CPRewritten 2021 June Updates #10 | NEW Better Igloos and Igloo Upgrades Catalogs (ALL SECRETS), NEW Yolk Gang Sweatshirt! and New Pin - Dino Nugget

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

I bring you three new news!!

Let's take a look:

1) NEW Better Igloos and Igloo Upgrades Catalogs (ALL SECRETS).

Recently two new igloos catalogs came out. Here I bring you all the secrets of it!!

CPRewritten 2021 June Updates #9 | NEW Location in the Next Igloo Catalog + Herbert Plush: FINAL design! Soon?

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

I bring you two new news!!

Let's take a look:

1) New Location in the Next Igloo Catalog!

This was announced by Stu in the game's discord. A new location will be introduced so we can enjoy it in the summer. Besides, the next igloo catalog will be on the island soon!!

Club Penguin Rewritten Prehistoric Party 2021 | MAXIMUM GUIDE 100% + NEW CODE!

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

Recently the Prehistoric Party came to the game. In this post you will see everything he brought!!

- Prehistoric Party Hat.

Let's take a look: 

1) Introduction.

Prehistory has come to us as in 2013 in the Club Penguin Original. We will be able to travel to the time of the dinosaurs and see what the island was like in those times. But not only that. We are going to explore!

Once we log in, Gary will be talking to us. When we click on "Time Warp" they will send us straight to the snowy fort where he will be waiting for his time machine.

We can go to the machine by clicking on it!

CPRewritten 2021 June Updates #8 | NEW CODE! + Custom Items "Hopefully" For July!

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

I bring you two new news!!

Let's take a look:

1) New Code!

A new code was brought into the game for penguins who need coins!!

With "FORBROKEPENGUINS" you can unlock 10,000 coins!!

If you don't know how to insert codes, click here.

Club Penguin Rewritten June 2021 Penguin Style Catalog! | ALL SECRETS!

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

A new catalog has recently arrived on the island. Here you can see all the secrets of it!

Blue Viking Helmet: You must click 4 times to the place where the Red Viking Helmet is.

Let's take a look:

CPRewritten 2021 June Updates #7 | Penguin Style Catalog - Cover Revealed!!

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

It was recently revealed what will be the cover of the next penguin style catalog!!

Let's take a look:

The theme will be Summer and Music Jam. We can see that items like the "Green Keytar" and "Pink Zebra Scarf" will be present!!

CPRewritten 2021 June Updates #6 | Puffles Are Coming Soon, Music Jam Sneak Peeks, Events Calendar and New Pin!!

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

I bring you 4 news!

Let's take a look:

1) Puffles Are Coming Soon.

It was confirmed that the puffles will arrive on the island soon. They are currently working on the puffle care animations!!

Here is the post where it was revealed!

CPRewritten 2021 June Updates #5 | Card-Jitsu Improvements and Expedited Loading Times in the playercard!

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

I bring you two news!

Let's take a look:

1) Card-Jitsu Improvements.

CPR on twitter informed us that he is currently working on Card-Jitsu. But when it is released, it will have some improvements to the matchmaking interface before the game. The animations will be as we know them in Card-Jitsu Fire and Card-Jitsu Water when we talk to Sensei and from there we start a game!

In addition to this, a new survey about Card Jitsu was posted on the news blog. We must choose if we want to start our ninja path again when card jitsu is launched (Please vote for the option "No" xD. I mean ... sorry, it's your decision so choose the option you prefer).

CPRewritten 2021 June Updates #4 | New Unlockables Items: Big Brow and Biggest Brow and Prehistoric Party News!

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

I bring you two news!

Let's take a look:

1) New Unlockables Items: Big Brow and Biggest Brow.

CPR has released a new code. With "AUTHENTICBROWS" you can unlock two prehistoric eyebrows!

If you don't know how to insert codes, click here.

CPRewritten 2021 June Updates #3 | Pizzatron 3000 and Sled Racing - Next Minigames!

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

The following minigames that we will have in CPRewritten were revealed!!

Note: Thanks to Tatty (Member of our discord) for letting me know about this quickly :o

Let's take a look:

Recently on twitter, CPR shared a video with pizzatron 3000, which will be the next minigame we will see on the island. It should be noted that it is still under development!

Plus, added to this. In response to pizzatron's tweet, they said that the next game they will review will be Sled Racing. Confirming the next two games coming to the island soon!

CPRewritten 2021 June Updates #2 | Huge Teddy Bear and Herbert Teddy Bear Soon!

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

These days CPRewritten has shared on twitter large teddy bears, which will be launched as furniture for the igloo soon!!

Let's take a look:

1) Huge Teddy Bear.

Nathan, a community user, came up with the idea for this bear, and it became so viral that CPRewritten himself liked the idea, as many people in the community would like to see this bear in the game!

Yesterday CPR shared a picture with this bear in an igloo, it was designed by Lovebacon56. Yes, it is too big!

This confirms that it will be available in the game soon!

CPRewritten 2021 June Updates #1 | Music Jam With Sunset Sky Again, Pastel Pink PROBABLY "The Next Color" and Rockhopper's Daily Treasure News

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

These days new news came to the game!

Let's take a look:

1) Music Jam With Sunset Sky Again!

The Music Jam is going to happen this year and will have the sunset sky again. As in 2020. It is already confirmed. They are also considering bringing custom designs to make it something different from the previous year!
Stu: For the Music Jam, I’m bringing back the sunset sky from the 2020 one. The Music Jam might look different though; I might actually make it a custom party again because we haven’t done that in ages.

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