Reviewed By You #5 : Music Jam Review

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring you a new update on the official blog of CPRewritten!

The subject is about ....

The section in which you can share your opinion on a specific topic and win 5000 coins if you are selected as a Featured answer for the next episode!

In the blog of CP Rewritten last week the penguins were asked about their favorite member of the Penguin Band.

The two penguins chosen this time were:

1) Clubby8911: “100% My most favorite Penguin Band member is Petey K. He was the first Penguin Band member that I met in March, during the 10k penguins party. Petey K gave me a postcard at that time and I talked to him a lot during the party. I have always seen him as a cool dude.”

2) MsNeRdY: “I personally think that Franky is the best out of all of the band members. Even though I have never met him before I know he sings very good
and he seems very nice. I love everyone in the band to be honest, but Franky just seemed like the one! He just has that style! LOL 😉”

The question this time is: What were the most amazing moments you spent in the Music Jam?

Remember that if you are one of the chosen ones next week then you will win 5000 coins and of course your mention in the official blog of CPRewritten!

If you want to read the post on the Official Blog of CPRewritten then click  here

!Comment, Share and Enjoy!

!See you in the next post!


Music Jam Update - New room and new objects

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which he informed them that two new updates came out on the island today to improve the fun of the Music Jam!

Let's take a look:

1) New room

The Casa Fiesta has arrived on the island! We have access to it from the backstage!We can see they have typical party decoration!!

2) New Items

A new catalog has arrived which is available in the "Ski Village"!

Here all the objects it brings!
Four t-shirts, some glasses, a guitar, some shoes and some new headphones!

I hope you enjoy the new update of this Music Jam!

!Comment, Share and Enjoy!

!See you in the next post!


New newspaper - Issue #60

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

And today I bring you the new news newspaper that arrived today on the island!

"Cover Page"

"101 Days Of Fun Page"

"In Focus Section"

"Tenth and eleventh page"

" Jokes, Riddles, Poetry, Art, Comics and Puzzle Shuffle"

"Last Page"

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!See you in the next post!


Reviewed By You #4: Penguin Band

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring you a new update on the official blog of CPRewritten!

The subject is about ....

The section in which you can share your opinion on a specific topic and win 5000 coins if you are selected as a Featured answer for the next episode!

In the blog of CP Rewritten last week the penguins were asked about their favorite instrument.

The two penguins chosen this time were:

1) Talls2882: “I really enjoy electric/normal guitars. The sound is very appealing to me. You strum strings; BOOM, you got a song! On top of all of that, I’m currently take guitar lessons. I’m only 2 weeks in, and I will be 3 in weeks when I see the results of this. Really, to sum this up, guitars are awesome.”

2) UnknitBloom6: “I have a personal favorite, and a bit of a backstory: I like playing the french horn, which only about 2,000 people can play in the world because of the amount of lung capacity needed. In my school, there is a challenge to see how long a person could play a F natural. I can play for 93 beats. 😀”

The question this time is: Who do you think is the best member of the Penguin Band and why?

Remember that if you are one of the chosen ones next week then you will win 5000 coins and of course your mention in the official blog of CPRewritten!

If you want to read the post on the Official Blog of CPRewritten then click here

!Comment, Share and Enjoy!

!See you in the next post!


IMPORTANT NEWS - Changes In Updates

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring you an important announcement made by the CPRewritten team in their discord a few days ago which has to do with the days when the updates arrive. Well the team has apologized to us, but also has stated the reasons why the Music Jam was delayed in addition to that it will change the days of the week in which updates arrive on the island. 

Let's take a look:

So as you can see now the new content will be released on both Wednesdays and Thursdays. Well you can tell your friends about this so that they know the situation that is presented. The CPRewritten team moved these schedules simply so that they do not interfere with their work or homework. I hope you understand!

!Comment, Share and Enjoy!

!See you in the next post!


New Pin + New Unlockable Item + Dance Contest Updates: New Stamps

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

In which I bring you three new updates that arrived today on the island. Let's take a look!

1) New Pin

The new pin has arrived!, let's see its data: 

Name: Top Hat.
Ubication: Pizza Shop.
Available until: ???
Find it now!

2) New Unlockeable Item

Since it is the Music Jam the CPRewritten team made available a new code which is the following.

With it you unlock a special exclusive white guitar from Club Penguin Rewritten!

3) Dance Contest Stamps

With the Music Jam it seems that the team came up with the amazing idea of creating the stamps of the great game "Dance Contest".
The stamps are:
1) Bust a move - Get a combo of 50.
2) Starting Out - Dance to one song.
3) Star Puffle - Bring your (purple) puffle to the dance floor.
4) Raise the Roof - Get a combo of 100.
5) A Perfect Run - Get an A medium (thanks Jonrad) difficulty.

6) Disco Throwdown - Dance to three songs in a row.
7) Do not Stop Movin '- Get an A hard difficulty.
8) Dancing Machine - Dance to five songs in a row.
9) Pure Ice! - Get an A on extreme difficulty.

Also with this update comes a new song which is "The Party Starts Now" by Cadence herself!

!Comment, Share and Enjoy!

!See you in the next post!


Music Jam 2018 - Maximun Guide (Mega Post)

Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!
In a new post today!

Today my favorite party has arrived, and we are going to review everything that we prepared this year's Music Jam.

1) Introduction

Today begins the Music Jam which is going to stay until July 9 on the island. Let's make music, let's have fun with our friends and meet with Cadence or DJ Maxx who will be present at this party.

2) Free Items

A) Name: Music Jam T-Shirt.
Ubication: The Plaza.

B) Name: Music Swirl Tee.
Ubication: Backstage.

C) Name: Music Jam Cap.
Ubication: Cove.

D) Name: Boombox.
Ubication: Night Club Rooftop.

3) Party Catalogs.

1) Name: Shirts Rock Catalog.
Ubication: Snow Fort.

List of Items:1) Rocker T-Shirt.2) Music Tee.3) Pop Girl T-Shirt.4) Blue Cassy T-Shirt.5) Pink Diva Shades.6) Green and Blue Maracas.7) Red High Tops.8) All Access Pass (2018)

2) Name: Backstage Music Catalog.
Ubication: Backstage.

"Musical Instruments"

4) Cadence's Record Hunt

In this party there is a special search in which we will have to find all the discs that lost cadence which are hidden throughout the island. Here are the locations of each one:

1) Backstage.

2) Forest.

3) The Beach.

4) Snow Fort.

5) Pizza Shop.

6) The Plaza.

7) Beacon.

When you find them all you can now claim your prize which is a black MP3000!

5) Decorated Rooms

!21 rooms decorated in total!

6) Special Rooms

1. "Music Maker" We access from the snowy fort and in it we can begin to create our music with all the penguins that are in the room.

2. "Upstairs" We access from the "Dance lounge" and we can find a free article, in this case it is the "Boombox" with which we can make a special dance, placing the penguin, alone with this item.

3. "Backstage" Here we see the place where the penguin band is dressed. In addition we will have access to a catalog with four instruments and a t-shirt of the Music Jam.

7) Main Characters: Cadence and DJ Maxx.

Tracker 1: Tracker Bot V.2

Tracker 2: Mascot Sightings

8) Curiosities

In most rooms there are objects with which to interact. From minigames to control of lights, or of course creation of music. Explore everything that awaits you!

!Comment, Share and Enjoy!

!See you in the next post!


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