NEW Message of Gary: Now there will be 25 medals for each FIELD-OPS

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

Today we received a new message on our spy phone. And two more of Dot and the director.

Let's take a look:

Gary has just informed us that from now on every mission we do will have as a reward about 25 medals!
As the Fields Ops will be monthly the team changed the reward system. Now we can win 25 medals for each mission we do in order to be normal. The only thing is that we will have to wait for each mission, however that wait will be worth it and more for those who want to buy agent equipment.The messages from Dot and the Director do not really have fundamental information as they simply talk about this message from Gary to clarify the information. This in summary!

500,000 VISITS!

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

A few days ago we reached the incredible amount of half a million visits!

A number I never intended to reach. My dream was to have 30,000 visits but I never imagined more than 500,000 visits, I am very happy and grateful to all of you!

NEW Newspaper - Issue #134

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

Today a new newspaper has arrived on the island.

Let's take a look:

Among the things highlighted in this newspaper we have:
  • December 5: NEW Penguin Style Catalog and New Pin.
  • December 12: NEW three igloos catalogs.

Latest news #1 - November Edition: Field Ops Will Be Monthy

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!
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Unfortunately, a member of the Lataus team recently said that Field Ops will be monthly instead of weekly. For the following reasons:

  • They had a hard time working on missions weekly.
  • They have limited resources since most of the Club Penguin Field Ops files are old and damaged.
From now on we can only win 5 medals per month and do one of these missions. There will be 12 missions per year and that amounts to 60 medals per year. Reason why we will have to have much more patience if we want to buy luggage or earn stamps for the amount of medals we have.

However it is understandable. The team has had a hard job so he had to do this.

Resultado de imagen para field ops club penguin

Reviewed by You #56: Ice Sculptures

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring you a new update on the official blog of CPRewritten!

The subject is about ....

The section in which you can share your opinion on a specific topic and win 5000 coins if you are selected as a Featured answer for the next episode.

Tutorials (Episode 5) | Play Experimental Penguins (Offline Mode) and Penguin Chat 3 (Online Mode - Not Available) in 2020!

!Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
!In a new post today!

In which I bring to the blog a new episode of  "Tutorials". The second episode in this year 2019.

This time it will be a fairly short and simple tutorial. It consists of how to play Penguin Chat 3 and Experimental Penguins currently.

Experimental Penguins is an old game of the year 2000, which is believed to have started Club Penguin. It was a multiplayer / chat game, similar to Club Penguin and Penguin Chat 3, and was made in the RocketSnail era. The experimental penguins were the original Penguin Chat.

Penguin Chat was an online MMORPG game created by RocketSnail Games. It was the successor of Experimental Penguins. Penguin Chat included lots of new features like emotes, chat balloons, depth sorting (you could walk behind an object), and the ability to throw snowballs. It also introduced the Penguin Band for the first time. It was created with Flash 5.

Let's start:

November Updates #3: NEW PIN - Snow Fort | Ice Rink Returns and New Snow and Sports Catalog (SECRETS) has arrived!

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

Today, two new updates have arrived next to the party.

Let's take a look:

1) New Pin

  • Ubication: Ski Village.
  • Name: Snow Fort Pin.
  • Available Until: December 5.

  • Find it now!

Winter Party 2019 | Maximum Guide 100%

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

Here you can see the maximum guide of this year's winter party.

  • Introduction.
  • Free Item.
  • The Tour.

NEW Newspaper - Issue #133

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

Today a new newspaper has arrived on the island.

Let's take a look:

Among the things highlighted in this newspaper we have:
  • Tomorrow: New Pin, New Penguin Mail, Ice Rink Returns, and Winter Party Arrive!

NEW Igloo Locations Available Soon

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

Today the CPRewritten team answered a tweet from a community user who had the desire to implement the idea of ​​being able to make real changes in the sky for the location of an igloo. They answered the following:

Winter Party 2019 #1: NEW Sneak Peek: The Town!

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

A while ago Hagrid published a new spoiler of what's coming at the Winter Party 2019.

Let's take a look:

Winter Party Town
This is how the town will look during the party! It looks completely beautiful and more for the decoration of the dance club that is like a small ice castle.

Reviewed by You #55: Stage Acting

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring you a new update on the official blog of CPRewritten!

The subject is about ....

The section in which you can share your opinion on a specific topic and win 5000 coins if you are selected as a Featured answer for the next episode.

Party of the Month: Winter Party 2019 - Spoilers

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

As you know the Winter Party has long been confirmed as this month's party. Reason why you can already deduce what content this event will have. In this post I will give you practically everything that can come at the party. 

  • The party starts on November 21.

Let's take a look:

 Spoiler Alert: If you do not want us to ruin the surprise then do not see the spoilers. 

November Updates #2: NEW 3 Igloos Catalogs | NEW Work in the Stage: The Haunting of the Viking Opera | NEW Field Op Guide #8: Technological Rehabilitation

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

A while ago 5 new updates arrived.

Let's take a look:

1) NEW Igloo Upgrades Catalog

New Igloos in the Catalog.

NEW Newspaper - Issue #132

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

Some time ago a new newspaper arrived on the island.

Let's take a look:

Among the things highlighted in this newspaper we have:
  • November 14: New Three Igloos Catalogs Arrive!.
  • November 21: New Pin, Ice Rink Returns, and Winter Party Arrive!

Support the Grandfather of Crouchie Lad

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

This time as you can see it is not a post of usual news of the game but is to make a call to support someone from the community.

This is Crouchie Lad who unfortunately has his grandfather suffering from pulmonary fibrosis. And therefore he needs your support to be able to pay for the treatment of this disease.

You can donate here: GoFundMe.
And you will find much more information in that link.

Hopefully the grandfather can improve soon and can be maintained with treatment. With a minimum donation you are helping the guy's family.

Let's support it!

Two NEW hairstyles for women available soon in the game: Flutterby and Befluttered

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

Stu recently confirmed that two new women's hairstyles would soon arrive on the island, in case he specified which ones they were.

Resultado de imagen para flutterby club penguin

Resultado de imagen para flutterby club penguin

Reviewed By You #54: Winter Trends

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring you a new update on the official blog of CPRewritten!

The subject is about ....

The section in which you can share your opinion on a specific topic and win 5000 coins if you are selected as a Featured answer for the next episode.

NEW Field-Op Guide #7: Repairing The Coffee Machine - November 2019

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

Some time ago a new mission arrived on the island.

Let's take a look:

  • Step 1: We go to the EPF Command Room and the Field Ops section, Gary will tell us the following in the image.

November Updates #1: NEW Penguin Style Catalog CHEATS - November 2019 | NEW Newspaper - Issue #131 | NEW PIN!

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

Two three new updates arrived today!. The halloween party is over!.

Let's take a look:

1) NEW Penguin Style Catalog

NEW TWO Devcast Confirmed for these last months and Surprise Today

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

It was only to inform you that just a few days ago Stu confirm that there will be two new devcasts. One this month and one in December. In addition to that, Lataus has just said that there will be a surprise today before the end of the Halloween party. What will it be about?

Resultado de imagen para devcast club penguin rewritten
We will have to be attentive today. I also can't wait for the Devcasts that without a doubt are an excellent opportunity to live with the community on YouTube. Thank you very much for watching this little information.
You can watch the Devcasts so far here.

Penguin Style Catalog - November 2019 | NEW Sneak Peek: Cover CONFIRMED!

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

Stu recently confirmed the cover of the penguin fashion catalog which will arrive today on the island!.

Let's take a look:

In itself we can already deduce that the catalog will be loaded with snow clothing and scarves. The Winter Party will arrive on the island this month! So I am very excited. You only have to wait a few hours for the catalog to finally be available. That was all in this little news.

Open Donations for Club Penguin Rewritten: Obtain a Club Penguin Shirt or a Treasure Book Code for Donating (No available)

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

Today Hagrid announced that donations were opened temporarily since apparently the cost has been increased to keep the game. This is expressed in the following discord text:

IMPORTANT Updated: The post was removed from the discord. Apparently the reasons are still unknown. For now donations are not active.

  • Donate £5: You will receive the Club Penguin Shirt.
  • Donate £10 or more: You will receive the Club Penguin Shirt and one Treasure Book Code!.

Reviewed By You #53: Sled Invasion

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring you a new update on the official blog of CPRewritten!

The subject is about ....

The section in which you can share your opinion on a specific topic and win 5000 coins if you are selected as a Featured answer for the next episode.

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