokes, Riddles and Poetriy": Here the jokes, the riddles and the poem in this newspaper.

"Art, Comics and Puzzle": Here the art and the Puzzle in this newspaper. !They are pretty! :D.

" Last Page": As you see, !In 7 days the new party arrives on the island!. If you have not got the current pin. It is located in the ski village.


 2) New Snow and Sports Catalog

"Cover Page" 

"Second and Third Page"

"Fourth and fifth page"

"Sixth and seventh page"

Besides that. If you put the soccer ball without any object, !You will be dominating like an entire professional footballer!

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