New Penguin Style Catalog - June 2017

 Hello guys!! Here Sn2ckerspup!!

Today the new catalog arrived on the island! Which this time brings us pure styles to enjoy the music, let's take a look at all its secrets:

Cover page 

Firts Page

Second page

Third page

Section of "Penguin at Work" and "Backgrounds"

 What do you think of this new catalog? Which look are you going to put with all the objects you are given? 

Comment, Share and Enjoy!

See you in the next post!

- Waddle On

New mini-mission from the EPF

Hello guys!! Here Sn2ckerspup!!

Today a new mini-secret mission to the island has arrived. Let's take a look! Here step by step to pass it:

Step 1: First go to the Ski Village and stand just behind the tour stand.

Step 2: Now we have a small mini game that we will see a brief information

Resultado de imagen para minijuegos minimisiones club penguin
Note: I forgot to take a picture of the map of the mission, but this serves to give you an idea of how it is

When you are on the map you should know the following:

Where you start is the place where you can recharge your energy when it is running out.

The red wires you see all over the map are traps which you will have to pass to reach your destinations. When one of them hits you, it takes a certain level of energy.

The squares that you see are the places where you will have to recharge the energy.

When you are finished it is time to receive your prize!

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See you in the next post!

- Waddle On

New Newspaper - #Issue 13

Hello guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!

Today has arrived the new edition of the news newspaper in which we can observe as the main title the penguin band which arrived on June 14!

And here we see the upcoming events,Remember that the pin is on the dock! So we can find it until June 7

What do you think of the arrival of music jam on the island? Undoubtedly that is my favorite party of all, more than everything because it is cool because everyone likes music

Comment, Share and Enjoy!

See you in the next post!

- Waddle On

New code + New Pin + New Party

Hey guys!! Here Sn2ckerspup!

Today the update has arrived to the island that brings with it curious new things, first the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the bay, and secondly a code that will make us unlock an object to celebrate the party. Let's start!

1. New Code - "COVEPARTY"

Just log in and go to the part of the codes and insert the word "COVEPARTY"

And ready! You will get your orange floats for use in the bay or in the underground pool!

2. New Pin - "Starfish"

With this update comes the new pin which this time is a starfish, let's see your data:

Ubication: The dock
Name: Starfish
Available: From the 24th of May to the 7th of June
Find it now!

Now you can add it to your inventory!

3. New Party - Cove Anniversary Party

Today we celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Cove! For which the medieval party left the island and now comes this new event decorating the forest and the bay.

In addition to giving us 2 free articles.

The Cove is decorated with balloons, blue ribbon by the trees and amplifiers of music to enjoy the party, in addition, there is a free article which is ...

The "Life Ring" 

In the forest we find a snack stand in which putting a food emoticon we can win an easy stamp of the section "Events"
In addition to a free article which is...

A "Red Whistle"

That's all you have to know about today's update, now connect and have fun with your friends at the new party and with the new items!

Comment, Share and Enjoy!

See you in the next post!

- Waddle On

New Newspaper - Issue #12

Hey guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!!

This post should have been done long ago since the current newspaper was taken almost two weeks ago. However this publication has the purpose of informing the next events that are coming in CPRewritten!

"Home page"

Upcoming events:
May 31: The catalog of fashion penguin comes with new music for its igloos!
June 7: The new igloo furniture catalog arrives!

In addition, now is happening the party for the 10th anniversary of the bay!

What do you think of what is coming next month?

Comment, Share and Enjoy!

See you in the next post!

- Waddle On

New Mission From the EPF

Hey penguins!! Here Sn2ckerspup!!

Today is the first mission (maybe weekly) of the EPF which has commissioned us Gary. It is about going to investigate the ski village a supposed hypothesis of Gary, since Helbert has finished his hibernation and apart a creation of our scientist has disappeared at the same time.

Step 1: To start you just have to go to the EPF command room and then to the screen that says "Field-Ops"


Step 2: Once you have accepted the mission, we will see that the EPF has changed its appearance, seeing itself deteriorated

Step 3: Now we will see that they are doing works to repair as soon as possible the damages. We as agents will cross the border walking to the sign that says "EPF Only"

Step 4: Now we will have a little conversation with Herbert the Polar Bear

Step 5:  After that, it turns out that Helbert and Klutzy took Gary's hydras. So we will have to defeat them.

It is almost the same as in the medieval festival except that you add the "Green bars" to which we must walk to activate a shield that lasts a short time to protect us from attacks

Tip: Defeat the dragons as follows:

Red: Throwing you lots of snowballs.
Blue: Throw snowballs at the pot with fire that time above the hydras.
Yellow: Return the attacks with the shield.

Remember that if the red and the yellow you will leave the room automatically and you will have to restart again.

And ready! At the end you will receive the message of Gary congratulating you for your work. And you will have finished the mission!

Comment, Share and Enjoy!

See you in the next post!

- Waddle On

#CPRCheatsFest (Official Post)

Hey guys! Here Sn2ckerspup!!

As you know yesterday was the party for the 10,000 visits of the blog, which was a success and I had a great time with many readers and friends of CPRewritten, we had a lot of fun going through several rooms and came a good amount of people to be able to give you the good Vibrate to the party.

We are dedicated to throw snowballs, to talk or to put the emoticons for the photos. Or we just did what we wanted!

The event was great and it was worth having organized it. Here the photos:

#CPRCheatsFest Photos

Official video of the party

In addition to that, one of the friends of the community recorded the video of the party which can be seen here or through his channel ;). Thanks to Pengkip for having recorded this party!

The party lasted a total of 1 hour and there was a maximum of 20 people including a CPR moderator who spent some time with us at the party (Stu!)

Thanks to everyone who came! You made fun and party possible! I hope we have more events like this and the blog keeps growing more and more over the course of the months!

I hope to be in the CPR community a lot longer!

Comment, Share and Enjoy!

See you in the next post!

- Waddle On

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