Mod Monday #2 - Date of meeting

¡Hello guys! ¡Here Sn2ckerspup!

Yesterday on the CPR blog was announced the exact date for the second #ModMonday.

¡Meet the CP Rewritten mods! ¡And share time with them and many penguins!

Monday, July 31st
Time: 1:00 PM PST
Server: Alpine
Room: Snow Forts

#ModMonday: A great meeting where many mods connect and have fun with the community whether visiting igloos and rooms, or playing sled races and giving mini spoilers of the upcoming parties or catalogs.

Usually when this event happens the servers fill up, so I recommend you be there 30 or 15 minutes earlier ;)

¡See you on the next mod monday! ¡I hope to see you there!

¡Comment, Share and Enjoy!

¡See you in the next post!


Adobe Flash Player Died in 2020 - Analysis

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!


As many will know adobe plans to kill the adobe flash player program in 2020, which is a very bad idea, since there is an unimaginable amount of games that need this program to work.

Besides that would be a great controversy in the world of video games and would cause the sadness of millions of online players who play these games every day.

Well, you imagine that is to lose flash player?. One of the most used applications in the world for both games and programs.

After so much time (Since 1996), adobe flash player will say goodbye.

The Reason

Which is the reason? Well, it was for multiple software critiques for their vulnerabilities. Therefore, the adobe system team discovered a program capable of replacing adobe flash player in their products. This is HTML5.

It is a markup language used to structure and present content for the web.
HTML5 Wiki: Clic Here
Markup Wiki: Clic Here

Advantages of HTML5

With the use of HTML5, you can reduce the dependency of the plug-ins that we have to have installed to be able to see a certain web. Case emblematic, that of Adobe Flash, which is clearly harmed by the introduction of this standard. On the other hand, it was an important breakthrough for devices that natively did not support Flash, and did not support plug-ins needed to do so. Another emblematic case, the iPhone. But in addition, HTML5 extends the horizon of application development that can be used in a multiplicity of devices.

Thanks to HTML5, users can access websites offline, without being connected to the internet. It also adds drag and drop functionality, as well as the online edition of documents widely popularized by Google Docs. Geolocation is one of its strengths, but on the other hand, tags designed especially for audio and video save the need for a Flash plug-in and, at the same time, deal a fatal blow to the product. Adobe, which is increasingly being used less.


The end of adobe is an end to a large number of games, or simply constitutes the very difficult access to these. As you know many famous games have used this type of program. Among them Club Penguin, CPRewritten, Crush the Castle and And all facebook games.

So its closure would affect many websites in the world.

In addition they have already made a request to avoid its closure. If you want you can vote and have a look: Clic here.

What do you think of this?

Do you prefer Adobe Flash Player to stay alive? And so many games remain standing. Or replace it with HTML5, which is best program in terms of innovation and security. Share your opinion in the comments.

¡Comment, Share and Enjoy!

¡See you in the next post!


Stamp Day - ¡New blog Event!

¡Hello guys! ¡Here Sn2ckerspup!

Today is a pleasure to announce the next event that I bring. ¡This is "Stamp day"!

An event where we will try to win a series of stamps. ¡All belonging to the section "Activities" where we will spend a fun time with the whole community!

Here the invitation :D: 

Here is the list of stamps that we will try to win:

1- Dance Party

You must go to the Dance Club to dance with more than 10 penguins and have fun.
Tip: Go to the Center and send postcards of Dance Club Dancing, so many penguins will arrive, or invite your friends

2- Igloo Party

¡You must have more than 10 penguins in your Iglu, at any time!

3- Floor Filler

¡You must be in the Dance Club dancing with more than 25 penguins, so Dance!

4- Play It Loud!

You must form your own band inside the lighthouse, each penguin must play a different instrument.
Tip: To win the stamp, your band must have: A battery, a guitar, a bass, some wind instrument (trumpet, tuba).

5- Berg Drill!

You will have to dig with your drill the Iceberg with more than 30 penguins

6- Fort battle!

You must go to the Snowy Fort and throw a snowball next to 5 penguins that are of the same color.

7-  Soccer Team

¡You must form a soccer team with 5 penguins in the same uniform!

¡See you this sunday!

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¡See you in the next post!


¡Ice fishing Updated!

¡Hello guys! ¡Here Sn2ckerspup!

¡Today the ice fishing update arrives on the island! 

¡With a design similar to that of "Ice Fishing" in the game of Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force in DS!

Let's take a look:

1. So you can see the nice home screen with the update! Updated with the new mode of "Time Trials"

2. ¡This is how the trial mode looks!, ¡Our goal will be to capture as many fish as possible in the shortest possible time. In addition, we only have a worm in this game mode!

3. ¡In addition 3 new stamps arrived! Including the rare mullet that appears in 1/100 matches ¡Good luck finding it! ;)

What do you think of this new update? ¡It's all a pass!

¡Comment, Share and Enjoy!

¡See you in the next post!


New Free item - Umbrella Hat + New Decoration in the dojo

¡Hello guys! ¡Here Sn2ckerspup!

Today a new article has arrived on the island! Let's take a look:

Free item: Umbrella Hat
Location: Coffe Shop

That's how it will look on your playercard!

¡In addition to that, a new decoration has arrived at the dojo!

¡And the Card-Jitsu party for August was confirmed!

¡Comment, Share and Enjoy!

¡See you in the next post!


Next party in August - ¿Card-Jitsu Party?

¡Hello guys! ¡Here Sn2ckerspup! 

Today we are going to talk about the next party in August, as you will know the clues indicate that it will be the festival of flight, however, There are many curiosities that point out that it will be the Card-Jitsu Party 2017.

1- In the trailer of the card jitsu in the channel of Stu, we can see that in the end it says "Coming Summer 2017"

2- HunterCpps (Moderator of the game) In the Mod Monday he said that the next party was going to be "Wild" Ninjas are wild, ¡Of course!

3- In part the first image might have to do with the party of the Card-Jitsu.

4- In September it will be "The Fair" that arrives on the island. Therefore, since summer ends in September. Everything points to the card-jitsu party is going to be in August.

Anyway is not safe, but is it more likely, flight festival or Card-Jitsu Party? 

What do you think? ¡Share your opinion!

¡Comment, Share and Enjoy!

¡See you in the next post!


New Newspaper - Issue #21 + ¡New Sneak Peek! (Spoilers)

Hello guys!! Here Sn2ckerspup!!

¡Today the new newspaper has arrived on the island and a few advances of the next events that arrived!

Let's have a look:

1. New Newspaper

"Cover Page"

Last Page: ¡As you watch CPR is going to add time trial mode to ice fishing! :D, ¡And a new article arrives tomorrow!

2. New Sneak Peek

In the Official blog of CPR was published 3 images referring to what is coming to the island!



Well, analyzing the three images, two of them are linked with the "Festival of  flight" in club penguin! Caused by a crab (Klutzy) that broke the window of the cave, so Gary had to put balloons to raise it and thus prevent it from sinking, ¿What a crazy idea right?

Basically, the second image represents this room:

¡The same poster! 

Besides that we already know that it is the third image, it represents the stamp of Gary, which as you know is the main character of this party!

Besides that we already know that it is the third image, it represents the stamp of Gary, which as you know is the main character of this party!

In case you see the image of the stamp has as background clouds, as that indicates another clue that it is the festival of flight!

3. Spoilers

¡In this case, here we see all the decorated rooms and possible free objects that can reach CPR!

1. Rooms:

2. Free items:

1. Green Propeller cap

2. Jet Pack

3. Logo of the party:

The party could be from August 14 to August 18

What do you think of this, my friend? ¡The flight festival is going to be incredible! :D

¡Comment, Share and Enjoy!

See you in the next post!



Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

Today came a new code to the island, With which we can enjoy more of the water party! Let's  take a look:

1. Log in, go to the zone of the codes and insert the following.

2. Ready! Time to enjoy your Summer Lei! If you leave your penguin naked and you wear this "Lei" you will do a special dance ;)

Comment, Share and Enjoy!

See you in the next post!


Play CP Rewritten without google (New Application)

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

Today we are in a special post where we will talk about the new CPR application!. Well, we just have to download it and then open it to play CPR faster in Adobe Flash Player format!

Note: Credits to Drivr3joe

This is how your game will look! Without having to use google. Of course I think you must have internet to play it!

If you want to download here is the link: Clic Here

Comment, Share and Enjoy!

See you in the next post!


Today's Updates - Water Party

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

A few hours ago the water party arrived on the island. And in this post we will see the updates and tricks that brought us!

Check it out:

1. New Newspaper

"Cover Page" Its title is the announcement of the water party!

"Last Page": As you see on August 2 come 3 new updates!


2. Arrived the Water Party

The water party has arrived bringing with it all the possible diversions, making the island a total water park!
Besides that there are three new objects for free:

1. First Item:
Ubication: The beach.
Name: Shell Necklace.

2. Second Item:
Ubication: Cove.
Name: Inflatable Duck.

3. Third Item:
Ubication: The Plaza
Name: Ice Cream Apron

3. New Pin

The new pin has arrived!
Ubication: In the whale. Which has access from the iceberg. Click the inflatable on your left
Name: Water Droplet.
Available from: July 19 until the August 2.

This will be seen in your playercard!

The water party is amazing! It's one of my favorite parties! ¿What do you think?

Comment, Share and Enjoy!

See you in the next post!


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