New Unlockeable Item - Green Spider Costume

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

And there is a new code available so you can dress up in this halloween!

Let's take a look:

Step 1: Log in, go to the zone of the codes and insert the following.

Reviewed By You #20: Not A Ghost Of A Chance

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring you a new update on the official blog of CPRewritten!

The subject is about ....

The section in which you can share your opinion on a specific topic and win 5000 coins if you are selected as a Featured answer for the next episode.

Halloween Party 2018 - Maximum Guide 100% (Mega Post)

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In a new post in which I bring you the guide of everything you have to know about the Halloween party. This event is very big.

Tip: The great work of "Night of the living Sled" is available.

  • Part 1 - Coffee Shop
  • Part 2 - Dance Lounge
  • Part 3 - Lighthouse

Let's take a look:

"Logo of the party"

New Pin - Bonfire

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring you the information of the new pin that arrived today on the island next to the Halloween Party.

Let's take a look:

The new pin does not really have a halloween style that we say. Well, in fact, it's a bonfire, our favorite place to tell stories to our friends or unknowns.
Let's see the data:

New Club Penguin Rewritten Wallpapers

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring a small information which is that there are new wallpapers available in the game blog. 

Here the three new backgrounds:

Featured Fashions #5

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring you a new update on the official blog of CPRewritten!

This is the fifth edition of the section called "Featured Fashions"!

Featured Fashions is A series of the blog in which they publish three penguins at random with the best and most crazy looks on the island, so you better go around with a great combination of clothes if a mod decides to put you on the blog. Try your luck...
Also if you are one of the selected you will win about 5000 coins!

New Newspaper - Issue #77

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring you the new newspaper that arrived today on the island.

Among the things highlighted in this newspaper we have:

1) Tomorrow the Halloween Party starts and a new pin arrives.
2) A Halloween igloos contest will be held and the winners will be announced on November 1.

Let's take a look:

(Click on the images to see them bigger and thus be able to read the text that is in them)

Two New Codes - Unlock The 13th Anniversary T-Shirt and Cards of Card-Jitsu

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which he informed them that there are two new codes available but they will only last one day (24 hours exactly), so you must be quick to use them.

The codes are: DEVCAST18 and CJDEVCAST18
Use them fast!

Club Penguin Meets 13 Years!

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I am happy to say that Club Penguin turned 13 years since it was founded just today!

This game was born on October 24, 2005 when it was The Beta Test Party in the island.

Halloween Party 2018 - Sneak Peek: Save Gariwald

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I inform you that today the CPRewritten team has published a new video that is a preview of what is coming this Halloween.

Let's take a look:

Treasure Book - An Exclusive look (OMG!)

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which today I was lucky enough to run into an email in my gmail and be one of the chosen ones to be able to take an exclusive look at the Treasure Book which without a doubt is incredible!

This book will be launched tomorrow!

Let's take a look:

(Click on the images to see them bigger)

"Cover Page"

Treasure Book Available Tomorrow!

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring you excellent news and is that the book of treasures will be published tomorrow at CPRewritten!

The same will be published during the live broadcast for the Club Penguin anniversary which will be at 1:00 p.m. PST!

In addition, the team gave the following advance of this exclusive treasure book!

Treasure Book Coming Soon

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I inform you that today Joee published a small preview in which you can see as if it were a page of the book of treasures. 

Let's take a look:

In the image you can see a part of the "Blue Sneakers" but the curiosity that the color of the page is like that of the treasure book!

Club Penguin 13th Anniversary Party - Maximum Guide

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

And it's been hours since the celebration of the 13th anniversary of Club Penguin to the island. The party is until Thursday that is when it starts halloween.

Let's take a look at the guide:

Part I: Introduction

 The anniversary has arrived !, You can take a look at the decoration of the coffee shop and of course get your ...

About the Mini-Parties in the future

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I only come to inform you of a small information which may not be so relevant. But remember the original mini events of CPRewritten no ?. The team today confirmed that they would do more of these in the future.

In August a mini-event took place which is "The Summer Luau". Then this month is now "The Island Eclipse"

Reviewed By You #19: Ecliptic Eerie

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring you a new update on the official blog of CPRewritten!

The subject is about ....

The section in which you can share your opinion on a specific topic and win 5000 coins if you are selected as a Featured answer for the next episode.

Island Eclipse - Maximum Guide / Tutorial

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

Here is the entire guide to the "Island Eclipse" party, which most likely lasts until 22/25 this month.

Let's take a look:

1) Introduction

The Eclipse to the island has arrived. Actually this is like a mini event there is not much to do except see the island in night state. It looks beautiful like that!

About Club Penguin 3D - Analysis / Tutorial

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

Here as you will see I bring you a topic that has nothing to do with CPRewritten but with another virtual world which surely many of you will know and others maybe not.

This is Club Penguin 3D, which could only make its beta phase yesterday so people could try it and you can still access the game to see what it is. If you do not know what this game is like, here we talk about him.

New Newspaper - Issue #76

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring you the new newspaper that arrived today on the island.

Among the things highlighted in this newspaper we have:

1) The event today or tomorrow will be an Eclipse!
2) October 22 is Club Penguin's anniversary party.
3) On October 25, a new pin arrives and the Halloween party on the island.

Let's take a look:

(Click on the images to see them bigger and thus be able to read the text that is in them)

Last Months Of Club Penguin Island - Summary

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

Well in this post I bring you a topic that curiously i do not post in the blog but nevertheless is interesting for many and is that as we know a little less than a month ago was released the shocking news that CPIsland would close which caused much sadness and hatred in the community. Now, they never gave information about the exact closing date, and how they were going to be the last months of the game. Well, now this has been clarified.

Event of the Week - Sneak Peek

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I inform you that today the CPRewritten team on his twitter published a small preview of the surprise event that will surely arrive tomorrow to the island.

Reviewed By You #18: Spooky Costumes

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring you a new update on the official blog of CPRewritten!

The subject is about ....

The section in which you can share your opinion on a specific topic and win 5000 coins if you are selected as a Featured answer for the next episode.

Care Of Puffles Arranged - Mini Tip About The Care

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which then I inform them a little news and about the care of puffles, many will know the situation that was presented with this topic. The care bar was always damaged, which is why we did not have to take care of our puffles because their status bar remained the same every day.

Well, now it's been fixed!

If I explain a little about the basic operation of the bar. I just have to say that to increase the "Energy" of your puffle you must bathe it. To increase "Health" you must feed it, and to diminish the "Rest" you already know what you have to do just by clicking on the "Zzz .." button. This is the basic thing, always stay tuned so that your puffle is in perfect shape.

Featured Fashions #4

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring you a new update on the official blog of CPRewritten!

This is the fourth edition of the section called "Featured Fashions"!

Featured Fashions is A series of the blog in which they publish three penguins at random with the best and most crazy looks on the island, so you better go around with a great combination of clothes if a mod decides to put you on the blog. Try your luck...
Also if you are one of the selected you will win about 5000 coins!

Three Updates: Pin, Postcards and Newspaper - October 2018

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring you three other updates that are available from today on the island.

Let's take a look:

1) New Pin

The new halloween-style pin has arrived. This time it is very well hidden and it was very difficult to find. However, here are the data:

Igloo Updates: Catalogs and Music - October 2018

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I inform you that today have come many updates, so in this post I leave three of them which have to do with the igloos.

Updates: Better Igloos Catalog, Igloo Upgrades Catalog and Igloo Music.

Let's have a look:

1) Better Igloos Catalog

"Cover Page"

Better Igloos Catalog - Sneak Peek

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which then I bring that today was released a preview of a piece of furniture igloos catalog that will be available tomorrow.

Let's take a look:

"Image of the item"

Better Igloos Catalog Cover - October 2018

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which, as you know, we are waiting anxiously for the updates that come to the island. Two days are missing for the new catalog of igloos to arrive, and the CPRewritten team announced a small preview of it.

Let's take a look:

"Cover Page"

The Blogtober - Special Blog Edition #1

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring a post something other than Club Penguin Rewritten that is different from what they see in the content of the blog. Well, I wanted to do this because I do not know if many know this event and wanted to make known what it is.

Here I present a new section of the blog which is called "Special Blog Edition". It consists in publishing, from time to time, events, bloggers, parties or things like that of Club Penguin. Of course, there is no exact date of each of these publications so they will be surprising. In the first episode we have the event called... Blogtober!

Featured Fashions #3

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring you a new update on the official blog of CPRewritten!

This is the third edition of the section called "Featured Fashions"!

Featured Fashions is A series of the blog in which they publish three penguins at random with the best and most crazy looks on the island, so you better go around with a great combination of clothes if a mod decides to put you on the blog. Try your luck...
Also if you are one of the selected you will win about 5000 coins!

Party Of The Month: The Great Storm Confirmed - Analysis

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which he informed them that a few days ago as they could see with the end of the fair the twitter and discord of CPRewritten updated their icons. Well, this is what I have come to talk about.

1) Introduction

Well as you can see the profile picture on twitter has a penguin with a hat in addition to it seems to have an umbrella and the background is like rainy weather.

Coming Soon: Community Page Redesign

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which he informed them that today the CPRewritten team announced on their official blog that soon the page will have a great update which we would definitely like to all. They gave two advancements about this.

Let's take a look:

First Image: As described, there will be a better distribution of the sections of the blog, a new page describing the posts and a section of schools so that users can vote. This will put more comfortable, easy to explore and great to the page!

Devcast #2 - Date, Screenhog, Donations and more

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I inform you that just yesterday the team revealed something that will be great for the whole community. And it's the second edition of the famous Devcast!

But this time is special since this Devcast has the following data:

This will occur on October 24 at the 13th Anniversary of Club Penguin at 9 PM BST (British Summer Time)

Halloween Party 2018 - Sneak Peek

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which he informed them that yesterday Joee published a Sneak Peek about a room of the Halloween party 2018 which is the mine.

Let's take a look:


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