The crazy day at CPRewritten

Hey guys! Here Sn2ckerspup! Today I had a day with the celebrities, connected too many youtubers in the course of the day I already lost the account.

The crazy "Night Club" with LuigiRivera online and the armies

" Yoseftzvi and Fruit Ninja"
" Hagrid"


The photos of how crowded the center was on the server "Beanie"

But I have an idea to see this large number of people, more details ...

Among the youtubers or mods that I found were: LuigiRiver, RileyG9, Yoseftzvi, Fruit Ninja, Stu, Steve, Zeus, Hagrid himself and others that will be published in the video I will publish soon ...

Meanwhile, I came up with a great event for the community that maybe next week will announce, meanwhile, share in the comments with how many celebrities you've got or who are the best youtubers, moderators and bloggers for you ;)

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See you in the next post!

Sn2ckerspup -

Win double coins in surfer cart (Glitch)

Hello penguins!! Here Sn2ckerspup!!. Today playing the CPR I found this great failure that it would be better to take advantage of it as soon as possible. And is that now, you win twice as many coins as the points you make in a game!

Take score of 2000 which should be 200 coins, but were 400!

Here another bug test 1382 points will be 130 coins, but the double is put: 130 x 2 = 260 coins

Better take advantage of it before it is finished, it is a very good bug since it is 100% feasible, and very confirmed since you do not get the stamps of 350 coins!

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Sn2ckerspup -

(APS) Mission 2 - G's secret mission

New pin - Pizza Slice / New code - WORLDPENGUIN

Hello penguins!! Here Sn2ckerspup!  Today along with the update has come a new code and a new pin, here the data: 

1. New pin

Name: Pizza Slide
Until when you can find it: May 10

2. New Code

The code is "WORLDPENGUIN" and with that you will unlock a great pledge and 1000 coins for your penguin!

Enjoy the new update!

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Sn2ckerspup /

Three tricks to earn coins fast in CPRewritten

Today's update! (Information)

Hello penguins!! Here Sn2ckerspup! Today several new things have arrived on the island, and in this post we will give you all the information that we left this Tuesday.

We started!

1. Four home screens

Now there are four great screens that will start to change as we update the page!

 2. The arrival of the stadium

 So is! At last the long awaited stadium has arrived!
Now we can enjoy the new catalog that brings us where we will see sets of football, referee, foam fingers, and in the end backgrounds, furniture and items for climbers!

3. New Newspaper

The new newspaper has arrived on the island! Let's take a look!

Home page

On May 3 the new catalog for igloo improvements arrives, in addition to the music and the catalog of fashion penguin of the month of May!

What do you think of the arrival of the stadium and how do you think the new catalogs will be?

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See you in the next post!

Sn2ckerspup /

New newspaper - Issue #7

Hello penguins!! Here Sn2ckerspup!!. It has been 2 days since the new newspaper arrived but no one has published yet, so today I bring them! It has to do with earth day, here I bring it!

"Home page" From there you can access the information about the new room opened at this party.
Access information on the forest and the bay as a tourist place.
And finally send your question or joke to Tia Arctic.

Upcoming Events: From April 19th to the 26th Earth Day is celebrated!
April 26: The football stadium reaches the end of the island next to a new catalog.
May 3: The new catalog of igloos arrives.

Also remember that the current pin is in the forest and you can find it until the 26th of this month. What do you think this new edition of the newspaper penguin? How do you think the new catalogs will be?

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See you in the next post!

- Sn2ckerspup / Creator, Administrator and blog Designer

Earth Day Maximun Guide/Recycling Hunt

Hello Penguins!! Here Sn2ckerspup!. Today I connected to CP to search for guides and I found this bug on the part of CP Rewritten since Earth day began on April 22, but I found the following:

 The following icon will appear to you
And here the search menu.

But that is not all....

Also, here the guide, when you connect in the center click the poster of the garden!

The sign will take you to the mine where you will find our first free article!

Guide to completing the search:

Okay! Here the locations of all recyclable objets:

1. Mine Shack

2. Dojo Courtyard 

3. Cove

4. Pet Shop

5. Ski Village

6. Forest

7. Coffe Shop

8. Book Room

And ready! Now you have completed the search time to claim your prize!

"Search Menu"

The prize will be a recycling pin

In addition to having access to the recycling plant (Access from the mine) and try to earn a stamp!

What do you think the party started? Do you think it's a bug or a surprise from the CPR team? I hope you leave your opinion in a comment penguin!

Comment, Share and Enjoy!

See you in the next post!

- Sn2ckerspup / Creator, administrator and blog designer

Club Penguin Rewritten is back!

Hello penguins!! Here Sn2ckerspup! Today at last has arrived what many expected, and is that an hour ago CPR again opened its doors to the community!

The page will appear so with the option to change your password, however for now the page where you did it is damaged and the team is currently working on that to put the line back.

"Last CPR tweet"

In addition to that, some connectivity problems may occur, as it seems to update its hash (mathematical algorithm that transforms any arbitrary block of data into a new character string with a fixed length) and one of those problems is that at Start section will always appear the following even if you put the name or password wrong:

Note: I do not know if everyone happens to them, but in my case yes, try to see if you start section!

What do you think CPR is already online? By the way, tomorrow is Earth Day! I wonder if there are any free articles.

Remember that being online recently CPR may have errors so if you connect and fail several times wait 1 or 2 hours to re-start your section start.

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See you in the next post!

You can change your password now!

Hello penguins! Here Sn2ckerspup! And today, after inactivity, the twitter account of CPR has published a new tweet saying that we can change the password of our penguin!

Just click on the link and then you will appear on this page:

Now you just have to write the gmail account and verify that you are not a robot and ready !, the message in my case has not arrived in two hours but lucky for you, if you arrive in a short time ;). In such a case that does not arrive until tomorrow, contact the support of the game.

Remember to always check your inbox for your gmail and remember that the email can reach the tray of "Spam".

Are we going to play CP Rewritten again?

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Delayed launch of CP Rewritten.

Hey penguins!! Here Sn2ckerspup!. Today I decided to bring you a post about the already delayed release of CP Rewritten, and is that in the account of your twitter have not tweeted anything else, so that expresses the hard work that the CPR team is currently doing. Well, these have been his last tweets (None published today)

Let's recap, it was on April 13 when CPRewritten was hacked by an alleged NikoCodey partner who did so that he realized that his security system was not good and had to put more seriousness on that issue.

After 4 days even the CPRewritten website has not opened, it was previously postulated that it would open on April 15, but then the CPR team decided to delay the opening date to continue with the investigation of the event.

In short, there was never an alleged violation of the database according to them, however there is something that affected the page that apparently is costing them to fix which is "Anyone's access to any CPR account" sip, And is that everyone can get into our accounts until further notice, until the site of cprewritten is stable again and give us form to change our passwords.

But what do you think is costing the CPR team a lot of time?

When do you think he's finally back in the public?

I would like you to share your opinion or theory for a comment!

Talk, share and enjoy!

See you in the next post!

Contact me for the twitter of the blog if you have any questions, advice, or suggestions about the blog ;)

About CP Rewritten hacking

Hello Penguins!! Here Sn2ckerspup! And today as many will know the CP Rewritten has been hacked which has put the server off line until further notice.

The truth is that it has already been discovered who has been the hacker who has not wanted to say any information regarding the events occurred, and that the team CPRewritten discovered that there is a website similar to this, and used to steal accounts of the game. However, they have already solved the problem of vulnerability and recommend that they change the passwords of both the game and all social networks that have the same. Also, that when they re-launch the game they will add a password change form. Another thing was that the hackers could initiate section in the accounts of the pets and the moderators without passwords

But, the most curious thing about this is that someone in the community (Name: Dev) managed to interview the alleged hacker who never did it with bad intentions but apparently it was to give a lesson to the creator of the game "Codey" About taking serious safety of your game.

Put, all this, and that interview data are not 100% safe because after all is a hacker and can lie without problem. What do you think happened? What story do you think is true? I would like you to share your opinion!

Hopefully, CPRewritten will be back soon, so we can continue to enjoy the game. In the meantime we will have to wait a few days for the case to be resolved.

Update (April 14th)

Hello everyone!

Today has been released more information regarding the hack, where the most outstanding said the CPR team was the following:

"The attacker used a very clever trick and created a fake website that looks like Club Penguin Rewritten and linked it to several people. These people clicked on these links and entered their credentials on this unsafe website, allowing the attacker to access their accounts "

Exactly !, confirmed the false website that looks like CPRewritten, but the good news is that there was no database theft, so no account was compromised. However the attacker could access any penguin without passwords and suspend it for evil.

Besides that, the website will come back tomorrow! With a "Forget Password" form. How nice that CPR will return so fast! What do you think about this? Do you think CPR should improve its security system to the maximum?

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See you in the next post!

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Easter Update April 2017

!Hello penguins! Here Sn2ckerspup! And today has arrived the new update in which we will enter the search for eggs in the end to win our reward! Note: You have to collect all eight at once, if you lose connection your progress is lost.

Here the guide!

First we find the new home screen referring to Earth Day that is coming this 19!

Then when starting section we will have to click the egg that is on our right!

Locations of eggs

1.In the mountain. We will have to click the sign that is surrounded by a red circle so that the egg jumps out of it.

2. In the center, we will click on the right light of the night club.

3/4: The third is in the bay, is on the right, in the water (Surrounded by a red circle). The fourth one is in the mine, we click to the circle surrounded with red that we see in the image so that the egg jumps of the place where it is hidden

5/6: The fifth is in the gift shop. We will click on the gray hat, and the egg will be inside the hat. The sixth is in the viewpoint, we only give the lever so that the light goes away, and the egg will appear.
7/8: The seventh is in the shelter. We will click to the mini fridge that is next to the green door. And the last one is in the patio of the dojo to the right of the entrance of the same one. In the image does not appear because I had already grabbed it when I took the photo.

And ready! Now that we have all the eggs time to take the reward!
What do you think of this small search? It has been entertaining!

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