February 2021 Updates #17 | Noir Party 2021 - Town Sneak Peek!


Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

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The team released a new preview of the Noir Party. This time from the town!

Let's take a look:

You can see the mysterious atmosphere that this party will have. The main rooms will probably have this sense of mystery. It will certainly be an interesting party!

February 2021 Updates #16 | Noir Party News #2 & NEW Penguin Style Catalog Sneak Peeks!

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

Recently the team released two new news.

Let's take a look:

1) Noir Party News #2

Other things were revealed about the Noir Party. Dot is most likely the official party mascot!

February 2021 Updates #15 | Noir Party News, St Patrick's Clothing & Blueberry Bunny Costume Coming Soon!

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

The team recently released 3 news!

Let's take a look:

1) Noir Party News.

It was announced that the Noir Party will arrive in March. This party will have the theme of role-playing games. There will be decorated rooms and items but no major missions.

Club Penguin Rewritten Submarine Party 2021 #2 | Rockhopper - Mascot Meet-Ups!

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

The team recently announced the times when we can see Rockhopper!

Let's take a look:

It should be noted that it will have a new background. 

Good luck finding it!

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February 2021 Updates #14 | Froggy Chair - Final Design!

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

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Today the team recently unveiled the final design of the froggy chair, one of the items that will appear in the next Better Igloos catalog!

Let's take a look:

This is how the item will look in our igloo!

Soon we will be able to see this personalized piece of furniture on the island!

Thanks for having read this little publication!

No more to say thank you for reading this post and do not forget to keep watching the guides, post, secrets and many more things that are on the blog.

Join to our discord and tracker server here!https://discord.gg/AERnRfs Waddle On Party Waving emoticon

Follow me on twitter!: https://twitter.com/Sn2ckerspupCP Music Jam 2014 Fist Pump emoticon

Follow me on instagram!: https://www.instagram.com/sn2ckerspupcp Fashion 2015 Emoticons Blue Heart

I accept donations here!: https://www.paypal.me/sn2ckerspup Coin1

Comment, Share and Enjoy! Frozen 2014 Emoticons Flake

See you in the next post! King Emote

#WaddleOn Emoticon Cafe

February 2021 Updates #13 | Better Igloos Catalog Sneak Peeks & Dino Party 2021?

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

Two new news have recently arrived to the game!

Let's take a look:

1) Better Igloos Catalog Sneak Peek.

The team released two more previews from the upcoming better igloos catalog.

A) A full page with underwater furniture is shown!

B) The Froggy Chair will be one of the items that will appear!

Club Penguin Rewritten Submarine Party 2021 | Maximum Guide 100%: Free Items, Pin and More!

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

Today the Submarine Party has finally arrived at Club Penguin Rewritten. Here I bring you the Maximum Guide of this party. Hope it helps you!

Let's take a look:

1) Basic Data:

Character of the Party: Rockhopper.

Available until: N/A.

Number of free items: 3.

Number of Decorated Rooms: 15.

Plot: The rockhopper's migrator has sadly hit an iceberg and is broken. The Save The Migrator project has started, we must help our captain to fix his boat

February 2021 Updates #12 | Multi-Language News

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

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Today a small update was released about other languages ​​that CPRewritten will have soon. As the others will know it will be Spanish and Portuguese.

Let's take a look:

According to the team, they are currently working on the servers in other languages. That is, in the client's translation. They also confirmed that they will be looking for staff members for the languages, the chosen ones will also have to speak English as a secondary language.

February 2021 Updates #11 | Submarine Party 2021/Better Igloos Catalog Sneak Peek & Froggy Hats: Colors to be Released + Bee Cardigan

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

Two other new pieces of news have hit the game today!

Let's take a look:

1) Submarine Party 2021/Better Igloos Catalog Sneak Peek.

Two sneak peeks have been revealed about what's coming to the island next.

The first is from the snow forts, so part of it will look like during the Submarine Party 2021!

It will look the same as the Submarine Party 2008 in Club Penguin!

February 2021 Updates #10 | Froggy Hat Concept Art & Migrator CRASHES into the Iceberg

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

Two new news have recently arrived to the game!

Let's take a look:

1) Froggy Hat Concept Art.

Concept art for another custom item was unveiled and will be available when the next penguin fashion catalog comes out. It's about the Froggy Hat. We can already imagine how it will look in the game.

The artist is Lovebacon56!

Club Penguin Rewritten 4th Anniversary #3 | New Pin! - 4th Anniversary Cake!

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

Recently a new pin arrived in the game for the anniversary!

Here the data:
  • Ubication: Book Room.
  • Name: 4th Anniversary Cake.
  • Find it now!

February 2021 Updates #9 | New Unlockable Item! (Valentine's Special) - 5000 Coins & Colored Hearts Hoodie!

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

Recently the game released a new code for the day of love and friendship.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Let's take a look:

1) We are simply going to go to the home page of the game. We click on the blue coin on our right. We log in to our penguin, we click on "I have a code" and we write VALENTINES21. We click on "Done"

Club Penguin Rewritten 4th Anniversary #2 | Aunt Arctic - Mascot Meet-Ups!

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

This time recently the Aunt Arctic schedules have been shared by the CPRewritten team!

Here you will have all of them so you can check which one is best for you!

Club Penguin Rewritten 4th Anniversary | Maximum Guide 100%

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today!

Today is the day. The 4th anniversary of the game has arrived on the island. In this post you will have the maximum guide to this small event!

Let's take a look:

1) Coffee Shop Guide.

Obviously the coffee shop is the main room as in every anniversary. We can see it decorated with pink and lavender tones. The cake for its part has green, pink and purple colors. The room is full of balloons and a table with snacks!

You can earn the "Celebration" stamp by hovering over the candles on the cake.

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