Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!
Today I decided to make a new series on the blog that I hope many of you like, which is simply about...
Exact! In this series, we dedicate to upload tutorials every year for all of you. ¿As?
Well you can comment this post starting, to tell me which tutorial you want me to upload, Or myself can get an idea for the following tutorial!
This series is made in order to help all people. The tutorials will be step by step detailed so you do not miss any detail. They can be from guides to stamps to tutorials on how to make your animated penguin and that kind of thing!
Changing the subject...
But well, not to mention more, here we bring you the first episode, which is a specific topic that many people like, the characters!
And is that you know that CPR is more difficult the thing, since it is not as in Club Penguin that the team gave you the schedules and the characters were connected every day. What would you ask yourself, how can I find the characters fast if I do not know when they connect? Easy, let's take a look:
As you can see the link that has the word "Discord" is an invitation to the server of "Mascot Sightings", you ask, ¿What is this?. In summary is a chat where moderators will always be aware of the characters that connect 24 hours a day. Each character that connects is a new message in the chat, the mods will update the server and the room where the characters are present. You can follow the activity of these live!
Step 2: When you see that the character's server is full, nothing happens. Refresh the page and continue until you see that it is no longer full. Since hundreds of penguins connect and disconnect in seconds so you have to take advantage of this. Remember not to surrender ;) |
Part 2: When you are on the server where the character is
Tip 1: Do not do the same as everyone. |
Well, as you know all the people to see a famous in a room seeks to enter it, but most of the time the room is very full, That when you try 10 times you do not enter, that's why it's best to come and look for the possible room in which the characters are going to enter!
Just remember that when a character connects this goes around the island, or just the special rooms of the party. When in discord chat say a room, try to enter that room, but if you do not enter, then enter a room that is next to that.
Believe me, it's the best, I lost 2 celebrities to be doing that, I tried 20 times and when I finally enter. The character had already gone to another room.
Also when you try to enter a full room and an orange message appears, the screen will freeze. I mean you can not see what he says or what people do. You can only move.
Part 3: When the character is in the same room as you
You will know that the typical thing is that an infinity of people stick to the character and not let you even see it. And you in case you want to get your background, well, here is the solution to this problem!
Step 1: Enter in your friends list, and then click on the next option! |
Step 2: From here you will see all the penguins connected in the room, problem solved! |
Step 3: Besides that, the famous characters are identified with a special emoticon so that they can distinguish of all the penguins, in that list! |
And ready! Now you can start your search by following each of these tips! ;)
I hope this helps them a lot in the future, ¿What do they think of the guide?
Remember to comment that guide you want to publish next week, the most commented will be the winner, these guides are for many people in the community, This has been the end of the first episode!
Comment, Share and Enjoy!
See you in the next post!