CPRewritten 2021 July Updates #19 | DAILY FRUIT CODE #12: Strawberry Sunglasses

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

A new fruit code arrived on the island. This time it's the Strawberry Sunglasses.
  • Code: WXxGnWjdD.
If you don't know how to insert codes, click here.

CPRewritten 2021 July Updates #18 | DAILY FRUIT CODE #11: Orange Citrus Hoodie

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

Today a new fruit code arrived on the island. This time it's the Orange Citrus Hoodie.
  • Code: iepCkKrT2.
If you don't know how to insert codes, click here.

CPRewritten 2021 July Updates #17 | DAILY FRUIT CODE #10: Fruit Frenzy Background

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

Today a new fruit code arrived on the island. This time it's the Fruit Frenzy Background!
  • Code: 5zqwJu1sO.
If you don't know how to insert codes, click here.

CPRewritten 2021 July Updates #16 | DAILY FRUIT CODE #9: Grape Bunch Costume!

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

Today a new fruit costume arrived on the island. This time it's the grape bunch costume!!
  • Code: aqm0tgB4K.
If you don't know how to insert codes, click here.

CPRewritten 2021 July Updates #15 | DAILY FRUIT CODE #8: Raspberry Costume!

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

Today a new fruit costume arrived on the island. This time it's the raspberry costume!!
  • Code: XmsY27uqb.
If you don't know how to insert codes, click here.

CPRewritten 2021 July Updates #14 | DAILY FRUIT CODE #7: Apple Costume and NEW IGLOO EDITOR AVAILABLE!!

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

I bring you two news!!

1) DAILY FRUIT CODE #7: Apple Costume.

Today a new fruit costume arrived on the island. This time it's the apple costume!!
  • Code: qD1TeTtP1.
If you don't know how to insert codes, click here.

CPRewritten 2021 July Updates #13 | DAILY FRUIT CODE #6: Pineapple Costume!

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

Today a new fruit costume arrived on the island. This time it's the pineapple costume!!

Code: gR3LLeUhh.

If you don't know how to insert codes, click here.

CPRewritten 2021 July Updates #12 | NEW IGLOO EDITOR will be AVAILABLE SOON!

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

The team revealed that the new igloos editor will be available soon. We can see the animations of the furniture running great!
"Animations are now fully in the game on our locally hosted test server, it should be on the live servers soon." - Stu.

CPRewritten 2021 July Updates #11 | DAILY FRUIT CODE #5: Orange Costume and NEW GAME NIGHTS with the TEAM!

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

I bring you two news!!

1) DAILY FRUIT CODE #5: Orange Costume.

Today a new fruit costume arrived on the island. This time it's the orange costume!!
  • Code: tUxbPOVXd.
If you don't know how to insert codes, click here.

CPRewritten 2021 July Updates #10 | Igloo Editor: FLOORING will be SHOWN in the PREVIEW!

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

The team recently shared a picture of the improved igloo editor. In which they are currently working!

The type of floor you have in your igloo will now be displayed in the editor preview. It is still in the works but the team is planning to release it soon!! (Source: Click Here).

CPRewritten 2021 July Updates #9 | Music Jam 2021: DOCK REVEALED! and DAILY FRUIT CODE #4: Watermelon Costume

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

I bring you two news!!

1) Music Jam 2021: DOCK REVEALED!

It was revealed how the dock will be decorated during the Music Jam. The team is still working. With this advance we will be able to see that the "Casa Fiesta" will be located here and the entrance of the cruise ship that was already confirmed long ago for this event and that to enter it we will need a VIP pass that is free.

CPRewritten 2021 July Updates #8 | IGLOO SYSTEM IS BEING REWRITTEN and DAILY FRUIT CODES #2,3: Kiwi + Green Grape Costume!!

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

I bring you 2 new news!!

Let's take a look:


The igloo system is being rewritten. This was shared by Gravix (Source: Click Here). The old code was out of date and had bugs. So Gravix decided to start it from scratch. Besides it will add an animated furniture stand!!

CPRewritten 2021 July Updates #7 | DAILY FRUIT AWARDS (12 DAYS), PINEAPPLE IGLOO Will RETURN, ORANGE MP3000 UNLOCKABLE and more!

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

I bring you 2 new news!!

Let's take a look:


Recently in the news blog this great news was released. The fruit costumes were planned to return at this year's Island Adventure Party. But the team has decided to bring them in from today. There will be 12 prizes available, you can simply redeem them with a code. As the days go by they will be unlocked, and you should be attentive to the blog post (click here) about the news of the game as it will be updated!

Code Of The Day: zw8fbLoUx

Also recently they also gave a code for the ORANGE MP3000

Fact: It was not available since July 2019.

Code: 123456789101112.

If you don't know how to insert codes, click here.

CPRewritten 2021 July Updates #6 | FURNITURE ANIMATIONS will be BACK SOON!

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

On Wednesday CPR on twitter informed us that the team was working on exporting all the furniture animations to bring them into the game. Yesterday they finished the export!!

They are currently investigating some igloo bugs and are rewriting much of the igloo editor.
"Main bugs we're looking into are the freezing when placing some items down, and also the location bug where you can not edit" - Stu.

CPRewritten 2021 July Updates #5 | Music Jam 2021: Plaza and Forest Sneak Peek!!

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

Today 2 new previews of this year's Music Jam were released!

Let's take a look:

Stu, game administrator, shared previews of two rooms of the Music Jam. The plaza (We can see what the Pet Shop will be like during the party) and the forest that is still a work in progress!!

In the forest we can see a stage and a picnic. Quite a beautiful decoration. And the plaza seems to me that it will be similar to the one in "Teen Beach Movie Summer Jam" from 2013 on Club Penguin!

Let's remember that the Music Jam this year will have a summer theme. These rooms certainly look great. I'm excited to see what the rest of the island will be like when the party comes out!!!

Thanks for having this publication!

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CPRewritten 2021 July Updates #4 | New Unlockable Item - Victory Splash Jug!

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

 A new code has arrived on the island!

This for the EURO that just ended. The winner was Italy. Many congratulations to them!!

Let's take a look:

With "FOOTBALLSOCCER" you can unlock this item!

If you don't know how to insert codes, click here.

CPRewritten 2021 July Updates #3 | New Unlockable Item - Hard Hat and Safety Vest!

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

Yesterday a new code has arrived on the island!

Let's take a look:

With "BUILDERS" you can unlock two items: Hard Hat and Safety Vest!!

If you don't know how to insert codes, click here.


Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

I bring you two new news!!

Extra: The construction of the Music Jam has begun!!!

Let's take a look:

1) Pink Visor is COMING BACK SOON.

The pink visor will return to the island. Stu confirmed that they will bring it in a future catalog. Do you like this item?

Fact: His last appearance was on July 5, 2018. In the Snow & Sports catalog,

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