Penguin Games 2018 / Team Selection - Mini Sneak Peek

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring you a curious information, since the administrator Hagrid published a photo yesterday of a possible advance of the party (Thanks to  Torres126 for the information)

Let's have a look:

In the image we can see a blue circle below the Hagrid penguin, so it suggests that in the Penguin Games we will have this circle either red or blue depending on which team we chose at the party.

Therefore, there will be a new method to differentiate the equipment.

That's all the basic information about this image. The party has been delayed because the administrators and the team in general are working on more personalized content and because yesterday they did not have time to do everything for the dream that gave them the hard work they do every day. Surely the party will come today or tomorrow. So just wait!

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Penguin Games 2018 #1 - Spoilers

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring all the possible information about how this year's Penguin Games is going to be!

The party arrives on the island tomorrow by the way and it is known that only two teams will be, red and blue.

Let's have a look:

Spoilers Alert: If you do not want us to ruin the surprise then do not see the spoilers ;).

1) Introduction

The first thing to take into account is that as there will be only two teams the party will be like the first "Penguin Games" in Club Penguin that were in 2008. In addition it also seems that a part of the event "The Great Snow Race" was present. This is almost completely confirmed by the Sneak Peeks we discovered weeks ago. Click here

2) Rooms

There will probably be a total of 21 rooms decorated approximately. With the possibility that there may be one or another room originally personalized by the team.
In addition to that you can also add the 12 custom rooms of the event "The Great Snow Race" although it is not safe.

3) Posibble Free Items

1) Alpine Helmet.

4) Red Face Paint.

2) Infrared Tracker.

3) Blue Face Paint.

5) Ice Skates

6) Gold Medal,

4) Logo of the Party

As a 75% chance of it being this

Other data:

  • The party will probably be a combination of the Penguin Games with a bit of the "The Great Snow Race" event although this is not very sure.
  • It is not known which characters are going to visit the island this time. Usually in the Penguins Games no character visits the island, so it is not known in this case.

And this is all the possible information that I can give you!

Probability of success: 78 - 85%

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!See you in the next post!


New Newspaper - Issue #69

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring you the new newspaper that arrived today on the island.

Among the things highlighted in this newspaper we have:

1) The New Pin and The Penguin Games coming tomorrow.
2) New stamps (Probably) and a new scoreboard will be added for the game Sled Race.
3) In these Penguin Games there will only be two teams (Red and Blue) as traditionally Club Penguin did in the first "Penguin Games" on the island.

Let's take a look:

(Click on the images to see them bigger and thus be able to read the text that is in them)

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New Penguin Games Wallpapers - August 2018

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I come to say that the CPRewritten team took out new wallpapers this month as the Penguin Games are coming to the island. 

So you can use them on your PC desktop and in your phone.

Let's take a look:

What do you think of these funds? They are great for me and they only make me more excited to finally enjoy the new party that is coming this month. I can not wait!

To download the backgrounds click here

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!See you in the next post!


Reviewed By You #11: Summer Activities

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring you a new update on the official blog of CPRewritten!

The subject is about ....

The section in which you can share your opinion on a specific topic and win 5000 coins if you are selected as a Featured answer for the next episode!

In the blog of CP Rewritten last week the penguins were asked about: What is must in your igloo, and what are your favorite igloo items that you like like?

The two penguins chosen this time were:

1) Wetdog15: “Personally, I decorate my igloo with toys for my puffles! I love when I go to my igloo to relax and seeing all of my puffles interacting with their playthings. The animations are really cute and funny, and I especially enjoy all of the hairstyles that the puffles get from the Salon Chair.”

2) Panther111: “Without a doubt, the rugs. Through catalogs past, there have always been quite a few rugs to choose from. They add a nice touch of subtle color. Some of the best, are the custom rugs. I have rugs for all occasions, from the Medieval Party to Christmas. Just, if you visit me, wipe your flippers first”

Congratulations to the winners!

The question this time is: How to decorate your igloo. What fun summer activities you enjoy doing on the island?

Remember that if you are one of the chosen ones next week then you will win 5000 coins and of course your mention in the official blog of CPRewritten!

If you want to read the post on the Official Blog of CPRewritten then click here

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!See you in the next post!


Better Igloos Catalog Cheats - August 2018

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring all the tricks of the new igloos catalog this month.

Let's take a look:

"Cover Page"

"First Page + Secret Furniture"

"Second Page + Secret Furniture"

"Third Page + Secret Furniture"

"Fourth Page + Secret Items"

"Fifth Page + Secret Items"

"Sixth Page + Secret Furniture"

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!See you in the next post!


Today's Updates - August 23rd (Mega Post)

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring five new updates that arrived on the island today.

List of updates:

1) New Newspaper
2) New Pin
3) Summer Mini Event Available
4) Igloo Upgrades
5) New Music for your igloo

Note: The "Better Igloos Catalog" is not here because it is going to be published later and it should be the only update in a single publication.

Let's take a look:

1) New Newspaper - Issue #68

(Click on the images to see them bigger and thus be able to read the text that is in them)

2) New Pin

The new pin has arrived with a sporting theme. Let's take a look at your data

Name: Checkered Flag Pin.
Ubication: Underground Pool.
Available until: August 30.
Find it now!

3) Summer Mini Event Available

As summer is here a special mini-event has arrived which has two decorated rooms. The first is the forest in which you can get a "Green Sunglasses"

The second room is The Cove and there you can get a "Green Duck"

4) Igloo Upgrades Catalog

The new catalog has arrived!
"Cover Page"

And it brings with it a new igloo like every month. This time the igloo is the "Gym"

5) New Music for your igloo

Five new songs were added !, they are the ones with the highlighted text.

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!See you in the next post!


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