New Pin + New Newspaper / Issue #33

!Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post in which I bring you two things. Let's take a look:

1) New Pin

!The new pin has arrived! Let's see his data:

Name: Pumpkin.
Ubication: The Dock.
Available from: October 25 to November 8th
!Find it now!

2) New Newspaper

"Cover Page"

"Jokes, Riddles and Poetry"

"Art, Comics and Dot-To-Dot"

"Last Page"

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!See you in the next post!


Halloween Party 2017 - Maximun Guide

!Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!

In a new post in which I bring you the guide of everything you have to know about the Halloween party. Let's take a look:

1) New Home Screen

!When you play CPR you will see that there is a new home screen in the style of Halloween!

2) Candy Hunt - Full Guide

Step 1: Before we start we must go to the forest to enter to the "Haunted House"

Step 2: When you're inside, walk to the candy basket to get it.

Step 3: Now we are ready. Click on this icon to your right.

Step 4: Time to know all the candy we're going to collect. !Let's start the search!

Step 5: Location of each sweet.
First: The Town.
Second: The Lighthouse.
Third: The Dock.
Fourth: The Plaza.
Fifth: Boiler Room.
Sixth: Outside of the Dojo.
Seventh: The Haunted House (Access from the Forest)
Note: You must click to the door as many times as you can until the brick door appears with the candy down.
Eighth: Secret Laboratory (Access from the Book Room)

 Step 6: !Ready! !You already have all the sweets!, Now to claim your prize which is ...

!A Halloween Scarf!

3) How to get to the secret lab

Step 1: Go to the "Book Room" And click the green candle which will open a secret passage.

Step 2: !Ready! You'll already be in the secret lab.

Also in the room there is a catalog where you can buy costumes for your penguin.

Also if you click on the letter "K" of the word "Maker" you will discover a secret item.

3) How to complete the maze of the "Dark Chamber

Step 1: Go to the Forest and go to the path that has the sign "Dark Chamber".

Step 2: You are presented with a musical challenge.
Mini Guide: You will have to see the pattern of colors coming out of the stones. Then you must click the piano keys with the same order.
Note: Repeat this procedure 3 times successfully and all obstacles will disappear.

Step 4: Now that you are in the maze. You must equip yourself with a lamp to cross it.
Now you must go through the maze as in the following video:

Step 5: And ready, you already entered the 'Moster Room"'

!You can also collect a new piece of furniture for your igloo!

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!See you in the next post!


New Unlockable Item - Beta Hat T-Shirt

!Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!

And today the team of CP Rewritten introduced a new code because today is the 12 years of Club Penguin. let's take a look:

1. Log in, go to the zone of the codes and insert the following.

2. !Ready! !Time to enjoy your Beta Hat T-Shirt!

!That way you will see your penguin with the shirt!

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!See you in the next post!


50,000 visits - Special

!Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!

!In a new very special post since three days ago we finally reached the 50,000 visits!

I have always liked to help the CP community. Since the closure of Club Penguin I dedicate to CPRewritten and I was able to continue being a blogger, what encouraged me a lot.

!I have already helped the CP Rewritten community for about 7 months!

!Thanks to all who have supported me!

Besides that, to reach 50,000 visits, I have decided to make a special which is the following ...

So is. You have the opportunity to send me your questions through comments on the blog. Remember that only the first 10 questions will be answered by me on the blog.

Or if you want you can ask me a question from twitter tagging me and using the hagstag #QuestionForSn2ckerspup.

Thank you for making this community a great place for all bloggers and youtubers looking to help people.

I hope to be more years helping all the players of CPRewritten who visit my blog day by day.

!Thanks for everything!

!Comment, Share and Enjoy!

!See you in the next post!


Club Penguin 12th Anniversary Party - Maximun Guide

!Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!

And today the team of CP Rewritten has had a surprise party for many, as this time it is about 12 years of Club Penguin that are met today.

So let's take a look at the party:

The party of course is in the coffee shop. !Blow the candles on the cake and get a free item!

Free item: 12th Anniversary Hat.

How to bring down the iceberg:
1- At least 5 dark blue penguins with their sky puffle and their mining helmet are dancing.
2- At least 30 penguins on the left side of the iceberg must drill at the same time.
When you get it down you will have at your disposal a ...

...Free item: Blue Toque.

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!See you in the next post!


Today's Updates 20/10/17

!Hello guys! !Here Sn2ckerspup!

In this post we are going to review the three updates that arrived yesterday.

Let's have a look:

1) The storm started

Now the whole island will see  full of water because of the storm that is happening.

Also in the ski village there is a free item.

This time it is an umbrella to protect yourself from all the downpour that is falling.

2) New Newspaper

"Cover Page"

"Second Page": !It's your chance to test your creativity and see if you're one of the best igloo creators!

"Jokes, Riddles and Poetry"

"Art & Comics"

"Last Page"

3) New play in The Stage

A new play has come to The Stage. And this time it's about the classic story of the living sled.

As every work has its decoration and its own Costume Trunk.

These are the items you can buy.

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!See you in the next post!


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