If you are reading this publication, I want to inform you that I thank you for the support you have given me all these years. This journey is officially over. 
Many years passed, many publications and news, many pages and many adventures I had with you in Club Penguin Rewritten. Unfortunately every cycle has an end, and in this case, my adventure as a blogger is ending. Due to the time I have lately, the work and the new goals that I have on YouTube, I will not be able to continue updating this page that I love so much, for which I made the decision to end this stage. Without a doubt, I fulfilled all my expectations and goals as blogger, but also much more than I expected, which is why I conclude this journey very happy, after meeting so many people and achieving so many things. Let's review the history of this site:
Chapter I: The Beginning of the blog.
How not to forget it. I had already spent days of closing Club Penguin and at that time my future as a blogger was insecure, since 2015 I was blogger of CP, and when they closed it without a doubt I am affected, not enough to the point that I cry, but rather I put sad, everything about my penguin was gone, there was only his photo and a lot of memories were left of that game.And if that March 29 was the last day I played penguin club. I could not be in his last hour. Then one day later i discover a new CPPS. Club Penguin Rewritten. The truth is that I am very excited to see the style of the old CP, and then decided to enter that day and I liked the game, to the point of getting the idea of being a blogger of CPRewritten. And that's when this blog was born on April 4, 2017. As I already had experience, I gradually improved the blog and tried to add new sections every day.

Regarding CP Rewritten thanks to: Toolbox, Madeline, SirDoge and PiggyFan. They were my first collaborators in this blog and the team I started with. The truth thank you for all friends, if they are still alive in the community and can see this!
10,000 visits
The blog grew quickly. Mainly for sharing my post on reddit. (Before there was the reddit of CPRewritten but it was closed, so to speak, due to the lack of moderation). Already on May 15 had more than 10,000 visits. It tells that I really did not expect so fast. In my other Club Penguin blogs I barely reached 4,000 for every year. Which is why I'm really happy to know that I was helping so many people and that my blog was growing.That's when I made the first event of the blog #CPRCheatsFest in which Stu own came to the party and it was fun to have fun with friends. If you want to read the post here I leave: 10,000 visits special and #CPRCheatsFest Official Post
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"Being a blogger is a unique experience" |
Chapter II (August 2018 - March 2019)
The blog was taking shape, change the templates many times so they were more comfortable and great for readers. First there was the template that you see in the first image which was present until August 2018 if I remember correctly, then change that template to the one in the second image which lasted until January 2019, when it was changed to the current image of the third image created by my friend Labur0, to start the new year.
I never imagined having three different templates on the blog, a lot of evolution has taken place during these two years and partly because of you as readers deserve the greatest possible comfort !. In fact these designs did not come out as I imagined them at first sight but without a doubt they were amazing and unique. We also have a current template for the second anniversary that I will use for this special day.
Chapter III (March 2019 - April 2020)
Between 2019 and 2020 it has been my most productive year as far as the blog is concerned. The squad has only had slight changes in all this time. The cover has had several updates until reaching the one of today with my penguin on it. And then there is the number of pages and the number of visits. From 240,000 to more than 720,000, and then the number of pages increased from 39 to more than 200! This is mainly because between this time I worked very hard, around March 2019 I decided to build the legacy section of club penguin, which started as a small idea and ended in something very big. Every day I spend it increasing and increasing all the content. Sometimes he got up early just to finish a page. On vacation I worked, in school I also worked, every day of the year I checked if there was something new that I could put, and this is how the blog became so great in terms of content today. 

In the middle of last year I was out of the game and blog for a month. I had lost interest in the game and wanted to enjoy my vacation without any work, then after the medieval party I decided to go back, and boy was it one of the best decisions I made. I finished the guide section of all the minigames after almost 6 months working on it. And then little by little I was updating the blog design so far. Without a doubt the most productive year in my blogging career since 2015. 

Chapter IV (April 2020 - December 2021)
During this time the blog was officially 100% finished, more than 250 pages were made and we also reached a million visits. In the first course of the year 2020 I was inactive for a few months until in October I was resuming the activity, not many things happened in terms of blog events since I was more concentrated on my YouTube channel in which I could grow a lot until I reached the 5000 subscribers currently.
We started 2021 with everything being April 2021 my most productive month with 43 posts. At the end of the trip we managed to go from 720,000 to +1,600,000 visits in total, something that really surprised me and I never expected it.
Then in the last months the blog was inactive, this because of my work, the university and YouTube. Three factors that ultimately led me to be busy all day and to make this final decision.

- +1,700,000 visits!
- A total of 848 Post were created!
- We managed to reach +5300 subscribers on youtube!
- 6 events were held! Special mention to the Festival of Youtubers, the best event we could create: Memories here).
- + 3,800 followers in my personal twitter and +2000 in the twitter of the blog.
- - Being a POTW in Club Penguin Rewritten.
- +1,700 followers in my instagram account.

Thanks to everyone who accompanied me on this long journey. Without a doubt I love being able to inform several generations of the game for a long time and being able to have met so many beautiful people that I will never forget. This long trajectory could not have been covered without your support. I started this blog when I was 15 years old, now at 19 years old and with new goals in my life I can end this beautiful path with much peace and happiness.
I will not close the blog, it will remain open forever so that it remains as a great memory for me and for those who were with me.

Special Thanks to: Fugazi, Wooky, Macu, Foxy, Yako, Lach, SuperRodri, Mariobrus1, EmilyCP, FlorFernandez, Atahan, Roblox Sonic Teams, May200, Amazing, Labur0, Pabliyou 1, Ezequiel, Maxi, Yogo, Ethan, Alvinexto, Kimba C, Phineas 53, Kerx, Yyellow, Yoseltvi, Troyella, Paffle, Greiber, Jpof, Chirola03, Legisa, Peón, Nubia, Pigu1318, Nina, Lovebacon56, Halopona, Lataus, Stu, Rafaeluriel, Naru, Yenten, Penchito, Amo5mil, IgluRosa88, Lunax, Atahan, Doruk, Robert15, FunFunny, I3uBubble, Iboy, Randomboy481, Kirsten, Penguin Nation, Madeline, Fabled Fish, Sir Doge, Seto, Bluebird, Limbow, Yippold, Babycrier, Crouchie Lad, Cambam826YT, Yoshi2, Narnia, Domi, NatalieGirly, Pepe4357, Hot Autumn, Rapunzelwapa, Paula, EsissCP, Michael661, CPChurras4, Potaje8, JackyjessCPR, David, Pinkitas, Mr Duda, ElTakoPrime, BryanGelino, MateoDeCPPS, Kratos, Agus, Jeremito, Afronhog, Fredox, ThinkKopiGaming, GonzaKiller, Manuel, Macrox, TigerOfWind, Lost Mitten, Manuel, FireSanti, Bestimun, Agent Maah, AlanaCP, Jempenguin, Blue4740, RoyerVerde and many more penguins that have accompanied me in these three years!

Too many to mention them all!

Thanks to Club Penguin Rewritten for giving me the opportunity to help people. This was my story, and I hope and have been able to read it in its entirety with me. A stage is closing but another new stage in my life opens (Youtube and University). And I hope they can be in it too. Thanks for everything!
