IMPORTANT NEWS - The end of Club Penguin Rewritten is near

!Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today in which I come to give you a sad and regrettable news ... And is that .... Club Penguin Rewritten will close this March 4 ...

The truth I never thought I was going to publish this soon. I thought that CPR was going to last at least 5 years, but it seems that unfortunately it will not be like that :(.

And it is that this was announced on the official twitter of CPRewritten ending a great CPPS that many of us enjoy and we can enjoy in these last days that are left.

Here is the post that the team made on the blog:

Reading the responses on twitter from the CPR team, it seems that the game has to close due to the lack of people there to update and maintain the CPPS.

Besides that, it was announced that the last CPRewritten party was going to be "The WaddleOn Party" that will be available from tomorrow.

I really am very sad as a big part of the community for the closing of one of the best CPPS that I have had the honor of being able to play.

But in addition to its closure was sudden, and many were surprised this catastrophic news that means losing again our penguin, puffles, stamps and everything we earn over the course of a year.

We only have a few days left to take advantage of playing all we can and so enjoy the maximum of the last hours of this CPPS that undoubtedly reminds us much of our childhood.

Now it only remains to go to other CPPS. After all, everything has its end sadly :'(

Besides that I have no idea of the future of the blog. But while the game exists you have to keep on enjoying yourself to the fullest.

You just have to understand that the team does it for our good. And the truth is that I thank you for giving us a great game that many liked and that has not yet died yet, which is why we can continue for this short time as a community in this CPPS.

So see you soon on the island! >

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Snow and Sports Catalog Cheats - February 2018

!Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today in which I bring the new catalog of the stadium that this time has as its main theme baseball!

Let's take a look:

"Cover Page"

"First Page and Secret item"

"Second Page and Secret item"

"Third Page and Secret item" 

"Fourth Page"

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February Updates - February 21th / Mega Post

!Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post in which I bring you several updates that arrived this week and others that arrived this month but I had not published them previously

Let's take a look:

1) New Newspaper - Issue #50

"Cover Page"

"Social Scene, Jokes, Riddles and Poetry"

"Art, Comics, Dot- To- Dot and Upcoming Events"

2) 50th Newspaper Celebration

The 50th newspaper has been published in the game !, and to celebrate it is decorated the "Boiler Room" in which we find black and white balloons!

Also with the small one there is a new pin!

Name: 50th Newspaper Pin.
Ubication: Boiler Room.
Available until: ???

3) Aunt Arctic and Penguin Band Special Background.

Now "Aunt Arctic" has a new fund available exclusively from the event that we can get if we manage to get it in the game!

Even the "Penguin Band" has its special background!

4) Youtuber Pin Redesigned

The "Youtuber Pin" is a famous and desired pin among the people. You get it by being an active, creative and innovative youtuber in the community or if you have more than 1,000 subscribers (This amount is not necessary to get it)

And this pin has been designed this time focusing more on the animated style as a comic which makes it even more cool!

Well this one has better graphics and the bonus of the black edges in the form and in the arrow!

Previous pin

The new pin

5) Redesigned Activation Email Coming Soon

Now when you create your account in the future, you will have to activate it through a link that the team or the system will send you by email.
Hagrid, one of the founders of the game published this image with a good design on twitter a few weeks ago of what this new implementation would be!

6) Find Four relaunched

The game is now available except with about two bugs.
1) In the refuge the game is damaged because when you get into a game you can see as if two people were playing which keeps the game blocked. (But in the attic the game is in perfect condition)
2) When a game ends in the attic, the game sends you directly to the refuge.

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New Pin - Cupcake Pin

!Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post in which I bring you the new pin that has arrived today on the island.

Let's have a look: 

I have already reached the new pin this time representing a sweet that we like so much. Let's see your data:

Name: Cupcake.
Ubication: Coffee Shop.
Available until: February 28.
Find it now!

This will be seen on our playercard!

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Penguin Play Awards 2018 - Maximum Guide

!Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today in which I bring you the maximum guide of everything you should know about the "Penguin Play Awards" event.

Let's have a look:

1) Introduction

The event that rewards the plays to come to the island!
When we are in the Town we click on the sign to go to the polling place!

2) How to vote?

The Plaza of course is the main entrance to the event from which we can vote for our favorite works.

Step 1: To vote first we click on the cabin that we see on our left.

Step 2: Then we click on the blank squares to vote for the works in each of the categories.
1) Best Play.
2) Best Costume.
3) Best Music.
4) Best Effects.
5) Best Set.
Tip: You can only vote one work for category.
Step 3: When you're done, just send your vote and go!

 3) Main rooms

1) Stage: From here we can see all the trailers of the works that compete in the award.

There is also a "Costume trunk" in which you can buy all the clothing of the five works that are available.
1) Fairy Fables.
2) Quest for the Golden puffle.
3) Underwater Adventure.
4) Ruby and the Ruby.
5)  Squidzoid VS Shadow Guy and Gamma Gal.

From here we can access the "Backstage" which is the door on the right.

2) Backstage: The "VIP" area practically. From here we can get two free objects in addition to enjoying the atmosphere with friends, Or also dress to act in our favorite work!

4) Free items

Name: Video Camera.
Ubication: Backstage.

Name: Penguin Play Award.
Ubication: Backstage.

Name: Press Hat.
Ubication: The Dock.

5) Decorated Rooms

There are a total of 7 decorated rooms!
1) Backstage.
2) The Stage.
3) The Plaza.
4) Ski Hill.
5) The Dock.
6) Pizza Parlor.
7) The Town.

6) Curiosities

In all the decorated rooms we can handle the cameras, lights or other things to see special effects!

Also in the "Pizza Parlor" by clicking on the crumbs of pizza we will turn them into a whole pizza.

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Club Penguin Rewritten - February 13th Updates (Mega Post)

!Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post today in which I bring you five new updates.

Let's take a look:

1) New Newspaper - Issue #49

"Cover Page" 

"Second Page"

"Third Pàge"

"Last Page"

2) New Better Igloos Catalog

"Cover Page"

"First Page + Secret items"

"Second Page + Secret items"

"Third Page + Secret items"

3) Igloo Upgrades

"Cover Page"

"First Page"

"Second Page"

4) Constructions for the "Penguin Play Awards" event

Preparations for this year's "Penguin Play Awards" have begun!

5) New Music for your igloo!

"Six new songs have been added so you can enjoy them in your home"

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!See you in the next post!


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